
356 The Baptism of Jeet Kune Do

Plagiarism - 350 Baptism of Six Jeet Kune Do

Although Ali, who has experienced many battles, has extraordinary fighting ability, but the blows of a master like Bruce Lee still make him painful.What was even more terrible was that he had lost 13 points in this round of the point advantage he had accumulated through the previous eight rounds.

For Bruce Lee's miraculous "recovery", the audience in the stands were sincerely amazed.Originally, many people who bought Bruce Lee's victory were ready to leave here, but Bruce Lee was able to attack and defend freely on stage, and he was completely different from the eighth round, which rekindled their hopes .Especially the Chinese, they started shouting Bruce Lee's name again.

Bagua Youlongbu and Wing Chun turned out to be the most effective combination, especially when encountering a master like Ali in the ring, the attack and defense turned out to be so harmonious.Bruce Lee discovered the mystery of this, and his confidence suddenly increased.In the tenth round, Bruce Lee hit Ali with 12 punches in two beautiful counterattacks, but Ali missed nothing. At the end of 10 rounds, Bruce Lee led 26:22 instead.

This kind of change is what Ali does not want to see.Entering the 11th round, Ali learned how to behave. He no longer took the initiative to attack, but put on a defensive posture.He knew very well in his heart that his body was not as light as Bruce Lee's, and his butterfly gait was like a tortoise gait compared to Bruce Lee's gossip-walking dragon gait.So now defense is a must, he wants to find an opportunity to give the opponent a heavy blow, knock the opponent down!

Bruce Lee also had a difficult time. Ali has tall arms and long arms, and his strength is beyond his own ability.If he doesn't attack, it will be difficult for him to start.

Enemies who have not attacked have few flaws exposed, but once they attack, they will reveal flaws.So defending is also attacking - because once you defend the enemy's attack, it's time for you to attack the enemy's weak point.From Ali, who he had no way of doing, Bruce Lee realized this truth firsthand.This principle is the same as "offense is the best defense", but the starting point is different.

Bruce Lee also started to "defend", but this time he did not adopt the previous passive defense, but adopted the "best defense"-offense!

In fact, in February of this year, Bruce Lee's "Jet Kune Do" had already been established.Bruce Lee, a martial arts prodigy, created an all-around, irregular fight based on the essence of 26 world martial arts, including Wing Chun, Cai Lifoquan, Tai Chi, Muay Thai, Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, Filipino martial arts, French boxing and fencing, which he had learned all his life. The modern martial arts is Jeet Kune Do.

Bruce Lee once explained that Jeet Kune Do, "Jet" means volley and block, "Fist" means boxing, "Tao" means road and style, and the English explanation is ".fist".The simple explanation is "the way of intercepting the fist", that is, the way to deal with the enemy's attack.Because it is facing an enemy, Jeet Kune Do abandons any fancy and impractical techniques, and is a real "fighting" martial art.The word "Tao" in Jeet Kune Do, in addition to expressing a style of martial arts, also includes the spiritual cultivation methods contained in "Karate" and "Taekwondo".

Although "Jet Kune Do" has been established, only Bruce Lee himself knows that although the theory of Jeet Kune Do is exquisite, it has not yet been tempered and tested.And this time against Ali is the best baptism of Jeet Kune Do. Through this baptism, Jeet Kune Do will truly become a spiritual philosophy of self-liberation and a study of success in life from a scientific technique. A complete martial arts system integrated with scientific street fighting skills.

Bruce Lee hit Ali's abdomen with his left hand, and kicked Ali's knee with a stab kick with his right leg.Ali thought it was a false move. He blocked Bruce Lee's left hand with his right arm, sideways to avoid Bruce Lee's right leg, and swung his left arm to hit Bruce Lee's head.However, Bruce Lee's right leg was raised a few points in an instant, and it happened to be on the inside of Ali's just swung arm.Ali was in pain, and just as he was about to withdraw his right arm, Bruce Lee's right hand came again. He struck Ali's chest with all his strength, and then swung his left leg and screamed "Oh—" and aimed at Ali's knee. With a hook kick, Ali fell down in response.

"Bruce Lee! Bruce Lee! Well done, come on..."

"Chinese, kill him! Kill him! Yes, kill him..." The Chinese and foreign audience roared.

This coherent movement made Ali unable to parry.The fall of Ali made the audience exclaimed. They didn't even believe it was true. Ali, the 9-time boxing champion, would be knocked down by an oriental man who weighed 66 kilograms and was only 173cm tall.

In fact, at this time, Ali himself could not believe that this was true.He got up, shook his head vigorously, and muttered: "Why? Why..."

