
391 The Last Martin Luther King

Plagiarism - 390 - The Last Martin Luther King Jr.

There are many rains in the Qingming season, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls.

Memphis, Tennessee has been raining for several days in a row. Martin Luther King, the leader of the American black civil rights movement, visited several large factories in Memphis in one day and learned about the working conditions and conditions of black workers here. Living condition.

Here, as in many other parts of America, black people are still discriminated against, doing the same jobs as white people, or doing hard, dirty and unbearable jobs that many white people don't want to do, but they are paid only white people. half, or even less.

Just last night, on the night of April 1968, 4, Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers met hundreds of people in support of the cleaning workers' strike for equal pay at a church rally in Memphis. To a thousand and eager audience, Pastor Kim delivered his speech in his hoarse, deep voice with emotion: "... For many years, people have talked about war and peace. But that can no longer be said, because today it is no longer There is a choice between peace and violence. There is only one choice: peace or death. This is where we are today..." People listened attentively, and cheers of admiration and trust erupted from time to time.

He likes to give speeches, and many people like to listen to his speeches, and speeches have almost become a part of his work and life.

He remembered that he delivered a famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on August 1963, 8. The title of the speech was "I Have a Dream." In his speech, he excitedly stated his dream:

"I have a dream that one day even Mississippi, where justice is absent and oppression reigns like a desert, will become an oasis of freedom and justice. I dream that one day my four children will live in an not by the color of their skin, but by the quality of their character and life in their country."

He remembered that his speech touched countless people, even the then US President Kennedy.That night, Kennedy invited him to the White House for dinner. Kennedy said to him: "I also have a dream. My dream is to get the new civil rights bill passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives as soon as possible."

Probably because his speech was so passionate, "Time" magazine put the photo of this black man on the cover of the current issue, and was named the man of the year.Not to mention, his speech even moved the judges of the Royal Swedish Academy thousands of miles away, so they awarded the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize to this black leader.

Tonight, he will hold a larger-scale speech on the largest square in Memphis. Through his speech, he will encourage more blacks and people of color to participate. They will launch a national general strike.Also discuss the upcoming "Poor March on Washington" campaign to be organized next month.

But now the changes in the current situation make him more and more difficult to manipulate, just like fate cannot be predicted.A vague uneasiness and sadness haunted him.

In light rain, his convoy stopped in front of a motel called Lorraine Hotel, and he and his companions would stay in this cheap black motel.

The environment around the Lorraine Hotel is not good, and this area is one of the areas with the highest crime rate in Memphis.However, he can only choose to stay here.Logically speaking, a social figure like him should have lived in the luxurious Holiday Inn Hotel that befits his status, as he had done on his previous visits to Memphis.But because of this, he was accused and criticized by his opponents, who said he was too extravagant.He didn't want to compete with his opponent in such a trivial matter. He thought the best explanation was action, so this time he chose this motel—the Lorraine Hotel.

At 4:30 p.m., Martin Luther King Jr. got off his big Cadillac sedan. This 39-year-old muscular black man scanned the street with his vigilant eyes.

Oh, this is a small street with a length of less than 300 meters and a width of less than 15 meters, and the roadsides are full of vehicles, which makes it even more narrow and crowded.

The younger brother Alan got off from another car. He smiled at his elder brother and said, "Brother, you go to the restaurant to eat first, and I will go and check each room carefully. Oh, cake seller, I hope J. Edgar That old Hoover fox, don't pester us this time."

Martin Luther King was slightly taken aback, he nodded and said: "Go, Alan. Try to find it carefully. Although we don't have to be afraid of that old fox anymore, his bugging device is still very annoying!"

"Oh, don't worry, I swear that that kind of thing will never appear in our room again, especially the big brother's room!" The young Allen shrugged, he was sure of his carefulness.

Martin Luther King gently patted his younger brother on the shoulder, and then entered the restaurant of the hotel with everyone.

In fact, he and the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, have been enemies for many years.He knew that Hoover already hated him deeply, both in public and in private.

Martin Luther King Jr. always disliked the most powerful man in America.In the early years, when he was just becoming famous, Hoover asked him to go to the FBI for questioning, but the proud Dr. King rejected Hoover's invitation.Later, when Hoover called him himself, Dr. King refused to answer his call.This embarrasses the "most powerful man in America", and he is very annoyed.This also made a personal rift between them.Later, Dr. Jin published "I Have a Dream" and became an international figure.Not only made friends with President Kennedy, but also won the Nobel Peace Prize.This made Hoover, who had always wanted to win the Nobel Peace Prize, jealous to death. On the day Dr. King went to accept the Nobel Prize, Hoover finally sent him the tape tapped by the FBI. The details of having sex with a woman in a hotel.The recording quickly spread throughout the United States, dealing a great blow to his reputation.

He knew that Hoover's main purpose in installing a bug in his room was not just his private life. Hoover and his FBI already suspected that he had ties to the United States and that he had accepted the Cuban Castel Luo's funding, and even suspected that he was a Soviet spy.Fortunately, on this point, he acted cautiously, confident that Hoover had no favorable evidence.And he already had more covert connections with two members of the American Communist Party, Stanley Raveson and Jack O'Dell.

But now, he no longer needs to be afraid of Hoover, because last week, an anonymous person sent him a stack of things that surprised him, and he accepted this mysterious gift without hesitation.What he got was a stack of photos of the "Great Hoover" and FBI Deputy Director Clyde Tolson at different times and on different occasions. Act the best weapon of the chief of the "Levande Movement".Although he didn't know the exact source of this stack of things, and knew the danger of accepting this stack of things, he still accepted it.

Since he didn't know who sent him these photos, he thought twice, he didn't publish the photos, and he didn't send a copy of the photos to Hoover.He just casually took out this stack of photos to pass around to those around him during one of their internal meetings.

In fact, he has long known that there are FBI moles hidden around him. He believes that FBI spies are very dedicated, and they will definitely report all this to their superiors.Sure enough, a few days later, William Sullivan, the third person in the fbi, called him. Sullivan's tone was very easy-going, and he asked him to meet.Although he knew that Sullivan was representing Hoover at this time, he was too busy, so he once again rejected the invitation of Sullivan and Hoover.

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