
251 Bribing Dai Linzhi

Plagiarism - 250 bribes for Dai Linzhi

At 11 o'clock in the morning on the second day after returning to Hong Kong, Tan Xiaozhong was invited by Hong Kong Governor David Trench, and brought Cui Youfu, Yankel and Smith to the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion to attend the welcome lunch prepared by the Hong Kong Governor for him.

Last night before this, HSBC Bank's Taipan Sanders and the Colonial Secretary of the Hong Kong Governor's Government came to visit Tan Xiaozhong when they prayed for alms.Tan Xiaozhong expressed incomprehension and indignation at their handling of Tang Dynasty Group's acquisition of HSBC.Under their repeated requests, Tan Xiaozhong offered the few conditions that Tan Jiabao had proposed before.

Of course Sanders would not agree to such a harsh condition, but Tan Xiaozhong would not let go, so Sanders and Qi Jishi had no choice but to return to Hong Kong Governor's Mansion to report to Dai Linzhi.

The welcome luncheon was supposed to be held at 12 o'clock, but Tan Xiaozhong and his party arrived at the Governor's Mansion at 11 o'clock.He knocked on the door of Governor Dai Linzhi's office alone.

"Aha, dear Tan, you have finally returned to Hong Kong. You have created miracles in the United States, and you are the pride of Hong Kong. On behalf of the 350 million Hong Kong people, I thank you!"

Dai Linzhi is not tall, about 50 years old, and looks very capable.He saw Tan Xiaozhong as enthusiastic as seeing an old friend.

Tan Xiaozhong held his hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Governor, I appreciate the award. We know that Mr. Governor has worked so hard for Hong Kong. It is not easy."

"That's true. Although Hong Kong is not big, it is one of the most complicated places in the world. Over the past few years, too many things have happened in Hong Kong. I was really tired and sick a while ago. This is not long after I came back from England. Is it?" Dai Linzhi sighed, and kindly pulled Tan Xiaozhong to sit on the sofa.

After sitting down, the two of them had a lot of polite words, and Tan Xiaozhong finally said: "Yesterday, the two gentlemen Sanders and Qi Jishi went to my place and asked me to get back the equity of HSBC Bank, and promised to give us Compensation. However, our acquisition of HSBC Bank is a completely legitimate acquisition and does not violate any Hong Kong system or internationally accepted system. Therefore, I did not agree to their unreasonable demands, and I expressed the Hong Kong government’s indignation at the unreasonable suspension of HSBC Bank. They asked repeatedly, and I proposed a solution to this matter."

Dai Linzhi sneered and said, "Tan, don't you think the conditions you offered are too much? You clearly know that HSBC is the quasi-central bank of the Hong Kong government. If you let us buy it, what will we do? ? Oh, and those few conditions of yours, it's just..."

He was talking angrily, but Tan Xiaozhong handed him an envelope, and he had no choice but to swallow what he wanted to say.Tan Xiaozhong said: "Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, our reasons are all in this 'report', you open the 'report', and I will explain to you in detail the great significance of the Tang Dynasty Group's acquisition to Hong Kong, you and your The officials under him will definitely feel how reasonable we are."

Dai Linzhi looked at Tan Xiaozhong, and opened the envelope anyway. Inside was a check from a Swiss bank with a denomination of £0!Dai Linzhi suddenly felt dizzy. In this day and age, 0 pounds is equivalent to more than 00 million Hong Kong dollars! This is the largest personal check he has ever seen! Oh, he only needs to put 500 million Hong Kong dollars or less If you distribute it to your subordinates, you can get more than 1500 million Hong Kong dollars in one fell swoop.

He looked at Tan Xiaozhong suspiciously, and Tan Xiaozhong talked slowly: "Our reason is..."

Tan Xiaozhong explained Tan Jiabao's set of "reasons" in detail.Dai Lintoe blinked, his heart beating faster.After finally listening to Tan Xiaozhong's reasons, he let out a long sigh of relief: "It's indeed a good reason, hehe, this 'report' is written very vividly, realistically, and of great significance. I think if I disagree, it is simply irresponsible to work, I am sorry for the British Empire, and it is a crime against the people of Hong Kong! Since you have such great ambitions to build Hong Kong and solve so many unemployed people, it is a feat of immeasurable merit Ah, there are also building a hundred-story building and holding a world economic conference. These are the best innovations to boost Hong Kong's status. I really can't think of a suitable reason to refuse these. Besides, You don't interfere with the operation of HSBC Bank, and there is no loss to HSBC Bank. However, in the negotiations after the luncheon, you have to make a little concession, a little..."

Dai Linzhi said "righteous words" while carefully putting the check into the inner pocket of his suit.

Tan Jiabao knew that this period of Hong Kong was the darkest and most corrupt period. During this period, corruption was prevalent throughout Hong Kong. There were not only "[-] million detectives" but also a major "Gerber corruption case". The corruption of Hong Kong Governor Dai Linzhi, but Tan Jiabao did not believe that he would be clean as the head of the most corrupt government in history.So he boldly offered a bribe, an amount that Dai Linzhi could not refuse.His purpose of doing this is to deal with the matter of HSBC as soon as possible. At the same time, he can also establish a good relationship with the British Hong Kong government, which will do more with less for the future development of his company.

In fact, Tan Jiabao was right again, Dai Linzhi was already a slave to money.

After the luncheon, Dai Linzhi called the Hong Kong government officials to hold an impromptu meeting. As for the content of the meeting, Sanders from HSBC and the others did not understand, but Tan Xiao's center was like a bright mirror.

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