
389 The Oriole Project

Plagiarism - 380 Nine Orioles Project

Tan Jiabao came to the United States this time not because of his business empire, but because a major event will happen in the United States in these few days.Tan Jiabao believes that if they intervene in this matter and succeed, their operation of collecting crystals will usher in a new situation.

On the evening of April 4st, Tan Jiabao was talking with Ren Zhichu and Zheng Dashi who were visiting in the living room. After Tao Yuanzhen taught the four Taiwanese bodyguards of Tan Jiabao in another room, he also sat beside Tan Jiabao.

And Hu Yinmeng is very excited. She will join Jack Welch's acquisition team of Bausch & Lomb, and she will actually experience a vigorous acquisition battle from the beginning to the end.

Tan Jiabao specially shaved his head, wore a short cotton shirt, and sat cross-legged on a single sofa.He glanced at the few people present with a stern expression, and then said in a deep voice: "The operation to collect Liu has entered a critical moment. If we grasp the key point this time, our operation will be more than half successful." ! If we can’t grasp it, or even miss it, then our operation will end in failure. Now the opportunity is in front of us, we must devote ourselves wholeheartedly, we can only succeed, not fail!”

"Ah, why do you say that? Can you explain in more detail?" As the commander-in-chief of the Ryu collection operation, Tao Yuanzhen immediately became nervous.

Tan Jiabao smiled and said: "Sir, you should know that the key to the success or failure of this operation is the United States, and the president of the United States is the most critical person. Do you remember, sir, that I once said that this president will Might make a mistake, a mistake that would leave him infamous forever?"

Tao Yuanzhen nodded blankly, and looked at the kid opposite him suspiciously.

Tan Jiabao said with a stern face: "In a few days, that is, on April 4th, there will be a shooting case that shocked the world in the United States. Dr. Martin Luther King, the leader of the civil rights movement, will be assassinated! I got Reliable news, this murder may be related to the US government!"

"Ah..." Ren Zhichu and Zheng Dashi had already known a little bit before, and they went to Memphis with Tan Jiabao, so they were not surprised, but Tao Yuanzhen was still dumbfounded. He stood up and said in a little panic : "Xiao Bao, are you right? Why did the Johnson government assassinate such a sensitive figure as Martin Luther King at this moment? Doesn't Johnson think they are not troublesome enough in the United States?"

The death of Martin Luther King has long been a mystery.Originally, there were many declassified historical files in Qu’s computer that Tan Jiabao didn’t understand, such as “Who murdered Kennedy” and “Martin Luther King’s death”, but Qu’s understanding of these unsolved historical mysteries It's locked, and he won't show it to Tan Jiabao.However, Tan Jiabao still knew something from the catalog. The title of the catalog about this incident is: Why did the US government kill Martin Luther King!So Tan Jiabao knew that Martin Luther King was killed by the US government, but he still didn't know why the US government killed Martin Luther King.

Dashi Zheng had several contacts with Martin Luther King, and he still admires this man.He wanted to offer to save this person, but he swallowed the words again.He had a faint feeling that this would be of some help to their move to collect jade, perhaps Tan Jiabao had already had a mature idea.

Tan Jiabao shook his head and said: "I don't know why they chose to kill this sensitive person at this time. But this is not important to us. The important thing is that we can intervene and get strong evidence , Blackmail Johnson!"

"Haha, that's right! What we want to do is 'mantis catch cicadas, and the oriole is behind'! We are the oriole!" Tao Yuanzhen almost wanted to scream happily.

"However, this oriole is not easy to take!" Ren Zhichu said coldly: "We are in the United States, and we are all foreigners. Although we know the exact time and place of the crime, we have to do it to capture the mantis. The four words 'quick and accurate', and we have to prepare a lot of follow-up measures. Here, if we make any mistakes in any link, Johnson will put this murder case on us. At that time, we will not be able to argue. Unbelievable!"

Tan Jiabao said expressionlessly: "So, I have to take action in this operation myself! You should have seen that I shaved my head. I don't want to leave a single trace at the scene of the crime, not even a single hair! "

"Xiaobao, have you really decided like this?" Ren Zhichu was shocked.

"Boss, I don't agree! Does the president know about this? This is a big murder that can shock the world. How can you get involved in it? In short, this matter is too dangerous, and your relationship As far as the fate of the entire Tang Dynasty Group is concerned, if you make a mistake, it will deal a devastating blow to the entire group, and I firmly oppose it."

Ren Zhichu and Zheng Dashi looked sternly at Tan Jiabao, who had already shaved his bald head and looked strange, and said that they were deeply worried from their eyes.

Tao Yuanzhen lit a cigarette and said nothing.

"This matter must be done by me personally, otherwise the chance of success is very small. Besides, I proposed the action of receiving Liu. At this critical moment, I can only come out. Hehe, I have calculated very accurately. Now Tao Yuanzhen Mr. has convinced those 4 Taiwanese, plus the two brothers Shouhu Fatlong, that 7 people will work together and great things will be accomplished!" Tan Jiabao drank tea, his expression was very calm, he smiled slightly and said: "As for the Tang Dynasty Group, we Before coming to the United States, I had already written a letter and asked Deborah to deliver it to Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, the president of the group at 4:5 am on April 8th. I have already arranged the way out. Great loss, but never destroyed."

None of the three spoke, they all knew the seriousness of the problem.

"Boss, I really regret that I didn't stop their old men's reckless behavior at the beginning, which made you take such a risk now. This move is too dangerous!" Zheng Dashi gave Tao Yuanzhen a hard look, and then said painfully. Holding his head, he even cried out.

What Mr. Zheng said about "the pretentious behavior of several old men" is that in November last year, after the first temporary victory in the Ryukyu operation, several old men headed by Tao Yuanzhen were immediately dazzled by the victory and contacted the French government. , They immediately launched the next step, which completely disrupted Tan Jiabao's original plan.

Making counterfeit yen banknotes and destroying the Japanese economy is only Tan Jiabao's first step.That was already a very dangerous thing.But now, Tan Jiabao has to personally do something that is 10 times more dangerous than making counterfeit banknotes.He wants to challenge the world's largest country at this time - the United States!If not done well, not only the Tang Dynasty Group may be completely destroyed, but also Tan Jiabao himself will be ruined.

The seriousness of the problem was immediately highlighted, and the hall became very quiet for a while.

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