
252 Feeling Betrayed

Plagiarism - 250 [-] Feelings of being betrayed

Negotiations have finally begun.Tan Xiaozhong reiterated his four conditions: "First, we want to obtain 100% of the shares of Hang Seng Bank, that is, to obtain all the shares held by HSBC Bank at the market price of more than 61%. Second, we want to become the No. 5 shareholder of HSBC Bank. The second largest shareholder. Moreover, the difference between our shares and the largest shareholder does not exceed 100%. Of course, we can promise that we will be the second largest shareholder of HSBC Bank for 100 years and remain unchanged for [-] years. Third, HSBC must Help us acquire more than [-] million US dollars of gold; fourth, we also need to acquire the equity of listed real estate companies held by HSBC Bank, such as Hutchison Whampoa. The above four are indispensable!"

Sanders shrugged and said: "Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, these conditions of yours are too much. After we discussed it, we agreed to the third item at most, that is, to buy you 30 million US dollars of gold at the market price. According to our agreement with the London International Gold Exchange Friendship in the center, we can buy you $[-] billion of gold at the market price. You can also partially agree to the fourth article. As for the first and second articles, hehe, you are too harsh, you are too unreasonable, I think We can't accept it anyway!"

Tan Xiaozhong sneered and said: "Dear Mr. Sanders, you must know that we are currently the largest shareholder of HSBC Bank, and we have made great concessions to allow you to regain control of HSBC Bank. .I think the conditions I put forward are not excessive at all!"

Sanders shook his head and said: "Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, you know that the Hang Seng Bank today is not the Hang Seng Bank it was two years ago. We have more than doubled the size of the Hang Seng Bank. This is our painstaking effort in the past two years, and we will not Let it go easily. As for you want to become the second largest shareholder of HSBC, and your shareholding ratio with us should not exceed 5%, isn’t this threatening us all the time?”

Tan Xiaozhong said: "We originally wanted to acquire a large bank in Hong Kong. Since HSBC can't give it to us, we agreed. We took a step back and asked the second largest bank, Hang Seng Bank, but you still refused to agree. I don't know if you are Want us to be busy for nothing, let us draw water from a bamboo basket, and make everyone in Hong Kong laugh at us? Also, we hold a part of the equity of HSBC Bank, which is completely an investment behavior. We want to share the development of HSBC Bank , and we already have commitments. So, please, Mr. Sanders, put yourself in our shoes. In doing so, we are not actually doing HSBC any loss. On the contrary, our goal is to put Hong Kong will be built into an international financial center, if our two banks can cooperate, not only will both of us benefit, but the Hong Kong government and Hong Kong people will also welcome it.”

Seeing Tan Xiaozhong's tough attitude, Sanders looked at the Hong Kong government officials around him, and then at Hong Kong Governor Dai Linzhi, but these people seemed to be "attentively" listening to Tan Xiaozhong's speech.

Tan Xiaozhong continued: "As an enterprise, we should not only seek our own development, but also have a high sense of social responsibility, and do something for our region and the people in our region. Since Tang Dynasty Group is based in Hong Kong, We are ready to make our contribution to Hong Kong. First, we promise that within five years, we will provide jobs for at least 5 people; second, we can promise that within five years, we will bring in investment of at least US$10 billion to Hong Kong; Third, we promise to build a building with more than 8 floors in Hong Kong within eight years; fourth, we can promise to hold a world economic conference in Hong Kong within three years; fifth, we can also promise that we Some hospitals, schools, etc. will be built in Hong Kong; sixth, we can even promise to build a Tang Dynasty Disneyland in Hong Kong.”

As soon as Tan Xiaozhong's words fell, the meeting room of the Governor's Mansion immediately burst into warm applause.All the officials seemed very excited. They praised Tan Xiaozhong and the Tang Dynasty Group Company for their high spirit of loving Hong Kong and the people, and they were full of fantasies about the future of Hong Kong.

For this change, Sanders was very puzzled. He couldn't figure out how these compatriots would believe what the Chinese said, and he couldn't even see why these people's attitudes were so ambiguous. betrayed.Sure enough, when praying for alms, he smiled at Tan Xiaozhong and said: "Dear Tan, I never thought that your arrival would bring so many benefits to Hong Kong. No wonder so many Hong Kong people love you so much, and Mr. Tang Xiao. I have to I admit that you are really the heroes of Hong Kong. I think, as the Hong Kong government, there is no reason not to support you. Otherwise, the 350 million Hong Kong people would not agree. Haha..."

Sanders looked at this "ally" who was filled with righteous indignation towards Tang Dynasty Group Corporation yesterday with grief and indignation.This man was the number two person in Hong Kong at the time of praying for charity. During Dai Linzhi's departure from Hong Kong, he was the one who presided over the operation of the Hong Kong government.His words clearly represent the governor of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong government.

Tan Xiaozhong ignored Sanders' pain, he said: "Our Tang Dynasty Group Company has already started to deploy in Hong Kong's film industry, toy industry, electronics industry and high technology. And our movies and our toys are all over the world. It has achieved good income and won a good reputation from the audience and customers. I believe that we will produce more and more products in the future. Driven by us, Hong Kong enterprises will also develop at the same time. At that time, marked with "" Its products will become more and more popular in Europe and the United States, and Hong Kong will become a veritable world manufacturing center! Oh, of course, this is also inseparable from the wise leadership of the Hong Kong government."

"Oh, this is so exciting!" An official of the Legislative Council exclaimed, "My dear Tan, it is said that you also think that Hong Kong will be the world's 'financial center' and 'manufacturing center' in the future. To be the 'Trade Center', the 'Shipping Center', the 'Tourism Center', the 'Technology and Electronics Center' and the Hollywood of the East, eh?"

