
357 Jin Yong's Banquet

Plagiarism from the World - 350 Seven Jin Yong Banquets

On January 1968, 1, Jin Yong had a big banquet for guests at his home.

Jin Yong is actually a quiet person, and he didn't like to work hard like this.However, ever since he and his wife inadvertently told about the fact that they had invited Audrey Hepburn's house as a guest, his wife, Zhu Mei, took notice.Zhu Mei has been a fan of Audrey Hepburn for many years, so she naturally hoped to get acquainted with the characters Audrey Hepburn had only seen in movies and pictorials.Later, several of Jin Yong's children knew about this, and they were even more excited. They unanimously asked their father to invite Audrey Hepburn, a world superstar, to their home on New Year's Day. They were eager to get acquainted with this world-class superstar, they want her autograph, they want to take a photo with her.

Ever since, Jin Yong contacted Audrey Hepburn, and the beauty agreed without hesitation, and wanted to bring the director Franco Zeffirelli and the assistant director Li Hanxiang with him.Then, he finds Ni Kuang and Gu Long. They are not polite, and they agree with each other. At the same time, Ni Kuang brings his younger sister Yi Shu, and Gu Long brings two friends from the world of martial arts novels, Wo Longsheng and Chen Qingyun, who came from Taiwan.

Jin Yong thought that since there were so many people coming, he simply invited a few people who happened to be in Hong Kong for the "Operation Gathering Ryukyu", namely Tao Yuanzhen, Lin Yutang and Liang Shiqiu.He thought that Gu Long had brought friends from the world of martial arts novels, so he thought of Liang Yusheng who was cheering for them, and Jin Yong simply invited him as well.

Finally, Jin Yongcai went to contact Tan Jiabao.Tan Jiabao had so many things on hand, he declined Jin Yong's invitation.Fortunately, Jin Yong also knew his temper well, so he didn't force the invitation.

This afternoon, brothers and sisters Ni Kuang and Yi Shu arrived first. The 21-year-old Yi Shu once worked for Ming Pao, so she is very familiar with Jin Yong's family, so she and Zhu Mei will be busy soon.

Then, Liang Yusheng came and brought an old man named Ye Lingfeng.Jin Yong was overjoyed, because Jin Yong was writing the novel and script of "Thirteen Beauties of Jinling", in order to truly show the real situation of Nanjing during the Anti-Japanese Occupation, he had entrusted Liang Yusheng to find people familiar with this aspect.Therefore, Liang Yusheng recruited Ye Lingfeng, a Nanjing literati who was born and bred and worked in the Japanese puppets.

Later, Gu Long, Wo Longsheng, and Chen Qingyun came.After some joking, Tao Yuanzhen, Lin Yutang and Liang Shiqiu arrived again, and the living room of Jin Yong's house was immediately full of guests.

Since most of them are literati, either they have met before or they are "famous", so Jin Yong's family immediately chatted and laughed, and it was very lively.

Audrey Hepburn, Franco Zeffirelli, and Li Hanxiang were the last guests to arrive, and they were also the main guests tonight.So after they arrived, everyone stood up, shook hands with them one by one, and admired the beauty of a generation by the way.

Audrey Hepburn handed the gift to the hostess, then smiled and nodded to the familiar and unfamiliar people in the house.

Today, everyone saw Audrey Hepburn dressed very simply.I saw her long blond hair casually scattered, she took off a camel Burberry trench coat, revealing a rose red Givenchy retro suit inside, plus her rose red lipstick, it immediately made people feel glamorous .

"Welcome, Mr. Franco, Lao Li! And the beautiful Miss Audrey, your arrival will immediately make the humble house glow." Jin Yong and his wife immediately went up to greet him.

"Hi everyone, are we not late?" Audrey Hepburn greeted everyone in fluent Chinese.

"Hehe, the time is just right. Hehe, Miss Audrey is too polite." Jin Yong introduced his friends to the three of them.

As soon as the three of them sat down, Ni Kuang joked: "A lot of times, when we Chinese say the word 'Pengpi Shenghui', it's just a polite way of saying, with a lot of exaggeration in it. Just imagine, a person came , How could this room be brightened up? Unless this person is a luminous body! However, when Miss Audrey came today, I really didn’t feel any exaggeration in these four words. Hehe, Lao Zha today These four words are used too well! It really shines."

As he spoke, he exaggeratedly browsed the roof and walls of Jin Yong's living room, causing everyone present to burst into laughter.Jin Yong's eloquence was not as good as his. He looked at Ni Kuang, then at Audrey Hepburn, and pointed at Ni Kuang, but he didn't know what to say.

Audrey Hepburn smiled, but she didn't say anything.Two days ago, she and Ni Kuang participated in the rehearsal of Tang Dynasty TV's "Spring Festival Song Concert", so with this time, it was the third time that she met Ni Kuang. Every time they met, he would joke.She knew that he belonged to the kind of person who liked to joke.

Among this group of people, with Ni Kuang as a chatterbox, the atmosphere became much more active.In addition, Gu Long inserted one or two thought-provoking jokes from time to time, making Jin Yong's house full of joyous songs and laughter.

For today's banquet, Jin Yong specially invited two chefs from Broken Bridge Restaurant, the most famous Hangzhou cuisine restaurant in Hong Kong at this time, to his home.They have already set up two large round tables in Jin Yong's large living room, serving exquisite dishes that make people feel distressed.

Since Lin Yutang is the oldest, Liang Shiqiu and Ye Lingfeng are next. At the same time, in terms of their status in the literary world, the three of them are well-deserved.So everyone pushed the three of them to the top and second seats.However, Lin Yutang was modest again and again. He said: "Although we are older, we are Chinese after all, and we can be regarded as the masters. Mr. Franco and Miss Audrey traveled thousands of miles and came from afar. Distinguished guests, the two of them should sit at the table!"

Liang Shiqiu also smiled and said, "Is it okay to have friends coming from afar? I agree with Cousin Yu's proposal. Please Mr. Franco take the first seat and Miss Audrey the second."

Franco Zeffirelli and Audrey Hepburn sat in the top seats in a daze. They didn't know that there would be so much attention to a meal in a Chinese literati's home.

Seeing this situation, Jin Yong and his wife had no choice but to give up their position as chairman. Lin Yutang, Liang Shiqiu and Ye Lingfeng couldn't refuse anymore, so they had to sit down.Everyone else took their seats as well.

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