
384 Japanese cabinet emergency meeting

Plagiarism - 380 Four Japan Cabinet Emergency Meeting

That night, because of the counterfeit banknote incident, Eisaku Sato hurried back to Tokyo from Yokohama and held an emergency cabinet meeting at the prime minister's residence.

Over the past month or so, Sato Eisaku has been devastated by the domestic situation and the international situation, exhausted both physically and mentally.

In China, prices have skyrocketed inconceivably, and various media, leftists, and opposition parties have come out to fan the flames and criticize the government.However, some people at the bottom of the Japanese society could not stand it any longer. Strikes, market strikes and demonstrations appeared one after another in some big cities, and some leftists were just about to move.

Internationally, a new novel by Tang Xiao once again made Japan the focus of the international community.Tang Xiao's "Proof of Human Nature" is based on objective facts, weaving a creepy story describing the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese invaders in Harbin, China.Moreover, in this book, Tang Xie also showed many photos from that year, which shocked many anti-war and righteous people.At the same time, Tang Xi also mentioned in the preface that several leaders of Unit 731 were not punished by the Tokyo Trial and are still at large. He also revealed that a movie called "Black Sun 731" is being intensely filmed... …

As soon as Tang Xie's "Proof of Human Nature" was released, it was immediately snapped up.They went on to publish the novel in Chinese, Japanese and French.

One stone caused a thousand waves, and media from all over the world asked the Japanese government to apprehend and punish the murderer.At the same time, the "Operation Receiving Ryukyu" planned by Tang Xiao around the world began to operate on a large scale again, causing great damage to the image of the Japanese government.

What makes him hate even more is that some Japanese versions of "Proof of Human Nature" were brought into China by some people, and some pirates printed a large number of this book and distributed it in Japan, so that some people with ulterior motives would It has also aroused strong repercussions domestically.Some college students began to demonstrate. They demanded that the Japanese government arrest the main leaders of Unit 731, including Major General Kikuchi, Ota Ota, Eguchi Nakasa, and Ishii Secondo, and reconvict dead important figures such as Lieutenant General Shiro Ishii. Several other heavyweights who escaped the Tokyo trial during the period.

Some unscrupulous journalists who claimed to be righteous men pursued them even more, and unearthed more heinous crimes committed by Unit 731 in Harbin.

Eisaku Sato was originally a hardline prime minister. He was the first Japanese prime minister to pay homage to the Yasukuni Shrine. Of course, he will not easily agree to the demands of all walks of life.His tough attitude has aroused the indignation of the people of the world, especially the people of Asia. Japanese embassies around the world have never been calm, and there are demonstrations every day. Some embassies are even attacked by local people with stones and briquettes. .

Eisaku Sato finally faced up to Tan Jiabao's retaliation, but he couldn't think of a proper way to deal with the endless challenges of this new big foreign company.

But he had to deal with the enterprise again.This company's technological blockade against Japanese companies has already caused Japanese companies to suffer.And now, this company has come up with an epoch-making thing called CPU that is extremely widely used.They can sell cpu to companies in all other countries, but they do not sell to Japanese companies. This has caused many Japanese companies to suddenly fall from world-leading companies to companies with stagnant technology. If things go on like this, Japan Enterprises will definitely be besieged by foreign companies in this competition, and the market of many Japanese companies will be eroded by foreign companies.

Sato Eisaku's default Christmas Eve assassination ended in failure. He knew that it was no longer easy to deal with the Chinese named Tang Xiao in this way.What annoyed him the most was that this person announced to the world through a concert that night that he wanted revenge on Japan.

He didn't expect his revenge to come so quickly, and the repercussions caused by the novel "Proof of Humanity" had already made him very troubled.And now, there is a huge amount of counterfeit banknotes in Japan. He has an intuition that it is that terrible Chinese Tang Xiao who did it!

It's impossible to guard against, he admitted in his heart, he felt a little afraid of this mysterious child-like Tang Xiao, he created troubles, which made him feel more and more troublesome.

