
275 Politburo meeting

Plagiarism - 270 Politburo meeting

Since leaders like to work at night, some informal meetings of the central government will be held in the evening or late at night.

This is an informal meeting of the Politburo, but also an important meeting concerning the territorial integrity of the country.The leaders present at the meeting were Deputy Commander Lin, Zhou Gong, Chen Boda, Kang Lao, Vice Premier Li, Vice Premier Chen, Xu Shuai, Nie Shuai, Ye Shuai, Li Xuefen, Song Renqiong and Xie Fuzhi.Liao Chengzhi, Kong Yuan and Tan Xiaojian were specially invited to attend this important meeting.Some members of the Politburo were absent from the meeting due to health, work and other reasons.

First, Deputy Commander Lin introduced the gratifying situation of the Cultural Revolution across the country, focusing on Shanghai's great achievements in this revolution.Then, he introduced the main topics of today's meeting.That is, Mr. Henry Fok, a Hong Kong capitalist, unconditionally donated [-] million U.S. dollars to help the country develop national defense technology and industrial development; another topic is to review Mr. Fok Yingdong's "Report on Requesting the Central Government to Assist the "Taiwan Government" in Recovering the 'Ryukyu Islands and Ogasawara Islands' "...

As soon as they heard about assisting the "Taiwan government", some comrades at the meeting started discussing immediately, and some were even filled with righteous indignation, shaking their heads and shouting, "This is unreasonable!"

Deputy Commander Lin said: "Let's not draw conclusions too early, let's listen to Comrade Cheng Zhi's report. Let's ask Comrade Cheng Zhi to introduce the specific situation."

"Chairman, Deputy Commander Lin, Prime Minister and leaders, let me introduce some information about Mr. Huo Yingdong. Huo Yingdong, born in May 1923. His original name was Guantai, his ancestral home was Panyu, Guangdong, and he was born in Hong Kong. He lost his father at the age of 5. 7 Entered the Hong Kong Emperor English Academy at the age of 12, and dropped out of school due to the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. Worked as a transitional coal stoker, airport coolie, car repair apprentice, riveter, etc. In 1950, the Korean War broke out. Under the manipulation of some Western countries such as the United States, The Fifth United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to implement a comprehensive blockade and embargo on China. After that, 43 countries successively accepted this resolution. As early as December 1950, the US Department of Commerce solemnly announced the implementation of a comprehensive embargo on China , "Anything that can be used by a soldier is not allowed to be shipped to the Communist Party () China". On June 12, 1951, the United Kingdom also adopted a ban on 6 types of goods from the United Kingdom or British territories (including occupied Hong Kong). Mainland China. Commanders and fighters of the Chinese People’s Volunteers fought in the snow. When they were hungry, they poured fried noodles from the dry food bag, took a few bites, and then grabbed a few handfuls of snow and stuffed them into their mouths. It was a meal. Due to the day and night bombing by enemy planes The volunteer army’s rear supply line, the supply of urgently needed materials such as rations, non-staple food and medicines for the troops could not be guaranteed in time, and the demand was huge, but the materials were quite scarce at that time. It was at this time that Fok Yingdong participated in the delivery of materials embargoed by the United Nations to the mainland of China. He risked many dangers and even risked his life to transport important materials such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, western medicine and iron sheets for us... So from this point of view, he is a patriotic businessman." Liao Chengzhi talked eloquently.

Chen Boda, the head of the Cultural Revolution Team, said with a sneer: "You can't say that, he still makes a profit doing business with us. Is it true that a patriotic businessman should not only look at how much the materials he provides help us, but We should pay more attention to what is the motive of this person doing this? Is it for making money, or for our great cause of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea?"

Liao Chengzhi said: "Whether the Hong Kong British government or the US government has put him on the 'blacklist', they also call him a 'red capitalist'. Yes, in order to pursue profits, many capitalists in Hong Kong used to transport us 'Prohibited' supplies, but who, like him, has been working for several years, covering almost the entire period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. If it is just for making money, he has earned enough, so there is no need to sacrifice his life to make money in the second half."

