
392 The Last Martin Luther King

Plagiarism - 390 II The Last Martin Luther King Jr.

"Oh man! Our great Negro singer! Are you ready?" Martin Luther King Jr. asked a Negro across from him in spirits as they ate dinner in the restaurant.

That is the famous black singer Ben Bratch.Ben wiped his mouth politely, then smiled and said, "Oh, Martin, I'm all set, and I'm going to sing that song 'God Holds Our Hand' to my friends at the rally tonight." , I think, our friends would love to hear it."

At this time, Martin Luther King also finished his dinner. He said to Ben Brach with a smile: "A great man in the East said that we need to be 'unity, tension, seriousness, and liveliness'. Now, our This movement has also reached a critical moment. I hope that all of us civil rights people in the United States will maintain high morale and firm belief while being united, tense and serious. So, I hope you are singing "God Hold Our Hands" and at the same time, sing a song "Tomorrow Will Be Better" written by Chinese Tang Xiao, I think friends will like it even more."

"Well, that's a good idea!" Martin Luther King's assistant Ralph said, "Nowadays many people like that Chinese and their things, why don't we do what we like? Let More people join in and strengthen our power. Besides, the song "Tomorrow Will Be Better" can inspire our black people's desire for a better tomorrow."

Ben Brach is also a well-known human rights activist. He nodded and said: "I will sing this song "Tomorrow Will Be Better" so that more people of color and white people can join us!"

Martin Luther King cleverly used the current situation in the United States to combine "anti-war", "anti-poverty", "anti-unemployment" and their anti-racism civil rights struggle, not only won the support of 2300 million blacks, but also Some people of color and whites also came to support or understand their movement.Now their "Poor March on Washington" campaign is fully prepared, and Martin Luther King is doing the final agitation work. He wants to call on more blacks to march on Washington within the specified time. People of color stand behind their campaigns for justice.

"Oh, everyone finished eating? Let's go up, I have to make a phone call with Keletta. Hehe, I don't know why, I really want to hear her voice." Martin Luther King stood up, feeling said happily.

A group of people walked to the third floor, and Allen greeted them at the stairs.

"Brother, your room is 306, my room next to yours is 308, Ralph is on the other side of you, he is room 304, Ben Brach lives across from you... I have I checked everything, and there is no such thing." The young Allen looked very capable and shrewd.

Martin Luther King Jr. shrugged and walked into his Room 306 with a smile. He couldn't wait to call his wife Keletta in Atlanta.

"Oh God! My dear, I finally hear your voice. I don't know why, but I miss you so much right now." He seemed excited to hear Keleta's voice.

Keleta said kindly over there: "Honey, I miss you too. Oh, how do you feel today? Was the speech to the cleaners yesterday a success?"

"Oh, yesterday's speech was a great success! So today I'm in a great mood all day! In two or three hours, I'm going to a bigger party and I'm going to give another speech."

"Oh dear, in your speech, can you... talk less... about the Vietnam War and stop bashing Hoover's fbi. Oh dear, since I got the fbi tapes, I I get threatening calls and letters from them all the time, and you know, burglars broke into our house the other day and left your study messy. I'm afraid...they really...killed you! … Keletta's voice trembled, and her worry had been accurately conveyed to Martin Luther King's heart.

Martin Luther King fully understood his wife's concerns.Since he formally participated in the civil rights movement in 1955, he has received constant threats from various quarters.He has been arrested and imprisoned 14 times, and he has sat in almost all the prisons in the southern United States.Once, in order to promote the book "Fighting for Freedom" written by himself, he was stabbed in the chest by a black woman at the door of a large store in New York, injuring his aorta, and almost died.Afterwards, the murderer was released on the grounds of "insanity".Later, someone planted a bomb in their house, and his wife and children were almost killed.

And the relationship with the fbi is getting worse and worse.He knew that Hoover was mobilizing and combining all the forces that could be combined in a plot to bring him down. The fbi is going to find a Manhattan conservative lawyer named Samuel Pierce to usurp his position as a black leader.The IRS begins a surprise investigation into Kim's tax situation.At the same time, under the pressure of the FBI, the number of invitations to give speeches by King has become less and less.Wherever he went, King felt the government oppressing him.Over the years, his status as the undisputed leader began to be threatened.Younger and more militant political activists articulated "black power" that ran counter to his nonviolent ethos, and young people gradually won over people everywhere.But he refused to relinquish his nonviolent ideas, and by 1967 many of America's largest cities in the interior were almost plunged into anarchy.After the violent uprisings in Detroit and Newark, President Johnson issued a public statement authorizing the FBI to take all necessary measures to suppress the rioters.

He knew his wife had advised him to talk less about the Vietnam War and criticize the FBI under pressure.Since December 1966, 12, he launched a student strike against the war.In New York and other places in the United States, he publicly condemned the U.S. military for being "like the Nazis" in Vietnam, while the U.S. government is "the number one contractor of violent activities in the world today" and other speeches.He incited American youths to refuse to serve in the army, and even the left-leaning "Life" magazine said that his "evil slander was like a radio script from Hanoi Radio".Therefore, both he and his wife knew that the name Martin Luther King Jr. was increasingly dissatisfied with the government.

"Oh, don't worry, dear Keletta, the fact that the enemy dared to burglarize the house shows that they are very concerned about their tricks in my hands. Hehe, I have something that can discredit the FBI and Hoover!"

On the other end of the phone, Keletta seemed even more nervous. She yelled, "Oh, my God, is that something explanatory? You have to be more careful..."

"Oh, I will, my dear..." Martin Luther King Jr. didn't want to talk about these things that disappointed him on the phone, so he asked kindly: "My dear, have you received the flowers I gave you?" Is that bouquet pretty? Do you like it?"

Keleta understood her husband's psychology. She smiled brightly and said, "Hehe, it's a beautiful bunch of flowers, but why did you send me a bunch of plastic flowers? Don't you know that plastic flowers are lifeless flowers?"

"I want it to be by your side forever, so that you will always remember me." Martin Luther King Jr. said this sentence pretending to be relaxed, but after he said it, he seemed to have a feeling in his heart. An ominous premonition, this premonition made him a little uneasy.So he continued: "Maybe it's just what you said, it's very likely that I won't live long, if I go, I hope you won't be sad for me. You have to be strong-willed, live a good life, and educate our children well ..."

There was silence on the phone, and he heard his wife sobbing slightly from time to time.

"Oh, I love you, dear Keletta, only God knows how much I love you..." Martin Luther King Jr. was depressed, and he hung up the phone.

He fell on the bed and lay down, he had to control his emotions, because he was going to a party soon, and he was going to give another passionate speech.

Due to the recent rain, the air in the small hotel room seemed dull.He got up from the bed and walked to the balcony.He immediately felt a burst of fresh air after the rain, which made him refreshed, and the unpleasant emotions just now were blown away without a trace by the cool breeze.

The enthusiasm in his heart and the lofty ambition in his heart quickly permeated his whole body again. He felt that he had the responsibility to lead the 2300 million blacks in the United States to carry this civil rights movement to the end.

He rested his elbows on the railing, staring at the afterglow in the distance, the darkness was coming.

What Martin Luther King Jr. didn't know was that this was the last twilight he'd seen.As early as more than a month ago, he had been secretly sentenced to death by the highest interest group in the United States.Now, on the opposite side of him, there is a black gun aimed at his head...

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