At 7:30 p.m., all cabinet members are present.The meeting also included the president of the Bank of Japan, the head of the Japanese Police Agency, and the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.Surprisingly, this time there was also an inconspicuous middle-aged man named Koji Hatoyama.

On both sides of the oval conference table, these core Japanese officials all looked stern. Although many of them did not know that such a large case of counterfeit banknotes had occurred, they all knew that such an emergency plenary meeting of the cabinet usually encountered very serious problems. Big question.

Sato Eisaku's expression didn't change much.This big politician who has been in the political arena for most of his life has practiced his self-cultivation skills well.

"Before the meeting, I would like to introduce a friend to you. He is Mr. Hatoyama Koji, a banknote appraiser of the Bank of Japan. Earlier today, he was the first to discover that there was a serious problem with the 'yen' in Japan. There has been an unprecedented crisis in the 'Japanese Yen'! Facts have proved that his judgment is correct, and his discovery is still timely. It is hard to imagine that if it is discovered later, even within a month, the economy of the Great Japanese Empire may It will collapse because of this! From this point of view, Mr. Hatoyama Koji is a hero of the Great Japanese Empire!" Sato Eisaku introduced this humble "hero" to his cabinet with a stern expression.

Koji Hatoyama, who was sitting at the end, stood up straight and accepted the applause from the members of Sato's cabinet.

Sato Eisaku motioned Hatoyama Koji to sit down, and then continued: "Everyone, our invisible enemy is using an extremely despicable, extremely cruel, and extremely concealed method to attack the Japanese yen, destroy the Japanese economy, and try to make the Great Japanese Empire come back after World War II. The economic achievements of the government were destroyed! Hehe, take out your wallets and let Koji Hatoyama see how many such highly simulated counterfeit banknotes are in the wallets of our cabinet members! Before, the wallet of Mr. Usami Jun, President of the Bank of Japan Inside was a counterfeit 10000 yuan note..."


Only then did all the cabinet members get nervous, and only then did they really feel the crisis was coming.

Minister of International Trade and Industry Kazutaro Kanno couldn't help asking: "This incident is too mysterious and sudden. shouldn't be a matter of three or five days to cause this situation. It can be imagined that in the private sector, in the insurance companies of major Japanese companies How many such counterfeit banknotes are there in the cabinet? Also, how many overseas holiday rounds are there? Did we realize it too late?"

"Yes, we have already suffered a lot of losses in all aspects, and we are already in a very passive position." Eisaku Sato said grimly: "We have encountered the most severe challenge now. If we cannot win this war, Then Japan's economy will go back for more than 10 years, and its international status will also be greatly affected. And I... can only lead you, my cabinet, to submit a collective resignation to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Sato Eisaku's words moved everyone in horror, and some people started talking about it.

Eisaku Sato waved his hand, and he stopped the cabinet members from continuing to discuss: "This is a very powerful move! If we can't handle this matter properly, it will directly affect the international politics of our Great Japanese Empire Status. As we all know, at the beginning of this month, the French government and their allies put forward proposals and opinions to the U.S. government at the U.N. meeting to refer the Okinawa issue to the U.N. Let’s just let it go. If there is turmoil in Japan’s economy and Japan, the enemy will take advantage of it!”

"As for the issuance of huge banknotes this time, I am against it. If Mr. Takeo Fukuda and the Ministry of Finance hadn't insisted on issuing such a huge amount of banknotes without listening to dissuasion, the enemy would not have entered Japan so easily, at least We won't let 'Holiday Circle' survive in Japan for so long!" Minister of International Trade and Industry Kazutaro Kanno criticized his colleagues unceremoniously.

Miki Takeo stood up and said: "This matter cannot be blamed on Takeo Fukuda. Even if we do not issue banknotes, the enemy will still invade our country in the same form or in other ways!"

Takeo Fukuda also stood up and said: "Yes! Issuing huge banknotes is my proposal. My original intention is to stimulate domestic consumption... I admit that this has allowed our enemies to take advantage of the loopholes. In this matter, I have an unshirkable I can take the blame and resign at any time. However, the main issue before us now is not to find who is responsible, but how to deal with the biggest financial challenge in Japanese history!"

