
428 8 Arhats in Taipei

Plagiarism - 420 Eighty-eight Arhats make trouble in Taipei

"Nightlife in Taipei starts at 12 o'clock."

Tan Jiabao no longer remembers who said this sentence.But now, when their convoy was driving on Zhongxiao East Road, he really knew that Taipei's nightlife was originally embodied on this avenue.

This avenue is perhaps the widest avenue in Taipei City.It was already 11 o'clock in the evening, the sidewalks were brightly lit, street vendors gathered, young people in love crowded shoulder to shoulder, and the sound of hot music and hawking was endless.The two avenues of the avenue are full of coffee shops and light food restaurants. The decoration is novel and bright. The restaurants are always full of guests and the business is booming.Entertainment venues such as movie theaters and theaters are open until dawn; bars and dance halls compete with each other in different styles.Fashionable young people gather here at night, drinking and having fun, or indulge in singing and dancing. The crowds who return home in the early morning form the unique style of Taipei at night.

The Blue Moon Ballroom is located on Zhongxiao East Road, and it is currently the largest ballroom in Taipei City, with an astonishing 500 pings, or more than 1500 square meters.It is said that it is a large dance hall with the most advanced facilities, the most comfortable environment, and the largest number of singers in Taipei.It is also the current headquarters of the Bamboo Union Gang.

Compared with the casino of the Three Rings Gang, this Blue Moon Ballroom is much more complicated.

As an entertainment and leisure place, the Blue Moon Ballroom has more than 1000 customers coming in and out every day, and its security guards and staff have reached about 0 people. In addition to other secret drug dealers, the number of people is even more impressive. up.Plus a wide area of ​​1500 square meters.Therefore, it is quite difficult to smash this dance hall.

But Matthew Deans didn't take any of that to heart.

Fortunately, the Bamboo Union gang is too confident, they are not like other dance halls, they must be searched first when entering the door.So their actions here are similar to those in the casino. Qi Siming and Xing Dahai entered the ballroom first, looking for those important targets.

Five minutes later, after seeing everyone at the gate of the ballroom go in, Matthew Deans and others had already put on windbreakers and sunglasses, Tan Jiabao also put on a mask, and a group of nine strode towards the ballroom.

Because people often wanted to sneak into the dance hall without a ticket, the ticket gates of the dance hall and other entertainment venues in this period were heavily guarded.The Blue Moon Ballroom is no exception, and it is even larger. There is a row of staff and security guards standing at the ticket gate of their ballroom.

"Are you actors? Actors enter through the back door." A security guard who checked the tickets saw eight foreigners wearing the same trench coat and a child wearing a mask, and thought they were the actors tonight.

Matthew Deans said coldly: "We are not actors!"

"I'm not an actor, why are you wearing a windbreaker? Are you going to dance?" In April, the nights in Taipei are still cool, but wearing a windbreaker seems abnormal.

"We're not here to dance, we're here—to smash!"

As soon as Matthew Deans finished speaking, eight people took out a German mp8 submachine gun from their windbreakers at the same time, and fired a round at the legs of many security guards and staff members in this row.Many people had no time to escape, and fell down with the sound of gunfire.

Nine people rushed in, and two closed the door as usual.

In the ballroom, there are only some dim lights on the stage. A few spherical flashing spotlights are hung on the roof of the dance hall. Hundreds of people are dancing disco crazily. On the stage, a female singer imitated Qiao Jiani's demeanor, Singing "Disco Under the Moonlight" emotionally.

Matthew Deans strode onto the stage with a submachine gun in his hand.Under his submachine gun, the singers and band on stage screamed in terror.Martinez ran into the dressing room and ushered all the actors and crew onto the stage.

The 9 people who entered first had already prepared everything.When they saw Matthew Deans appear on the stage, they pulled the switch, and the vast ballroom was brightly lit.

Immediately there was screaming and crying in the hall.

Matthew Deans and Martinez still fired two rounds of bullets into the roof, and the hall immediately fell silent. "Listen, be quiet, now all squat down on the ground and put your hands on top of your head!" Matthew Deans said coolly.

"Crack, crack, crack..." At this time, a group of about 30 security guards with guns rushed from the second floor, and they opened fire on Matthew Deans and Martinez on the stage.

Matthew Deans and Martinez and 17 people standing in different positions fought back at the same time. All of them were well-trained sharpshooters with perfect shots. Many security guards were shot in the legs and arms immediately.The remaining few security guards fled to the second floor.Xing Dahai led seven team members to attack the second floor, restrained the remaining security guards, and conducted a detailed search of the rooms on the second floor.

A large group of squatting people was piled up in the whole ballroom. Tan Jiabao led a few people, walked slowly among the group of people with guns, and searched slowly.

After a while, Wang Daming ran down from upstairs. He found Tan Jiabao and said, "Boss, we are lucky. We found a big fish upstairs."

Tan Jiabao was standing under the stage, and he made a gesture to Matthew Deans on the stage. Matthew Deans nodded in agreement, and Tan Jiabao went up to the second floor with Wang Daming.

The second floor is actually the headquarters of the Bamboo Union Gang. They were still doing a usury business just now, and several important members were gathering for a meeting.

Tan Jiabao walked into the office of the Bamboo Union Gang and saw that Xing Dahai and the others had restrained the seven or eight main members of the Bamboo Union Gang who were in a meeting.Among this group of people, Tan Jiabao suddenly saw a face he had "seen before".