These words were said by Tan Xiaozhong yesterday, but they did not expect to spread to the Hong Kong government now.Tan Xiaozhong thought that among those people yesterday, there were not a few who were close to the Hong Kong government.He said: "Yes, this is really our goal, and it is also the goal of everyone. We believe that under the leadership of you, Hong Kong will become better, stronger, and more prosperous!"

Sanders was heartbroken as he listened to their double-reed dialogue.He already knew that the result of this negotiation must be sad, but he is a person who will not give up easily, so he interjected and said: "You have described Hong Kong so well, so you might as well offer advice to the Hong Kong government. To deal with this expanding crisis in Hong Kong?!"

The faces of the Hong Kong government officials all sank.They all knew that Sanders was referring to the growing demonstrations.They also thought of Sanders' outrage.But they are all confidantes of Hong Kong governor Dai Linzhi, and they can get so much cash at one time, they feel that Tan Xiaozhong's request is indeed not too much.

A group of "heroes" was thus produced.

"We are also deeply worried about this unprecedented scale of demonstrations. However, we have noticed that this period of demonstrations is much milder and more civilized than previous demonstrations. What they stated is only to take back the land and demand that the Hong Kong government Pass their patriotic enthusiasm to the British government, so that the British government will no longer support the United States and Japan on this matter." Tan Xiaozhong said slowly.

"From your tone, you seem to support them?" Sanders said with a sneer.

Tan Xiaozhong was also tit-for-tat: "China, as my motherland, I certainly hope that my motherland will be strong and my motherland can take back Ryukyu! I don't want to hide my point of view. I also want to persuade the Hong Kong government to understand them and give them a satisfactory answer. Then the people of Hong Kong will respect and love the Hong Kong government more, and this crisis will be resolved. Besides, we are eager to take back Ryukyu, which is of great benefit to the development of our company. After all, Ryukyu is not far from Hong Kong. After taking back Ryukyu, it will inevitably It is also an opportunity for Hong Kong companies to build a large-scale construction project and step up construction. Of course, the Hong Kong government will do more good than harm? Conversely, if the Japanese get Ryukyu, the Hong Kong people will get nothing!"

After hearing this sentence, Dai Lin's toes moved.But he said: "Okay, okay. Don't drag the topic away, let's continue to negotiate. Hehe, I think both sides should take a step back. After all, we all want Hong Kong to get better and better, don't we?" ?”

Sanders sneered again and again, and he said: "Being a bank is not something everyone can do. HSBC has a history of hundreds of years before it has the scale it is today. I don't believe that Hang Seng Bank can do better than us in your hands. You told the Hong Kong government that you want to build Hong Kong into a world financial center. Oh, I can’t say you are lying, but I think you are a boastful person, and a slightly smarter person will not Believe your nonsense!"

As soon as his words came out, the faces of everyone in the Hong Kong government changed.Especially Dai Linzhi, he became a little angry from embarrassment.Seeing this situation, Tan Xiaozhong glanced at Smith beside him. Smith understood, and he said: "I admit that Hang Seng Bank has developed very fast in your hands. But if it is in our hands, our development speed will be even faster. Faster! Banking is an industry that needs history, but banks need innovation and pioneering. We are confident that we are the first in the world in terms of pioneering and innovation! I have acquired a small bank and two medium-sized banks in Hong Kong a few days ago An insurance company of the same scale, we have acquired Chemical Bank in the United States. We plan to merge Hang Seng Bank, Chemical Bank and the three financial companies we just acquired. Our assets are already the second largest in Hong Kong! With our strong strength, In the next few years, it is absolutely possible to rule the roost in Asia. Also, don’t forget that we still have Mr. Tang Xiao, who has already begun to study the subject of bank digitization. In the future, Tang Dynasty Bank will be the first in the world to realize digitization Bank! Of course, we can share these scientific research results with you. And more importantly, we have not yet listed for financing.”

Sanders was silent, he and his five companions got together and discussed for a while, then he came back to the negotiating table and said: "We can give you Hang Seng Bank, but the second clause you do us We are firmly opposed to the second largest shareholder! We will give you 10% of the shares at most, and you can only reduce it, not increase it! If this does not satisfy us, we will have to terminate the negotiation! What’s more, the bank you will develop in the future Our technology should be shared with HSBC..." he said firmly.

Tan Xiaozhong also discussed with his own people for a while, and then said: "In order to show our sincerity, we agree with your proposal, but we need your 45% of the shares of Global Shipping, and you also need your help to pay the market price. Buy $40 billion in gold!"

Several people from HSBC discussed it for a while. They all knew that the business of Global Shipping has not been good in the past few years, and they have suffered losses from time to time. Moreover, they know that the Hong Kong government no longer supports them.As for gold, it doesn't seem to be a problem for them. They are members of "London Gold", which is not a problem for them.They were sad and didn't want to procrastinate this matter any longer, so they finally agreed to Tan Xiaozhong's conditions unanimously.

In this way, a contract of up to HK$35 billion was signed under such circumstances.In this negotiation, the Tang Dynasty Group Company obtained 61% of the shares of Hang Seng Bank and 10% of the shares of HSBC Bank. In addition, there were six other companies including Hutchison Whampoa, Hong Kong Land, Global Shipping, Lund Insurance and Far East Enterprises. stakes in various companies, plus HSBC's promise to buy $35 billion in gold at the official price of $40 an ounce.In this acquisition, Tang Dynasty Group Company won a complete victory.

In less than half a year later, Tang Dynasty Group Company took back the remaining 39% of the equity from the old shareholders of Hang Seng Bank such as He Shanheng, so that Hang Seng Bank completely became a subsidiary of Tang Dynasty Group Company.

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