
287 Long way to go

Plagiarism - 280 seven heavy responsibilities

In November 1967, Martin Luther King launched the Poor People's Movement to fight against economic problems. Zheng Dashi persuaded him to act together on the 11th.

So, on November 1967, 11, 25 people gathered in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, and held a grand demonstration.At the same time, the "Operation Conquering Ryukyu" subtly persuaded major anti-war organizations in Washington, and the three forces accompanied the convoy of the Japanese Prime Minister visiting the United States from Washington National Airport to the White House.

Johnson personally greeted the Japanese delegation at the airport.

During the "welcoming welcome" of the parade people, Johnson and Eisaku Sato felt the pressure from the people to varying degrees.Looking at groups of people holding slogans, shouting slogans, emotional and angry crowds, Johnson is not surprised.Eisaku Sato felt a little nervous. After all this journey, he already understood eight or nine points of the result of his trip to the United States.

As expected by Takeo Miki, Johnson had no intention of negotiating with him about the return of Okinawa, and Sato Eisaku was also absent-mindedly dealing with the U.S. request for the appreciation of the yen.

In this way, Eisaku Sato's visit to the United States in 1967, which was supposed to be of profound significance to Japanese history, became meaningless, and the talks were boring.

At the following press conference, Johnson made it clear that during his tenure, he would try his best to end the Vietnam War and make some more efforts for the development of the US economy.He said that during his tenure, the war will never be expanded, and the Okinawa issue will no longer be the focus of the US government's work during his tenure.

This visit, which was originally expected to take three days, was compressed to one day by Eisaku Sato.The next day, the Japanese delegation returned to Japan in frustration.

In Japan, Eisaku Sato immediately called cabinet members for an important meeting.They rearranged and arranged the issue of "returning Okinawa".It is particularly worth mentioning that at this meeting, the Chinese Tang ridiculed him as "persona non grata in Japan".The Tang Dynasty Group Corporation has also become an "unpopular enterprise in Japan".After this meeting, the Japanese government "indefinitely" extended the approval time for Tang Dynasty Bank's application to log into Japan; the Japanese government has set up many obstacles for all other corporate activities of Tang Dynasty Group; Entering Japan also has to go through very strict censorship; the co-production film between Tang Dynasty Entertainment Company and Japanese film company was also treated as "re-examination" and "delayed shooting".In short, it is not easy for the Tang Dynasty Group Company to make money in Japan openly.

Regarding Tang Xiao, the Japanese government obtained three photos from the US government.These three photos are Tan Xiaozhong, Dai Weiye and Tan Jiabao.Therefore, they made another detailed arrangement for Tang Xi.


On the morning of November 11, Tan Jiabao personally led the Rolls-Royce convoy from the Peninsula Hotel to Kai Tak Airport to welcome the heroic members of the "Recovery Operation" team.

Because the main battlefield of the Ryukyu operation was in the United States, almost all the core members of the Ryukyu operation team rushed to the United States on the eve of November 11th.Prior to this, the Taiwan government has also completed the "China's Takeover of the Ryukyu Leadership Office" with Jiang Jingguo as the director, Tao Yuanzhen as the executive deputy director, and Liang Shiqiu and Lin Yutang as consultants. They have already regarded the operation of taking Ryukyu as a great cause up.

In Tan Jiabao's car, Tan Jiabao stared at Zheng Dashi who hadn't seen him for several months, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.He said softly: "Old Zheng, you have lost a lot of weight, and you have also darkened a lot, you have worked hard!"

Similarly, Master Zheng also stared at Tan Jiabao, sighing in his heart.If I hadn't followed Tan Jiabao, maybe I would still actively participate in the endless "revolution" that harms others and myself today.But now, he feels that he is living a full and comfortable life every day. Although it is hard and dangerous, he feels that this life is much more meaningful.More importantly, what he devoted himself to was a noble and sacred movement to reclaim the country.As the frontline commander of the Ryukyu operation, he felt very proud in his heart.

Dashi Zheng smiled lightly: "Boss, in fact, every brother in our Tang Dynasty Group Company has worked hard, but everyone thinks it is worth it. Hehe, as the boss said, 'The outside world is wonderful, but the outside world is very helpless." In the excitement and helplessness, we feel that we are making progress and growing every day.We did not waste our youth, we wrote our chapters with our sweat and wisdom. "

Tan Jiabao nodded: "Old Zheng, you have indeed matured a lot. I want to transfer you out of the 'Recovery Operation' team after the meeting. I have already found another person for your current position. I and Like the president, I still want you to go around the world to purchase mineral resources, which is actually one of the pillar industries of Tang Dynasty Group Corporation, and you also successfully purchased several mines in Africa in the early stage..."

