
274 The Leader's Call

Plagiarism - 270 Summoning of the Four Leaders

"Haha, what do you mean, with this system, we are not afraid of the United States and the Soviet Union dropping atomic bombs and other nuclear weapons on us?" Seeing Tan Xiaojian's confidence, the leader was very happy to see him.

"After the completion, I will block as many missiles as they come, and never miss a single missile! I will let the nuclear weapons carried by their missiles explode in their own airspace! But I am also very afraid—I am afraid that they will not Sending missiles over made us not only busy in vain, but also consumed so much money and manpower." Tan Xiaojian still said confidently.

"Hahaha..." The leader laughed loudly. He pointed at Tan Xiaojian and said, "You, you, you just don't know how to be modest! Well, how long will it take to build the system you are studying? Also, Is the intercontinental missile called 'Patriot' you developed really that amazing? Not only can it have a distance of more than 1 kilometers, but it can also hit where it points?"

Tan Xiaojian replied: "My apprentice and his two colleagues will stay in China for more than a year. During this year, we are going to temporarily equip two sets of such systems in Heilongjiang. Since we have After learning the basis of the 640 project, my apprentice brought three sets of the most advanced computers produced by the American IBM company, which have been improved by them. Therefore, the first set of systems should be ready for trial operation in June next year, and the second set may require It will be completed by October next year. At that time, it will be a gift for the National Day! As for the magic of our "Patriot-a6" intercontinental missile, this is not the only thing. After the completion, the chairman asked me to attack Moscow, so I will attack Moscow. Washington is not a problem either. Their missile defense system can't stop our 'Patriot-a10' intercontinental missile!"

Dai Albert brought two experts who research weapon chips from Silicon Valley together. According to Tan Jiabao, Dai Albert and the others will complete the installation of the "Patriot"-1 ballistic missile defense system in the mainland this time, and put the "Patriot" - After the production of the a1' intercontinental missile is completed, other cutting-edge weapons will also be produced, debugged and tested, so they will work overtime to strive to complete the task as soon as possible and return to Hong Kong and the United States as soon as possible.

The so-called Patriot-a1 intercontinental missile is Tan Jiabao's scalpel SS-90 intercontinental missile based on the Soviet Union in the early 24s. It is propelled by three ()-stage solid fuels and belongs to the fifth generation of intercontinental ballistic missiles. It has a range of 1 kilometers and a hit accuracy The circular probability error is ± 0 meters, and the power has the advantages of 10 separate guided warheads.The deployment methods are divided into two types: railway mobile type and underground launch type.Among them, the railway mobile type was once regarded by the Russian army as the most important strategic trump card by virtue of its unique advantages such as mobile launch, avoidance of detection and surveillance.

The leader nodded frequently, and said, "Hahaha...well, I approve your system and this ICBM. Get on your horses as soon as possible!"

"Hehe, let me tell you the truth, Chairman, in fact, we have already launched the horse in Jiuquan more than a month ago. And some preparation work and some supporting systems, we have prepared and perfected more than a year ago, such as the high-tech radar system. Chairman, don't blame me , I always think that the sooner these two things come out, the sooner the country will be at peace. I'm trying to grab time." Tan Xiaojian said with a smile.

"You, you cut first and play later! This is not allowed next time." Although the leader said sternly, his eyes were full of smiles.He may be more eager for this system to come out as soon as possible.

"Yes!" Tan Xiaojian gave a military salute.

The leader motioned him to sit down.Then he said earnestly: "Laughing, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders. While studying hard, you must also take care of your body. The body is the capital of the revolution! When you came in, you said that you haven't eaten dinner yet. It’s already early morning. How can this go on like this? I stipulated that even if the sky falls in the future, you have to eat before you go to work! And I ordered the kitchen to add two eggs to each person during the supper in the early morning every day. You are all national treasures, Your body is directly related to the fate of the party and the country, so there must be no mistakes!"

"Yes!" Tan Xiaojian stood up again and paid a military salute, feeling inexplicably moved in his heart.

The leader looked at Tan Xiaojian carefully again, and then said, "You asked to send your son who just joined the army to the front line of Heilongjiang, didn't you?"

"Yes, he himself also asked to go to the front line of Heilongjiang to exercise." Tan Xiaojian replied.

"Have you figured it out? That's the front line! The Soviet revisionist troops come here and there to harass us. We have already sacrificed many comrades."

What the leader said moved Tan Xiaojian even more. He understood what the leader meant by saying this.He thought for a while, and then said softly: "On the first day he joined the army, I told him this sentence, 'A man should die in the wilderness, and his ears should be buried in a horse leather shroud. ?' Didn’t Comrade Kishiyo die on the Korean battlefield?”

The leader nodded silently, silently sad.

"Chairman, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said this..."

The leader waved his hands, and then said boldly: "We won't talk about this anymore. You are in charge of so many military scientific research projects. What is the biggest difficulty you have encountered?"

"I didn't expect that we in China are full of talents. To make these cutting-edge weapons, it is easy to find suitable talents! The biggest difficulty encountered now is special steel and funds! Although I have already given the special refining process to the steel factory, but Their technological transformation is really too slow, and they haven’t given me a ton of the steel I want. I have to import it, and the funds..." Tan Xiaojian said the difficulties he encountered.

Tan Xiaojian's special steel refining process was handed over to Shanghai Iron and Steel No. [-] Factory.But Shanghai is now at the most critical juncture of the Cultural Revolution, the production of enterprises has basically stopped, and the majority of workers are passionately involved in the torrent of the Cultural Revolution, who cares about his special steel?

Fortunately, the state fully supports Tan Xiaojian.They bought a lot of special steel and some new materials needed by Tan Xiaojian from Japan, Britain, France and other places through Hong Kong with limited foreign exchange.

However, Tan Xiaojian knows that the country's foreign exchange reserves are limited, and it is becoming more and more difficult to support his military plan like burning money.

"Understood, regarding the issue of steel, Ye Shuai has also mentioned it many times, and the steel mills in Shanghai will resume production as soon as possible. As for the issue of funds, we will discuss it at the Politburo meeting. Wait a minute, you go to participate in this political meeting together." Bureau meeting. Hehe, there is a Hong Kong capitalist who donated [-] million U.S. dollars unconditionally to us, and some of our comrades are doubting his motives." The leader said casually.

Tan Xiaojian quickly said: "I know this person is Mr. Huo Yingdong. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he provided a lot of supplies for our army. He is a friend of my apprentice. This time they came together. I have seen him too. I think he is a patriotic businessman. I think we cannot reject a patriotic businessman’s patriotic heart and patriotic deeds because of differences in ideology.”

"Since he met with you first, you must also know that his purpose this time is to let us help Taiwan take back the Ryukyu Islands?" the leader said calmly.

Tan Xiaojian nodded and said: "He has already told me about this matter, I think..."

The leader waved his hand and said, "There will be a meeting soon, and you will express your views at the meeting."

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