
385 Japan in a state of emergency

Plagiarism of the world - 380 Japan in a state of emergency

In a high-end apartment in a new building in the Chuo District of Tokyo, Japan, Zhuo Peng is watching TV intently with his legs crossed.

This is his "home" with Matsuba Nobuko.

This house was completely decorated by Nobuko Matsuga according to the European style, from the walls to the floor, to the furniture, to the lighting and other decorations, all in a classical European style.Only the household appliances all adopt the latest products of Hong Kong Tang Dynasty Electric Group Company.

This set of rooms is only 180 square meters in total, and Zhuopeng spent a total of 8000 million yen.

On the 34-inch large color TV, the 10th Grammy Awards Ceremony, which ended in mid-February, is being replayed.Zhuo Peng watched this music festival with relish.

Zhuo Peng is not a music fan, nor is he an employee of Tang Dynasty Group, but he is full of admiration for Tan Jiabao, so he is very eager to see Tang Dynasty Records and Tang Dynasty Entertainment Records under Tang Dynasty Group win awards.

He stared at the screen closely, but found that the two major record companies belonging to the Tang Dynasty Group had won only a handful of awards, except for the best female artist Barbra Streisand; the best song of the year was Streisand's "Scarborough Collection". City"; Best Male Singer Paul Simon; Best Band Award for The Beatles and Best Newcomer Teresa Teng, it is difficult to find other member lists.Even his favorite Audrey Hepburn and Oriental Lion don't even have names.

"Strange! How did this happen? More than 100 awards, how did you get so few? It seems that this Grammy is not really fair, and it clearly discriminates against the Tang Dynasty Group." Zhuo Peng shook his head, thinking Speak up for Tan Jiabao.


Even so, Barbra Streisand won two awards, Paul Simon won the best male singer and the Beatles won the best band again, which also encouraged Tang Dynasty Records.It is also a surprise that Teresa Teng won the Best Newcomer Award for her Mandarin album "Love in a Small Village" due to sales of more than 300 million copies.

"Why didn't I hear any complaints from the little boss?" Zhuo Peng was thinking wildly while switching channels with the remote control.

After a while, a football match appeared on the screen.Oh, that's a video of a group match at Euro 1968, between Italy and England.So, he stopped searching channels and began to concentrate on watching the football match.

During college, he fell in love with football and gradually became a player in the school.Later, he participated in a Beijing college football championship as the main striker of the college.

However, after graduating from university, he never touched football again.Until today, he has never seen a football game on TV.He suddenly had a kind feeling.

He was watching TV when he saw Songpu Xinzi hurriedly opened the door and came in.

"Honey, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you these few days. Now I only have half an hour left. I have to bring a change of clothes and daily necessities and report to the Bank of Japan headquarters immediately." Nobuko Matsuba looked nervous, After she said something to Zhuo Peng, she immediately went into the bedroom to pack her clothes.

Zhuo Peng frowned, he stood up and followed in: "Xinzi, what's the matter? What happened?"

While tidying up, Nobuko Matsuba shook her head and said, "I don't know, but something big must have happened. I and 30 other colleagues from Mitsubishi Bank were temporarily transferred to the Bank of Japan. It is said that they have to work overtime and are not allowed to return for several days. Home, food and accommodation are all in the Bank of Japan.”

" could this be?" Zhuo Peng was also surprised when he heard the news.He already sensitively felt that a big storm was coming.

Songpu Xinzi turned around and hooked Zhuopeng's neck with his arm, and said delicately: "Actually, Xinzi didn't want to. I couldn't push it away. Maybe something really happened this time. Our president personally talked to all 30 of us. It’s time for us to contribute to our motherland and make some sacrifices.”

Zhuo Peng nodded, his heart became clear.He leaned over and kissed the woman's face and said: "Go, work hard, I will wait for you at home for a few days."

"Honey, you are so kind. After a few days, when Xinzi comes back, I will be with you again...we will play in this new home...for a whole day, we will not go anywhere..." Matsuba Xinzi moved and kissed Looking at the man's cheek, she seemed to be really reluctant to part.

Zhuo Peng pinched her face, then said with a smile: "At that time, I must ask you to beg for mercy, haha, I will drive you there. My baby!"

The Bank of Japan is not far from their home, and Zhuo Peng's Mercedes-Benz drove to the gate of the Bank of Japan in a short while.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to bring my wallet when I went out. Give me yours. I want to go shopping." Zhuo Peng said casually.

Nobuko Matsuba took out her Hermès wallet from the Burberry bag and handed it to him without thinking, "Take it all, I feel like I'm in prison here, and it doesn't cost me money."