As if in an instant, Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do merged with his body.Bruce Lee was jumping, and he was walking the gossip walking dragon step in the form of jumping, and he made sharp attacks on Ali one after another neatly, and the sound of "oooh" in his mouth was endless. In the sound of "ohoo", Ali frequently trick.

Tan Jiabao, who was sitting in front of the TV, smiled. This long-lost Bruce Lee appeared. He appeared in the world's top fighting arena, showing his brand new fighting system to the world!Compared with the Jeet Kune Do in the previous life, this set of Jeet Kune Do combined with the Eight Diagrams Walking Dragon has no flaws, almost invincible in the world!


One of the greatest martial arts masters in the past 0 years was born in Las Vegas today!Also on this day, a brand new fighting technique was announced to be born at the same time.When more than 10 years later, when Jeet Kune Do PK defeated South Korea's Taekwondo and entered the big stage of the Olympic Games, many people would think of today's scene.

For the next four rounds, it became Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do show.In front of Ali, Bruce Lee's various Jeet Kune Do moves emerged one after another, dazzling and dizzying.At the same time, the power of Jeet Kune Do is becoming more and more apparent.After Ali gritted his teeth and withstood Bruce Lee's fierce attack for three consecutive rounds, in the 3th round, he finally couldn't resist the continuous attack from Bruce Lee's side. A flying kick from Bruce Lee hit him in the chest. Ali crashed down.

The referee jumped to Ali's side to count. This time, Ali failed to get up during the referee's count.

Bruce Lee waved his arms vigorously on the stage, celebrating his own victory, celebrating the victory of Chinese martial arts, and celebrating the victory of all Chinese in the world.

The audience was boiling, especially the Chinese audience, and they had an unprecedented pride at the same time.Many Chinese could no longer control the excitement in their hearts. They flocked to the competition stage, lifted their hero Bruce Lee high, threw it into the air, caught it, and then threw it into the air again...

That night, almost all the Chinese in the United States, Europe and Oceania were excited at the same time. They flocked to the streets and Chinatown to celebrate this great victory.

In Hong Kong, people flocked to Victoria Harbor to cheer and celebrate. On this day, all restaurants and restaurants in Hong Kong were fully booked in an instant.

Taiwan, declared a day off to celebrate this great victory...

Sylvester stared at the screen, blankly watching the cheers of the Chinese.

"Oh, sweetie, it's unbelievable that this Bruce Lee became a world-famous figure overnight." He muttered to himself, "Oh, but my mother's astrology said that I will have another 7 years, and after 7 years, Can I become famous like Ali and Bruce Lee? Oh, my mother said, I want to make a breakthrough in writing, it’s good, I learned to write, but what do I write?”

At this time, the TV station was editing a highlight replay of the game. In the eighth round, Bruce Lee was knocked down by Ali three times, but he got up again and again.

The camera is focused on Bruce Lee's face, but his scarred face is full of strength.What shocked Sylvester the most was that he caught Bruce Lee's eyes, oh, those eyes were strong, indomitable and never admitting defeat. Sylvester understood in an instant why the final victory The latter is this person.

He thought, why can't I write about fighting games?Why not write stories about the boxing ring?Why can't you write about Bruce Lee?Why can't I write a story about a small person who, through his unremitting efforts, finally became the world's attention?

At this time Jacqueline came back, and she put the potion on the table.She said to her son, "Dear Sylvester, come here, climb on the table, and let me take a good look at your hurt ass."

Sylvester shrugged and had to take off his pants and climb on the table.He jokingly said: "Dear Jacqueline, this is the second time this year to see my ass."

Jacqueline shook her head, her eyes moved to her son's injured part, and she exclaimed: "Oh dear, how can this lion bite so well? Great! Dear Sylvester, This lion has bitten away the 7 years you had to continue to struggle! Oh, it’s incredible..."

Sylvester knew that Mama's astrology was different from most astrologers, she was looking at people's asses.She said she could see the future of this person from this part.Some people believe it, some people don't believe it, but Sylvester has no doubts about his mother.

"Oh, dear mother, is this true? You have to look carefully." Sylvester was also a little excited, after all, he never wanted to do this damn zoo job again.

"You can't be wrong! You should be in the far east!" Jacqueline said confidently.

"East? Japan or China?" Sylvester thought again.

Jacqueline thought for a while, and she said, "Let's go to China, don't you like movies? You should prepare a script and go to Hong Kong to find that guy named Tang Xiao!"

"This...will he meet me? Will I...really...succeed?" Sylvester was a little excited. In his dreams countless times, he dreamed that the magical figure was waving to him. Today, Mom actually wanted to find him by herself.

"I think so! Maybe soon, a name called Sylvester Stallone will become a household name and everyone will be praised. He will definitely become a great figure in the film industry..." Jacqueline suddenly felt that she was In astrology, I have never been so confident.

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