
288 Tan Jiabao Is Angry

Plagiarism - 280 Tan Jiabao is angry

After a while, the Peninsula Hotel arrived.Here, Tan Jiabao was going to hold a welcome banquet for them. Before the banquet, the main members of their Ryu collection action team had a meeting in the small conference room.

The meeting was presided over by Commander-in-Chief Tao Yuanzhen. He first read the congratulatory message from Jiang Jingguo, director of the "China's Recovering Ryukyu Leadership Office". Not afraid of the revolutionary spirit of sacrifice, he congratulated the operation team on the victory of the first step in the operation to collect Ryu, and encouraged everyone to continue to carry forward this spirit and carry it through to the end.

Then it was time for reports and experience exchanges from various places. Zheng Dashi first came to the stage to report his experience in the United States, then Huo Yingdong reported the process of his trip to the mainland, then Lin Yutang reported the situation of the Ryukyu Islands, and finally Jin Yong talked about his travels in Touching deeds in Southeast Asian countries.

Then, they began to discuss the next round of work.

Since President Johnson was not certain of victory, Tan Jiabao suggested that after 1968, when the next president took office, he would suddenly launch the second action plan of the Ryukyu operation, which was to completely overthrow the "San Francisco Treaty with Japan."

But this time, his proposal was met with opposition from everyone.

Tao Yuanzhen said to Tan Jiabao: "Tang Xiao, in fact, we have already made up our minds in the United States. We agreed that we should strike while the iron is hot, while the Japanese are still dealing with their wounds after being sapped, and while Johnson was confused by Vietnam and the election. When we are in dire straits, we have to take advantage of the victory to pursue. In fact, the Taiwan government has already started to act. Under the auspices of Ms. Song Meiling, they have already spread the sky in the United States, and have persuaded many American politicians through their relationships. In addition, they are still non-stop I went to Europe to persuade the European powers, and they also sent notes to some countries that have diplomatic relations with them, asking them to support our just struggle, and the plan for accepting Ryukyu may be moved from the US Congress to the UN Security Council for a vote. So , After we come back this time, after we have dealt with the matters in our respective families, we will soon split up again. We will try to veto the 1952 "San Francisco Treaty with Japan" through the United Nations procedure under Johnson's administration, or through the United Nations Relevant procedures directly take back Ryukyu!"

"If you are in a hurry, you will jump over the wall. Don't you worry about the retaliation of the US and Japanese governments? Besides, if you act, Japan will act immediately. In the international arena, Japan's status is greater than Taiwan. In addition, their national financial resources are also It is not something that I and several companies can deal with. Why can’t you act according to the plan I arranged in advance? My plans are all carefully calculated and well thought out. I think you suddenly changed my plan. It will bring adverse consequences!" Tan Jiabao said in a hurry, looking very angry.

According to Tan Jiabao's plan, the first step in the Ryukyu operation was to sabotage the 1967 talks on Ryukyu between the US-Japan Johnson and Sato Eisaku, and they successfully achieved this step.The second step is that during Nixon’s tenure, he plans to rely on his special relationship with Nixon and his understanding of Nixon, and give Nixon both kindness and strength to abolish the "San Francisco Treaty with Japan"; the third step is to try everything possible, Through Nixon entrusting the United Nations Security Council to vote to return the sovereignty or governance of Ryukyu to China.

Compared with the previous life, the feasibility of this operation is still very high.Tan Jiabao believes that, first, because of his participation, Beijing has made considerable progress in the military, which makes the United States even more afraid to underestimate it.Second, with the strong support of Beijing, Taipei can be more assertive.You know, in the last life, Beijing supported Japan in taking back Ryukyu due to various reasons.Third, Ryukyu has not yet fallen into the hands of Japan after all, which leaves a huge room for imagination for the operation of accepting Ryukyu.Fourth, Japan in the 60s was in the development stage, and it was far from being "powerful". They were still very concerned about the attitudes of European and American powers.Fifth, the Vietnam War has fettered the U.S. government. Solving the Vietnam War issue is already a very urgent issue for them. No matter who comes to power, they are unwilling to see things become more complicated.Sixth, the energy of Tan Jiabao's friend who traveled through time in 3111 is still huge. Coupled with Nixon's weakness and Soong Meiling's efforts, it should not be a big problem to solve the US Congress.

But all of this needs to be done step by step, and we can't act too hastily and cause unnecessary trouble.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tang Xiao. When we revised the plan, we were all in the United States. We changed the plan based on the actual situation at that time. The situation at that time was that after Ms. Song Meiling bought 8 Boeing planes in the United States, she met again in France. President de Gaulle, she ordered 8 more Airbus planes from the newly established European Airbus company. Perhaps it is because of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Beijing, de Gaulle's compensation for Taipei, or for other reasons, or because of Ms. Song Meiling's superb diplomacy In order to convince this famous general during World War II, President de Gaulle actually agreed to submit a "report on the abolition of the "San Francisco Treaty with Japan" to the ongoing UN General Assembly as a permanent member of the United Nations. He claimed that France was only After listening to Japan's unilateral explanations, we signed the "Treaty" by mistake. In fact, we were all deceived because neither Beijing nor Taipei participated in that meeting. Then, the French government will conclude that the Ryukyu territorial issue has already been Threatening the peace process in Asia and the entire world, it once again submitted a "Proposal on Handing over Ryukyu to China" to the UN Security Council. In addition, the British government also because of the continued riots in Hong Kong, coupled with Beijing's continuous The Hong Kong British government exerted pressure, and the British government stated that it neither supported nor opposed the French opinion." Tao Yuanzhen was about to explain the cause of the incident.

Tan Jiabao was shocked. Although he knew that de Gaulle had always been anti-American, he did not expect that this old man would represent France, so that he would not hesitate to offend the United States and Japan to stand up for China.He deeply realized that romantic French people sometimes have a heroic side.The British, after all, are still bullying.

"But the key to this matter is the United States. Just imagine, if Johnson makes concessions on this point, is he still the president of the world's largest country? Comparing his heart, I think he will never compromise. For the French The United States can completely veto the proposal with one vote. In addition, this time is not the same time. Last time, the Soviet Union refused to sign the "San Francisco Treaty with Japan", but this time, Sino-Soviet relations have become worse and worse. Their attitude may There will be a 180° turn. Besides, Japan also has its own allies. In short, it is still very difficult for us to achieve the second step so quickly this time." Tan Jiabao said calmly.

"All of what we have done, whether it is for the United States, the Soviet Union, or Japan, is sudden, and they have very little time to prepare. So we will act separately. According to our revised plan. I am responsible for going to Beijing, and I implore the Central Committee The government sent a note to the third world countries to ask them to support us at the UN General Assembly. After all, China is the leader of the third world countries. And that tricky Johnson is left to you to get rid of it. Hehe, as long as he represents the United States Just like the UK." Huo Yingdong said with a smile.

"What? You guys teamed up to plot me? Johnson will listen to me? Do I have this kind of ability? You should think of another way!" Tan Jiabao was furious, he felt that they thought the problem too simply.

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