Zhuo Peng nodded, carefully, he skillfully took back the stack of counterfeit banknotes belonging to Songpu Xinzi.Then, he watched the woman enter the Bank of Japan.

At this time, hundreds of bank staff drawn from the top 10 commercial banks all entered the Bank of Japan successively, which further confirmed Zhuo Peng's judgment.

He drove the car, found a secluded phone booth and started making non-stop calls.

He first arranged five small printing plants and a pulp mill in Japan, and then dialed the number of Ren Zhichu in Los Angeles, USA.

Through previous relationships, Zhuo Peng found a few of his former loyal friends in Japan. With the support of Japanese friends, he bought three small printing factories and a small paper factory.Based on these 3 small factories, he has purchased a large amount of raw materials such as sambucus bark pulp and other products in the form of "export to domestic sales" and "import" many times, and is ready for the next step at any time.

And Ren Zhichu's side is also fully prepared to deal with all kinds of plans that the Japanese side may make at any time, and has worked hard in every aspect.

"Report to the boss, the bomb has exploded." Zhuo Peng said lightly.

Ren Zhichu didn't feel surprised there, he also asked lightly: "When did it explode? What's the specific situation?"

"At 8:00 p.m. Japan time, the Bank of Japan has summoned hundreds of elite backbones from the top 10 commercial banks to conduct a closed task that will last for several days. This is obviously for demining..." Zhuo Peng understood The situation is reported in detail.

"Okay, be careful. We are always ready for the next action plan. My side will also be ready. Lao Cai will join you at any time with elite soldiers. In addition, you don't need to report tomorrow, we have people 24 hours a day Next to the radio, you can always know the news over there."

"Understood, goodbye."

This is destined to be Japan's biggest disaster since the end of World War II.Under the overnight emergency defense by Eisaku Sato and other Japanese cabinet members, Japan officially entered a "state of emergency".

Regarding this terrifying case of counterfeit banknotes, according to Eisaku Sato's proposal, after gathering the opinions of various cabinet ministers, the Sato cabinet established a special task force.This task force is headed by Sato Eisaku as the team leader, and the Minister of Finance Takeo Fukuda and the National Public Security Commissioner Kizai Komatsu as the deputy team leaders. The task force is divided into several task forces to thoroughly investigate this vicious case, and to deal with this case. Handle and appease all aspects of vicious cases.

The first group mainly targeted the Bank of Japan and major specialized banks. The Minister of Finance Takeo Fukuda served as the group leader, and Abe Koyama, the police director of the Japanese National Police Agency, served as the deputy group leader.They will lead the top personnel of the Ministry of Finance and the police stationed in the Bank of Japan to be responsible for investigating and dealing with the internal problems of the Bank of Japan, thoroughly investigating the loopholes in the Bank of Japan and other units of the Bank of Japan, and for financial institutions across the country, including Investigate the source and flow of funds of major banks, small banks, loan companies and the stock market, and fully estimate and prepare timely countermeasures for the possible "run wave" of the public in this case

The second team is responsible for completely eliminating new counterfeit coins and completely blocking the entry channels of various counterfeit coins.This team is headed by Defense Minister Harusui Watanabe, and Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Kenichi Kamoshita is the deputy team leader. They will lead the Japanese Self-Defense Force's Maritime Self-Defense Force and personnel from the transportation department to block the sea entry channels of counterfeit banknotes, as well as other possible entry channels. air and land channels.

The third team is in charge of external publicity, accommodating with international countries, and trying to minimize the negative impact of this case on Japan.The group is headed by Foreign Minister Takeo Miki, and Minister of International Trade and Industry Kazutaro Kanno is the deputy head.

The fourth group is responsible for controlling prices, stabilizing popular sentiment, and trying to minimize the impact of the incident.Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Ota was appointed as the team leader, and Chief Cabinet Secretary Fujino Heichi served as the deputy team leader.

The fifth team is responsible for solving the case, striving to find the source of the counterfeit banknotes as soon as possible, tracing the behind-the-scenes organizations around the world, and apprehending the perpetrators.This group is headed by Muzai Komatsu, chairman of the National Public Security Committee, and Naoto Uekawa, director of police at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, as deputy head.

Team Six...

After everything was prepared and arranged, it was already past five o'clock in the morning.They took a break, and at 7:00 in the morning, Eisaku Sato led Takeo Fukuda, Takeo Miki, Heichi Fujino, Komatsu Komatsu and others held a press conference abroad.

After the press conference, Eisaku Sato delivered an eloquent and inspiring televised speech: "A Message to All Japanese Compatriots".

