
249 "Receiving Ryukyu" Meeting

Plagiarism from the World - 240 Nine "Recovery" Meeting

Tan Xiaozhong and the others were meeting with the Chinese bigwigs in Hong Kong, but Tan Jiabao took Chen Xiangmei, Liang Shiqiu and Lin Yutang to meet the main person in charge of the "Operation of Gathering Ryukyu" in Hong Kong and Taiwan in another small room.

Gu Long pointed to an old man and said to Tan Jiabao: "Tang Xiao, it's really difficult for you to appoint me to do such a serious thing. In Taiwan, I had no choice but to invite this great scholar and great historian Mr. Tao Yuanzhen In the 50s, Mr. Tao published a total of five articles explaining the importance of the recovery of Ryukyu to our country, and visited Ryukyu many times in person. It’s just that no one paid attention to it at the time. I think Mr. Tao was very concerned about the recovery of Ryukyu. He has the most say in things. I think he is the only one in China who knows Ryukyu best.”

Tan Jiabao saw that Tao Yuanzhen was about 60 years old, but she was also tall and healthy.So he stood up, walked up to Tao Yuanzhen and bowed, then shook hands with him and said, "I've heard about Mr. Tao's name for a long time, to be honest, I've read all your articles on taking back Ryukyu. The second move to collect Ryukyu was largely "poisoned" by your article. In your article "On Ryukyu Should be Returned to the Motherland", the sentence "formerly Gong Ding'an made a proposal for the establishment of a province in Xinjiang" was written by yourself. There is a line in the poem: '50 years will prove it', as expected. Regarding the return of Ryukyu to the motherland, I am not alone. In the near future, there will be a day when it will be realized.' It is really thought-provoking."

Tao Yuanzhen was not optimistic about this child at first, but his words touched his heart, and he was greatly benefited.Especially when he saw heavyweights such as Chen Xiangmei, Liang Shiqiu and Lin Yutang beside him, as well as people like Jin Yong and Gu Long, he knew that this kid's strength should not be underestimated.He sighed and said: "We have already missed the best period of 'receiving wine'. It is much more difficult to collect wine now than it was in the 50s! Hey..."

"After all, Ryukyu has not been handed over to the Japanese. It is not too late to remedy the situation! As long as we work together, we will have the hope of taking this land back to the motherland and building the Great Wall on the Sea!" Lin Yutang said solemnly.

"The Great Wall on the Sea" is Tao Yuanzhen's argument again. Tao Yuanzhen nodded and said: "Haha, now there are respected seniors like Mr. Lin and Mr. Liang presiding over the overall situation, and Ms. Chen Xiangmei is helping each other. Sir, I am already full of confidence!"

"Mr. Tao even knows me?" Chen Xiangmei asked with a smile.

Tao Yuanzhen laughed and said, "How can the Chinese people forget the name of General Feihu? In the past, General Feihu led his troops to fight against the Japanese invaders. Fight against Japanese plunder. Hehe, this must be a good story that will go down in history."

After hearing this, Chen Xiangmei was greatly moved.She asked softly: "Mr. Tao, you are really good at talking. But I still want to thank you."

A few words from Tao Yuanzhen made Tan Jiabao secretly happy. He thought this person was very interesting.He said to him, "May I ask Mr. Tao, how are the preparations in Taiwan going?"

Tao Yuanzhen glanced at Gu Long, Gu Long quickly looked away, and he smiled silly at Jin Yong.

Tao Yuanzhen shook his head and said, "Tang Xi, you hired Gu Long to do this kind of thing? It's a serious misconduct! This man has nothing to do but drink alcohol and write a few words to sell money. He entrusted the matter to me, I couldn’t find it for months.”

Gu Long looked at Tao Yuanzhen and said with a serious expression: "At least I found you! Where are you, an expert on Ryukyu issues like you are, why should I stay there? Am I just looking for boredom?"

Tao Yuanzhen was so angry that he blew his beard and stared. He shook his head and said: "In Taiwan, I first contacted a few professors from National Taiwan University who have a good relationship with me, and together with other famous scholars and literati in Taipei, they used different methods to communicate in the media. The angle expounded the great significance of the "Operation Containing Ryukyu" and called on the people and the authorities to take it seriously. Last week, our National Taiwan University and several other universities in Taipei held a joint parade at the US embassy, ​​the Japanese embassy and some important places. A demonstration, and we printed and distributed a large number of leaflets and materials, and distributed them to the public. Although this action did not have any actual effect, it still conveyed our attitude to everyone in Taiwan."

"Mr. Tao has worked hard!" Tan Jiabao took off his admiring gaze at Tao Yuanzhen, and then said to Jin Yong: "Old Cha, how are you doing here?"

Jin Yong said: "In Hong Kong, because there were demonstrations before, we guided them, and many leftists joined our camp. Gradually, the slogans and slogans of the leftists became less and less. There were more and more slogans and slogans such as "Ryukyu" and "Japanese wishful thinking...". Later, students from the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong participated in it, and the momentum became more and more powerful. The demonstrations in front of the agencies stationed in Hong Kong let them hear the voice of us Chinese."

Tan Jiabao nodded and said: "In the United States, on November 11, Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston and other major cities will hold the first large-scale Chinese demonstrations. Hong Kong, Taiwan and Ryukyu The three places will be on November 6th, and there will be another big action to make the momentum bigger."

Liang Shiqiu continued: "Our old men wrote a few articles and published them in Hong Kong first. Then we will go to Taiwan to contact our people. At that time, Mr. Lin Yutang and I will give speeches to encourage the public and call on the government to pay attention to this action .”

Everyone will talk to you immediately, and I will put forward my views and suggestions on this action in one sentence.

"The operation of collecting Ryukyu is a long-term work. We all have a long way to go. Tang Xiao said that it is inconvenient for this guy to come forward. I think our operation should have a commander-in-chief and a leadership group to formulate our program of action. Only in this way can we Make accurate judgments and respond quickly to the ever-changing domestic and international situations in a planned and purposeful manner." Gu Long suddenly said something very serious, and everyone immediately stopped talking.

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