
295 guests gathered

Plagiarism - 290 five guests gathered

Two hours passed quickly, and Audrey Hepburn extended it for a few more minutes, but the line was too long, so she had to be escorted by bodyguards into the rest room of the theater.

By this time the guests had already arrived in twos and threes.The first person to arrive was Mr. Run Run Shaw, the boss of Shaw Brothers Films. He had already put aside his old feud with Tang Dynasty Entertainment and turned an enemy into a friend.This time, he brought Fang Yihua and the famous director Zhang Che.

"Boss Shao, Miss Fang, Director Zhang, welcome." Fan Nu greeted him cordially.

Run Run Shaw laughed and said: "Young people are awesome. It is amazing that you have developed your business to such a scale in just less than a year. Look, now you have made a world superstar like Audrey Hepburn Superstars recruited under their command, people are so envious. Hehe, I have to admit that I am old. Back then, my parents worked hard from Shanghai to Nanyang, and then returned to Hong Kong. Decades of hard work are not equal to you One year. Mr. Tang Xiao really deserves to be a generation of gods, haha..."

"Boss Shao is too modest. Without you and without Shaw Brothers, how could Hong Kong movies develop to the level they are today? Haha, I have also been to Shaw Brothers to 'steal my teacher'." Fan Nu said modestly.

Run Run Shaw nodded and said: "I can see that it is a bit reasonable. Mr. Tang Xi also really wants to develop Hong Kong's film industry. He integrated Hong Kong films into Hollywood and introduced Hollywood films to Hong Kong. He wants us filmmakers to go to Hollywood. Learning, leading Hong Kong films to the world, so that Hong Kong films will also have a certain influence in the world. Hehe, I have to say, the rise of your Tang Dynasty entertainment company, isn’t it a blessing for Hong Kong films?”

During this time, Run Run Shaw has been thinking about this question.From the direction of Tan Jiabao's development, he reviewed his previous business philosophy, and finally admitted that his forward-looking and adventurous spirit was far from Tang Xiao's.How did he know that this so-called "Mr. Tang Xiao" came from the future, and his ideas were decades ahead of him?

"Boss Shao praised it. That's right. After we have been busy for a while, we want to call a meeting of filmmakers in Hong Kong. Our goal is to build Hong Kong into an 'Oriental Hollywood'. Of course, it is only the responsibility of one of our film companies. Efforts are not enough. We need the majority of Hong Kong people in Hong Kong to work hard with us. To be honest, the global film market is so big that our company cannot handle it. In fact, people like Boss Shao should Take a long-term view, base yourself in Hong Kong, and advance to the world." Fan Nu said to Run Run Shaw sincerely: "In fact, Hollywood is not so great, and we Chinese can also play Hollywood!"

Although Fan Nu seemed to say something casually, Run Run Shaw had already heard the deep meaning in it.Run Run Shaw thought for a while, and then said: "Thank you, I will carefully consider what you said just now. Besides, you must notify me of the meeting you have called. By the way, the "Di Renjie" you gave For the series, we are about to start filming, thank you Mr. Tang Xiao for me. Also, you want to borrow Zhang Cheh, I brought it, you can negotiate anytime."

Zhang Che stretched out his hand, shook hands with Fan Nu and said, "Mr. Fan, I am Zhang Che. I have read the script of "The True Colors of a Hero". More than 0! And give me a little more time, at least half a year."

Fan Nu nodded and said: "Your request is not too much, I agree to everything, I will give you 300 million and eight months. But we require that "The True Colors of Heroes" must be a high-quality product, an international high-quality product! We want to enter the international market. Market. Of course, we will arrange assistants for you from Hollywood."

Zhang Che smiled with satisfaction, and he said: "Haha, I feel more at ease. I will definitely do my best to make this movie well, and I also want those foreigners to see our Chinese methods! By the way, Mr. Fan , when do I go to work?"

"The sooner the better, tomorrow is the best!" Tang Chao Group's emphasis is on high efficiency, so Fan Nu's answer was very crisp.

At this time, another group of people came over. They were industrial and commercial bosses headed by Huo Yingdong.Seeing this, Run Run Shaw and the others bid farewell to Fan Nu, and they entered the cinema.

"Haha, they all wanted to see if Tang Xiao was beaten to the ground by the Japanese. I said no, they didn't believe it, haha, look, does this look like being beaten to the ground?" Huo Yingdong held Fan Nu's hand hand said.

Bao Yugang quickly shook his head and said: "Old Huo, you can't talk nonsense. We didn't say such things! We just came to condolences to Mr. Tang Xiao and your Tang Dynasty enterprise."