At this time, Duke Zhou interjected: "Let's not get entangled in this issue. Regarding the group of Hong Kong patriotic businessmen during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, we should still be grateful. Even the chairman once praised those patriotic businessmen!"

Liao Chengzhi continued: "Mr. Huo Yingdong has come to Beijing three times since last month and has had some contact with me. He is willing to contribute 5 million US dollars to support our national defense and industrial construction. And he took out his That report, that is, "Report on Requesting the Central Government to Assist the "Taiwan Government" in Retaking the 'Ryukyu Islands'". Let me first briefly read the general content of his report..."

Liao Chengzhi recited the report concisely.After Liao Chengzhi finished his recitation, discussions started immediately in the venue.The main point of discussion is whether it can "assist the Taiwan government".

After Liao Chengzhi's speech was over, Deputy Commander Lin who presided over the meeting said, "Let me now invite Comrade Kong Yuan from the Intelligence Department of the General Staff to share what they know."

Kong Yuan stood up, and he said sternly: "Director Liao only saw the superficial phenomenon. In fact, this matter is very complicated. Let's talk about Huo Yingdong first. According to our investigation, his business has not been smooth in recent years. At the same time Suppressed by the Hong Kong British government and the U.S. government, we investigated his past financial situation and came to the conclusion that with the current ability of Huo Yingdong, it is impossible for him to donate 30 million US dollars at once! You know, [-] million US dollars is definitely a big number. There will never be more than [-] people in this world who can calmly spend so much money at one time! And there are almost no such super rich people in Hong Kong. Their other realizable assets. Then his [-] million U.S. dollars will appear to be of unknown origin."

"Coax" everyone was shocked again, and the discussion became louder.Liao Chengzhi was dumbfounded in astonishment, he really didn't believe that Huo Yingdong would lie to him, and he really didn't believe how his judgment became so low all of a sudden.

Tan Xiaojian was also a little uneasy. Dai Weiye had already told him their overall plan, so Tan Xiaojian was even more on pins and needles at this time.At first, he didn't know Kong Yuan, but when he heard about it from the Intelligence Department of the General Staff, he started to mutter in his heart.Only then did he know that the intelligence department had intervened, so it was impossible for Tan Jiabao and his group not to be known by them.So today, it is difficult for him to get out of the relationship.Fortunately, this action is not shady, their action, in any case, is a patriotic action.Thinking of this, he was relieved a lot.

"Therefore, we have a huge question, that is, where is the source of such a large amount of [-] million U.S. dollars? Is it the US imperialism? Is it the Soviet revisionist? Or Taiwan? After our investigation, these are not! Mr. Huo Yingdong's property called "Star House" was jointly suppressed by the British Hong Kong government and the US government. As a result, his "Star House" could not be sold or rented out. At this time, a new The rich man took over easily, and this emerging rich man is the mysterious "Tang Xie", and that company is his "Tang Dynasty Group Company"! In view of this situation, we boldly assume that the [-] million US dollars came from Tang Dynasty Chao Group Corporation. And just today, I received news from Taiwan that Tang Dynasty Group Corporation not only invested [-] million U.S. dollars in Taiwan, but also donated [-] million U.S. dollars to the Taiwan government! According to reliable sources, Tang Dynasty Group Corporation’s Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, the president, went to Chiang Kai-shek’s official residence today. This further confirms our judgment. That is, Huo Yingdong’s [-] million US dollars also came from Tang Dynasty Group Corporation!”

"Tang Xiao? Why is it Tang Xiao again?"

"What the hell is this Tang mocking up to?"

"Is this Tang Xiao so rich?"

"Hehe, Taiwan's [-] million, ours [-] million, a bowl of water is so flat..."

"Tan Xiaozhong..."

At this time, the venue was a little boiling, and everyone turned their attention to Tan Xiaojian in unison.

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