In the Internet era he experienced, he had seen the portrait of this person before!At that time, the Bamboo Union Gang was already known as the largest gang in the world, and he was already the daunting leading brother and the spiritual leader of the Taiwanese gang.

Tan Jiabao knew him because of his "century funeral" in October 07.About 10 people went to the funeral of the century from the Bamboo Union Gang, leaders of various gangs in the province, and people from all walks of life. Organizations including Hong Kong's "Xin Ngee Ann" and Japan's "An Qin Hui" also sent representatives across the sea to the mourning hall. Tributes were also attended by dignitaries from politics, entertainment and business.The Taiwanese police dispatched nearly a thousand police officers, and used satellite monitoring methods to deploy guards on the roads around the mourning hall in Dazhi, Taipei City, to prevent incidents from breeding.

Tan Jiabao recognized at a glance that he was Chen Qili!Although he is only 25 years old now.

In fact, Tan Jiabao felt that Chen Qili was quite handsome. Tan Jiabao thought that the current Chen Qili looked much more comfortable than his star son.He doesn't have a trace of butter, but he is more lean, vicissitudes, fierce and masculine!

At this time, Tan Jiabao and Chen Qili looked at each other.After a while, Chen Qili, who was pointed at the back with a gun by Xing Dahai, actually smiled: "Haha, Mr. Tang Xiao? Actually, I admire you very much, and I especially like your "Godfather". I have read the novel three times, and I have watched the movie 3 times. But you are wrong this time, Audrey Hepburn was not hijacked by me! The whole thing has nothing to do with my Bamboo Union Gang!"

It is said that Chen Qili is a person who likes to read very much. I didn't expect that he would tell this characteristic of himself as soon as we met.

Tan Jiabao nodded and said: "From your eyes, I almost believe you! But my brothers don't all think so, so, Master Chen has to go with us! If I make a mistake, I will I apologize to everyone!"

"Take them away, take them all away!" With a wave of Tan Jiabao's hand, Xing Dahai and the others hurriedly covered their mouths with handkerchiefs and covered their heads with silk stockings, like pulling a bunch of grasshoppers. The backbone of the Bamboo Union Gang was taken away.

At this time, there were still many people in front of the Blue Moon Ballroom on Zhongxiao East Road.Everyone looked at this scene and didn't know who these people with live ammunition were, and they didn't know who those people were caught with their heads covered.

After this group of people came out, they locked the ballroom, and drove off in a swaggering manner. After more than 10 minutes, everyone heard the noise, crying and calling for help in the ballroom.

It wasn't until this time that everyone knew that the gang just now were "gangsters". They robbed the Red Moon Ballroom and kidnapped the person in charge of the ballroom.

This process took a total of 23 minutes, plus the previous casino and driving time, the whole operation is only 75 minutes!Their 75 minutes turned the entire Taipei city upside down.

People struggled to pry open the lock on the door, and nearly 1000 people rushed out of it in an instant.In an instant, Zhongxiao East Road boiled.Interested people began to ask those who had just escaped from birth.Some bold people began to describe the situation of being robbed just now vividly, and the best one was a 17 or 8-year-old young man with a Tainan accent.

This skinny young man with a height of less than 170 centimeters could not restrain his excitement, and explained to everyone their experience of being robbed just now. He was surrounded by enthusiastic fans.

"A few of us are from Tainan, and we traveled from Tainan to Taipei today. We know that the Blue Moon Ballroom is the most upscale, luxurious and beautiful ballroom in Taipei. We went in around 10 o'clock in the evening. Inside the ballroom , we had a lot of fun, the overall quality of Blue Moon's dancers is really high..."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me how you met that group of robbers? When did the group of robbers enter, how many of them were there, and how many people did they kill today?" A young man was impatient. All the questions I wanted to know the most were raised in one go.

The skinny young man was not angry. At the young man's request, he started talking like a storyteller: "It was around 11 o'clock. I was tired from dancing, so I bought a soda and sat down." Beside, watching my friends dance, they are dancing a disco, well, I remember the female singer on the stage is singing "Disco under the moonlight". At this time, I saw a tall foreigner, wearing a beige 0-color windbreaker, wearing a pair of sunglasses, holding a pistol in his left hand, and a black submachine gun in his right hand! Oh, that guy is so handsome, have you seen "The Godfather"? Well, dare I say He is even more handsome than the Godfather played by Marlon Brando! I thought it was an actor until the guy raised his submachine gun and fired into the air for a while, and the light tube on the roof was shattered by bullets. Know they are robbers!"

The young man spoke very excitedly. He vividly and vividly described the whole process as confusing and dangerous. He was even more amazed at this group of robbers, and his admiration was like a surging river.He claimed that it was like making a movie, it was really enjoyable, and this trip to Taipei was worthwhile. He said that he would never forget this scene tonight.

"A-Bian, why are you here? It took us a long time to look for it." Several young people from Tainan who came with him squeezed into the crowd and saw this friend called "A-Bian" still talking about this experience.

This Ah Bian smiled and said: "There are so many people, where can I find you? Only in this way, you can find me in no time!"

"Okay, let's go! You, eloquent, are born to be a lawyer!"

"No! As I said, I will be the president in the future!" Ah Bian said confidently as he walked.

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