It should be said that the Japanese government is well prepared this time.After the report of this world-shocking counterfeit banknote case came out, although the Japanese people panicked in their hearts, under the effective measures of the government, under the oath of Sato Eisuke, and with the full cooperation of various departments, they responded one after another. The call to tide over the difficulties with the government, so it seems that the mentality of the people is still peaceful.

On the first day, the Ministry of Finance announced that the Japanese stock market would be suspended for 3 days, which gave the Japanese people and the Japanese government some room to buffer their emotions, so that they would not act irrationally.

On this day, the president of the Bank of Japan, Usami Jun, announced his resignation, and Takeo Fukuda served as the president of the Bank of Japan as the Minister of Finance during the extraordinary period.At the same time, some senior officials of the Bank of Japan, including the vice president and the head of the money printing bureau, had to accept the suspension review.This move has effectively enhanced the confidence of the Japanese people. They believe that under the leadership of Eisaku Sato and the personal management of Takeo Fukuda, the Japanese economy will soon be able to get out of the quagmire of counterfeit banknotes.

The most admirable thing is that the Japanese government alone took the consequences of counterfeit banknotes.The Bank of Japan announced the first batch of 13 numbered lists of counterfeit currency, involving an amount of more than 3681 billion yen.The Japanese government claims that the government is responsible to the Japanese people and agrees that the people can exchange real banknotes at major commercial banks within one month.This effectively dispelled the panic of the public, and people took 13 counterfeit banknotes with numbers and went to the bank to exchange for real currency.

At the same time, Japan has received sympathy from Western countries including the United States, and these Western powers have expressed their willingness to provide Japan with assistance within their ability.This expression undoubtedly increased the confidence of the Japanese people.

Therefore, despite such a catastrophe and a rise in inflation, Japan's economy and social order are still under control, and it seems that they have not been greatly impacted, and even the run on Japan has not occurred.

The next day, the Bank of Japan announced 22 counterfeit banknotes again, involving an amount of more than 6033 billion yen.In this way, a total of 25 numbered counterfeit banknotes were discovered, involving an amount close to 10000 trillion yen.

In the TV news feature film, Tan Jiabao saw long queues in all the major banks in Japan, and they all held a few counterfeit banknotes of mockery in their hands, waiting to be exchanged in an orderly manner.

For some reason, seeing this orderly scene, Tan Jiabao gradually had some doubts in his heart.He didn't study economics, so he had to use his brain to analyze some economic phenomena.

Tan Jiabao recalled the 25 numbers announced by the Bank of Japan, and he felt a little strange.He didn't know how the Bank of Japan identified the authenticity. Of the 25 numbers, 7 of them were not Tan Jiabao's and the others!He didn't know whether the Bank of Japan was in a hurry, or was it dizzy, or had another purpose?

It is not important to kill a few banknotes indiscriminately. What is important is that they now kill all the 25 numbered banknotes, no matter whether they are true or not!Tan Jiabao suddenly thought that in terms of technology, talents and time, they are not allowed to distinguish the authenticity in detail. In the face of such imitation banknotes, maybe they can only take this quick way to cut the mess.But is that really the case?

Tan Jiabao knew in his heart that they produced 2100 billion yen in the first batch, and consumed all the raw materials in Indonesia in the second batch, producing a total of 15500 trillion yen.In this way, the value of the two shipments reached 17600 billion yen.Although there is still a small part that has not had time to enter the market, Tan Jiabao estimates that the real holiday yuan on the market is only a lot more than 15000 trillion yen.Well, if they deal with counterfeit banknotes in this way, they can print 3 trillion or even more banknotes in a high-sounding manner.

Thinking of this, Tan Jiabao was startled.He thought that as the Japanese government, they did not lose anything. They just started printing machines to print 3 trillion banknotes, and they easily resolved the crisis.The losses caused by counterfeit banknotes are all borne by the Japanese people.He thought that if the loss of 15000 trillion yen was spread to 15000 million Japanese people, each person would only need to share a disguised loss of [-] yuan.Although my own move has brought some embarrassment and image loss to the Japanese government, the pressure on the Japanese government to appreciate from the West has been well released.

This is not what Tan Jiabao wants to see, what should we do?

Tan Jiabao closed his eyes, but after thinking about it, this half bucket of economics couldn't come up with anything.But he knew that this action had at least dealt a certain psychological blow to the Japanese.He thought that since half a barrel of economics like himself can think of this, some Japanese economists and some "sighted people" in the folk can naturally think of this too.Are the Japanese people willing to pay for this huge amount of counterfeit banknotes?

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