
296 Tough Audrey

Plagiarism - 290 Six Tough Audrey

At 5:30 p.m., the premiere of "My Sassy Girl" officially began.

"My Sassy Girl" is actually a low-budget movie, and Tang Dynasty Entertainment didn't do anything more fancy.The premiere was still carried out step by step, but an additional 5 minutes of interview time with reporters was added.

During the 5-minute interview with reporters, Audrey Hepburn was of course the focus.

A reporter asked Director William Wheeler: "Excuse me, Director William Wheeler. We know that "Roman Holiday" is also directed by you. Do you think Ms. Audrey Hepburn's performance in "My Sassy Girl" is good?" Some, or was the performance in "Roman Holiday" 15 years ago better?"

William Wheeler said with a smile: "Yes, both films are directed by me, and Audrey is the heroine. In terms of performance, Audrey is in this "My Sassy Girl" The performance is more mature and difficult. It also has more depth. Oh, everyone may know Audrey's actual age, but in this film, she plays a young girl, so the difficulty can be imagined .As for "Roman Holiday", I felt that her true nature was more involved at that time. In any case, Audrey is one of the greatest actresses of this century, and I look forward to working with her again. Thank you."

A reporter asked Richard Dreyfuss: "Mr. Richard, as a new actor, is there any pressure on you to act with the world's top actresses like Audrey Hepburn?"

"Oh, I agree with Director William. Audrey Hepburn is one of the greatest actresses of this century. I feel honored to be supporting her. To be honest, I was too nervous before the filming started. Beautiful Audrey, I even forgot my lines..." Richard Dreyfuss said humorously, and the following was full of laughter: "However, she doesn't have the air of a big-name movie star at all, and she keeps talking Encourage me and help me. Oh, I have to say, I learned a lot from her. Thank you, Audrey!"

Richard Dreyfuss replied sincerely, and the audience immediately burst into applause.

Some reporters began to ask Audrey Hepburn: "Ms. Audrey, how did you suddenly become so young in a few months? We remember that in your last film "Stealing Dragon and Turning Phoenix", You don't look like that."

"Oh, this question is the most asked question I have encountered during this period." Audrey Hepburn said in Chinese with a smile: "Hee hee, this is a secret of mine. I can only reveal one thing, my The restoration of youth this time is related to China and Chinese medicine. I have to admit that China is an ancient and mysterious country, and some folk medicines of Chinese medicine may be many years ahead of Western medicine!"

Audrey Hepburn was smart, and in a few words, she distracted the reporter's attention.

"Oh, Ms. Audrey Hepburn, you speak Mandarin Chinese so well, you must have learned it for many years, right?" A reporter asked excitedly, "How did you come into contact with Chinese medicine? We know, In the eyes of many people in the United States, there is not much difference between Chinese medicine and witchcraft."

Like Teresa Teng, Audrey Hepburn was also a genius in language.She specially hired a teacher, and she learned Chinese in just a few months.Before that, she spoke French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Flemish very well.

Audrey Hepburn continued to reply gracefully: "Oh, Chinese medicine was recommended by a friend of mine. In fact, the effect is very good, isn't it? Hee hee, I also started to learn Chinese from that time. Director Chu Yuan from Hong Kong He also taught me Chinese, and of course young people like Xu Guanwen taught me."

A reporter relentlessly returned to this question and asked: "Ms. Audrey, although your appearance has become younger, your actual age is already 38 years old. May I ask how do you compare with someone who is much younger than you on the screen?" Do you have a mental block when an actor, like Mr. Richard Dreyfuss, who is only [-] years old, plays a couple?"

"Never! Because I am constantly adjusting my mentality. Now that my appearance has become younger, my mentality will also become younger. Hehe, I think I am only 18 now! Do you think it looks like it? ?” Audrey Hepburn showed her tough side.In fact, many people have asked similar embarrassing questions to her.At first she wanted to avoid this question, but in the end she chose to face it head on.She found that the more she answered this question directly, the calmer she became in her heart, and it was easier for everyone to accept this fact.

Westerners tend to be more open and tolerant than reserved Easterners.

A reporter asked: "Ms. Audrey Hepburn, it is said that you will come to Hong Kong to shoot a film depicting the love story between an American girl and a Chinese youth, is that true?"

"Oh, yes. I will return to Hong Kong immediately after I finish the autograph activity of "My Sassy Girl" in Asia, and cooperate with Mr. Franco Zeffirelli, the director of "Romeo and Juliet", to shoot It is a work of Mr. Tang Xiao. It is a poignant romance film, and the name of the film is "Love in Hong Kong."

A reporter continued to ask: "It is rumored in the entertainment industry that you, like Ms. Teresa Teng, are Mr. Tang Xiao's queen star. What's your comment on this rumor?"

This is another tough question.

Unlike Teresa Teng, Audrey Hepburn said frankly: "Yes, Mr. Tang Xiao is a great filmmaker and a good friend of mine. I feel very honored to be his queen movie star. And now I announce that, In the next few decades, I will only accept the works of Mr. Tang Xiao, and I will not accept any other films!"

For her clean answer, the audience once again gave thunderous applause.After all, Tang Xi belonged to Hong Kong, and Audrey Hepburn supported Tang Xi. For Hong Kong people, this is also an incomparable honor.

"What if Tang Xiao died?" A reporter asked loudly in English coldly.

This dissonant sound silenced the entire theater.

Audrey Hepburn's face darkened, and she also said coldly: "I know, he will never die easily! Never! I have full confidence in this. What I don't understand is why Your Excellency is here Raising such a ridiculous question on this occasion? Do you or the interest group behind you have any enmity with Mr. Tang Xiao?"

At this time, the spotlight of the theater shone on the middle-aged man who asked the question in due course.

"Oh, he's Japanese, he's a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun!" a reporter roared loudly.

"Japanese, get out!"

"Curse Mr. Tang Xiao to die early, I curse your emperor to die early!"

"Throw him out, this man is trash!"


The theater was filled with angry voices.The Japanese reporter, driven by the security guards, left the Red Apple Theater in embarrassment amidst a lot of condemnation.

After this jarring interlude, the premiere event ended.The theater lights slowly dimmed.

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