"The most troublesome issues for me now are several aspects. The urgent problem we need to solve is, after we discover this rare case of counterfeit banknotes, should we immediately announce it to the domestic people and the world? After the announcement, we will What kind of consequences will it cause, and what kind of trouble will it cause if it is not announced?" Takeo Fukuda frowned deeply, and he expressed his difficulties.

"I've also thought about this dilemma." Chief Cabinet Secretary Aso Second Son stood up and said, "If we announce this huge counterfeit banknote of 10000 trillion yen to the public, it will inevitably cause a domestic financial earthquake and panic among the people. If it is serious, it will cause national turmoil. Internationally, the yen will plummet even more, and everyone and the country will sell the yen. If we do not announce it, the enemy will intensify their efforts to put holiday yuan into Japan and the international market. The consequences are equally serious. It will still lead to inflation and recession in Japan.”

Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Xiaohei Aoba stood up and said: "I don't think it is appropriate to announce this important case too early. If it is announced too early, it will definitely cause huge domestic turmoil. Now there are people gathering to make trouble. Once it is announced Panic news, the situation will be difficult to control."

The chairman of the Public Security Committee, Muzai Komatsu, stood up and said: "After such a large-scale invasion of counterfeit banknotes in Japan, there will be chaos sooner or later. It is better to have chaos sooner than later. I suggest that the whole country should be dealt with as soon as possible in the form of thunderbolts and quick knives. And solve the case!"

The cabinet members all stood up to express their views, but most of the views were the two different views of Aoba Xiaohei and Muzai Komatsu.

After listening to the opinions of the cabinet ministers, Eisaku Sato turned his attention to Takeo Fukuda and said: "Mr. Fukuda, the problem you raised is indeed a problem that we must solve at present. From your tone, it seems that there are other difficult problems. If you have any questions, you might as well say them all, and let’s discuss and discuss them.”

Takeo Fukuda stood up again and said: "The second thorny issue is that there must be a huge amount of counterfeit banknotes in the private sector, enterprises and overseas. How should we deal with this huge amount of counterfeit banknotes? The third thorny issue is The real question is, who are our enemies? What is their purpose? If we do not deal with this problem well, even if we make great efforts to solve the above two problems, the enemy will create new troubles for us at any time , cannot be guarded against."

Mu Zai Xiaosong stood up and said: "Based on my understanding of counterfeit banknotes, and I consulted several well-known domestic experts, they agreed that there must be a powerful group behind the production of such sophisticated counterfeit banknotes. Not only does it need strong financial support, but it also needs a strong R&D team. Therefore, I suspect that it is the work of large international companies or large social organizations, and the behavior of hostile countries is not ruled out! In addition, within the Bank of Japan, especially India The Banknote Bureau has serious suspicions. Generally speaking, the production of such highly simulated counterfeit banknotes is inseparable from the template or relevant data of the Banknote Printing Bureau.”

At this time, Hiroji Hatoyama panicked and handed a statistical form to Takeo Fukuda. Takeo Fukuda glanced at it, then stood up again and said: "The situation is very urgent. I think we should make a decisive decision. Before we I arranged for major commercial banks to work overtime to find some counterfeit banknotes with the same number. I ordered them to report the latest statistical data every hour. More than 8 billion yen, and there are more than 2360 counterfeit banknotes worth 8 yuan! And these are just 323 hours of data from 10000 major banks in Tokyo.”

After Takeo Fukuda announced the numbers and sat down, the venue became extremely quiet.Some people held their heads in deep thought, some looked anxious and disturbed, some kept wiping away the beads of sweat, some sighed quietly, and some stared angrily, as if they were about to kill someone.

A few minutes later, they raised their heads one after another, all looking at Eisaku Sato.

"It's no big deal!" Sato Eisaku opened his eyes, smiled slightly, then put away his smile, and said solemnly: I believe that as long as we are united and united, we will be able to defeat our invisible enemy. !Now I declare—”

With a sound of "Teng", the entire cabinet stood up straight and solemnly.

"The Empire of Japan, enter a state of emergency from now on!"

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