"I'm sorry, Boss. I don't want to leave the operation team of the Liuzhou Containment Operation. I know that the new position you arranged for me must have extraordinary prospects, but I don't want to leave the Liuliu Operation Team. Although the Liuzhou Containment Operation has achieved a temporary victory, But each of us knows that this is only the first step of the Long March. In the future, we still have a long way to go. I think I will persevere. In the entire Tang Dynasty Group Company, I think the action of collecting Liu is the most meaningful thing. So, Boss, I thank you for your kindness, and I am still willing to continue to lead our operation." Zheng Dashi interrupted Tan Jiabao, and expressed his heartfelt feelings.

Tan Jiabao and Zheng Dashi were sitting side by side. He looked at Zheng Dashi and said, "Old Zheng, you should know that the further behind the action, the more dangerous it is. How can the US and Japanese governments let us do this? In fact, you have probably already Being targeted by U.S. intelligence agencies may be life-threatening."

"Boss, you can't be so selfish! Let your own people hide behind and let others rush ahead?" Dashi Zheng said angrily, "Do you know? Those of us who are on the front line of the operation to collect Liu, everyone should do a good job." We are ready to sacrifice at any time. Our commander-in-chief, Mr. Tao Yuanzhen, our two old advisors, Mr. Lin Yutang and Mr. Liang Shiqiu, and some others, have all written suicide notes for this operation to collect Ryu..."

Dashi Zheng was already in tears. He said: "In the United States, many of my friends gave up their well-paid jobs and even their beautiful families to join in. You know, Mr. Lin Yutang is 73 years old. He is relatively familiar with Ryukyu. He has friends in Ryukyu and can speak Hokkien. He insists on going to Ryukyu to lead the operations there. Mr. Liang Shiqiu is actually in poor health, but in order to take over Ryukyu, he has been working in Chinese since November 11th. Regional speeches, speeches in anti-war parades, and working late into the night every day, writing articles, hoping that more people will participate. Hehe, I used to look down on this old man for various reasons, but I saw him standing in a long gown On the podium, when he spoke with eloquence and passion, I felt that he was not what I imagined. Oh, I think it is such a proud thing to fight alongside him."

"Brother, I'm sorry! I take back what I just said. But, you have to promise me, you must be careful and take good care of yourself." Tan Jiabao blushed.

"Boss, in fact, you and the president must be careful." Zheng Dashi said with deep feeling: "Since the Japanese government has cracked down on our business activities in Japan, they will also target you, including personal blows. "

"The most precious thing for a person is life. Everyone has only one life. A person's life should be spent in this way: when he recalls the past, he will not regret for wasting his years; nor will he be ashamed for doing nothing. When he died, he could say: My whole life and all my energy are dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world - to fight for the liberation of all mankind..." Zheng Dashi muttered to Ostrovsky This famous sentence, his expression is already full of firmness.

Tan Jiabao fell silent.He finally understood that Mr. Zheng was always interested in politics, and he felt that he could no longer force him to do other business things.

"Brother, what do you want to do after the operation to collect Liu is completed?"

Zheng Dashi sighed and said: "Before I started the operation to take back Ryukyu, I really didn't have much confidence to take back Ryukyu. However, after the boss's planning and the joint efforts of our comrades, we found that this thing that was originally out of reach is now unexpectedly There is a dawn, and we think that as long as we work together, the hope of recovering Ryukyu will be greater and greater. Hehe, this is the most meaningful thing I have done in my life. When Ryukyu returns to the motherland smoothly, I think ...Should we plan a wider territory in Northeast Asia? I checked the information, and the oil resources, mineral resources, and forestry resources in that area are very rich, and the value there may be hundreds of times, or even several times, that of Ryukyu. A thousand times."

Tan Jiabao knew that he was referring to the vast land divided by the Russians during the Qing Dynasty and the return of Mongolia.

"Scholars can't be resolute. The responsibilities are heavy and the road is long. Benevolence is one's own responsibility. Isn't it too important? After death, is it not too far away? Brother, this topic is really too big. I don't have the ability to do it now. Such a big thing. Let's wait for the opportunity, and at the same time, we must continue to strengthen ourselves." Tan Jiabao's expression became serious, and he suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, I hope I can find a big treasure , so I can plan other things."

Master Zheng frowned, chewing on Tan Jiabao's words.

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