News about Japan's sanctions against Tang Dynasty Group Corporation has spread all over Hong Kong Island.Some are happy, some are worried.Some people hope that the Tang Dynasty Group Company will never recover from this fall, while others hope that the Tang Dynasty Group Company will not be attacked by the Japanese.Of course, the vast majority of people, including most Hong Kong citizens, hope that the Tang Dynasty Group Company will still stand.

"Thank you everyone. Our Tang Dynasty company will never be beaten to the ground. What about the Japanese government? Moreover, we will fight back against the Japanese government within three days. We will hit them seven inches and knock them down. Let the Japanese government know that we Chinese are not easy to mess with!" Fan Nu said calmly.

They didn't expect Fan Nu to say such a sentence, and they felt that these people in Tang Dynasty Group Company were simply too arrogant, so arrogant that it was jaw-dropping.However, they all felt that when Fan Nu said this, he was very confident and confident.

They all knew that the source of this confidence and confidence was the mysterious Tang Xie. Since Tang Xie said so, the world should be lively again.He didn't expect that the Japanese government would encounter at least some moderate troubles, and now many people believed that this mysterious figure was not easy to mess with.

"Good! As expected of the Tang Dynasty Group Company! It is courageous. Among the Chinese people, such a company is so needed. I, Feng, admire it!" Feng Bingfen applauded loudly.

Feng Hanzhu said with a chuckle: "Mr. Fan, what means do you use to challenge the Japanese government? Can you tell me something? Do you need our assistance?"

Fan Nu smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, Boss Feng. As for what method we use, we will see within three days. Let's wait and see."

Everyone still wants to ask something, but at this time, seeing the Hong Kong and British government officials headed by the Governor of Hong Kong, Terence Tai, coming slowly, they had to say goodbye to Fan Nu and enter the theater.

Since Audrey Hepburn is British and has British royal blood, she has always been a star loved by the British.The British are proud of Audrey Hepburn, the beauty of the century.Therefore, there are many admirers of Audrey Hepburn in the Hong Kong British government, and the Governor of Hong Kong, Terence Trench, is one of them.So after discussing, they came to watch the movie together, and took a look at this big beauty and big star they were proud of.

"Welcome Your Excellency the Governor, welcome everyone! Thank you Governor for arranging the police force for our event." Fan Nu went up to greet these officials warmly.

Dai Linzhi smiled and said: "Hehe, it is indeed the Tang Dynasty Group Company that can produce such world-class movies. This is your pride, and it is also the pride of Hong Kong."

"Your Excellency, the governor, has won the prize."

After the two sides complimented each other, Dai Linzhi said: "We want to visit Ms. Audrey Hepburn, haha, she is also the pride of our British Empire. Our government also expresses a warm welcome to her visit to Hong Kong this time." .”

Fan Nu hurriedly said: "Ms. Audrey Hepburn just signed autographs for more than 1000 enthusiastic movie fans for more than two hours. She must be very tired now. And she will answer questions from reporters at the premiere soon. Your Excellency Governor, do you think it is possible to let Ms. Audrey Hepburn visit your residence at another time?"

Dai Linzhi saw that Fan Nu's words were very reasonable, and it was inconvenient for him to insist on meeting Audrey Hepburn, so he nodded in agreement.Fan Nu hastily led the group of people to the VIP seats.

In fact, Audrey Hepburn was snuggling with Tan Jiabao at this time.Tan Jiabao massaged her fingers, arms, and joints with distress.Audrey let him comfort him, she stared at the boy in front of her with a smile, her eyes were already full of love.

"Who asked you to sign for two hours? It's outrageous!" Tan Jiabao said a little angrily.

Audrey Hepburn stroked her hair, said with a smile: "Don't blame others, I asked to do this myself. The reason is very simple, because your headquarters of Tang Dynasty Group is here, and I found your Love Hong Kong so much. So I just asked to do it myself."

"Fool! I love Hong Kong. I can love Hong Kong in many ways. Why do you have to work so hard? Look, this little hand is slightly swollen." Tan Jiabao scolded her gently.

"Because of you, I also love Hong Kong, and I also love Hong Kong movie fans." Audrey said softly, her eyes full of tenderness.As someone who has experienced it, she knows how she should repay this boy's deep love.

Tan Jiabao was greatly moved.Seeing this beautiful woman in front of him, the tenderness in Tan Jiabao's heart began to flood again. He bent down and gently pressed his lips on her cheek...

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