
429 Responses from all parties in Taipei

Plagiarism - 420 Nine Taipei Responses

Taipei City is in a turmoil.

This blatant, military-like kidnapping case was immediately spread in Taipei City with embellishments, especially those who were present at the time talked about it with gusto.Such a thing happened suddenly, but some people were too busy.Bear the brunt of the police station and major hospitals.

The police station was busy recording statements for witnesses, looking for clues at the scene, and asking the surrounding vendors about the situation; ambulances from the hospital transported the wounded to the hospital for treatment.

At the Taipei City Police Station, an emergency meeting was held between police and military representatives.

Taipei City Police Chief Fang Jiajin first said: "Tonight, the Jishitang on Zhongshan South Road and the Blue Moon Ballroom on Zhongxiao East Road were successively attacked by a group of unknown people. The hall of the Bamboo Union Gang suffered serious damage to the facilities inside. In this attack, 21 people from the Sanhuan Gang were injured, 55 people from the Bamboo Union Gang were injured, and the deputy head of the Sanhuan Gang and the Bamboo Union Gang included the head of the gang. The 8 key members of the Communist Party of China were captured alive by them. Now the citizens are talking about this incident, and the major gangs in Taipei are suspicious of each other, secretly preparing forces and strengthening various preventive measures..."

After Fang Jiajin finished his speech, Yan Shixi, the deputy director of the Taipei City Police Department, added: "According to the witnesses and the descriptions of the injured, there were about [-] people who participated in this surprise operation, including several foreigners, and even a masked man. Children. Although they destroyed many facilities during this operation, we found that they did not rob money. There were millions of banknotes on the gaming tables in the casino, and they did not touch any of them. They did not kill anyone. , Although their weapons and equipment are first-class, they only hit people's legs and hands, and no one was killed by bullets. They are well-trained, like regular special forces members."

After the two police officers finished speaking, the meeting place seemed unusually quiet.

Gu Zhengwen, director of the Secret Service Division of the Military Intelligence Bureau, also came to the meeting this time. He looked around the venue and said, "It's obvious who did this thing. They don't want money or life. The other party made it clear that it is I want to let us know that they are a big company, that Mr. Tang Xiao is a god-like figure, and no one should fantasize about taking advantage of their company. If someone dares to do this, they will pay the other party 100 times. They will not Don't worry about the face of us people! So what about the respected and respected General Gu who is over 70 years old?"

Gu Zhutong glared at Gu Zhengwen, and he made no secret of his disgust for the spy chief.He said coldly: "Now no one is sure that it was done by the Tang Dynasty Group Company. Even if they did it, what can we say? Their head Huadan has been kidnapped in Taipei for several days. They can't Find a way to find it yourself? If it were me, maybe I would have done it a long time ago!"

"General Gu, please pay attention to your words! Why are you speaking for outsiders? What have you done with the reputation and prestige of the party-state?" Gu Zhengwen stood up and said sharply.

"What! In front of us, do you have the right to speak?" Zhou Zhirou jumped up and said angrily: "According to Director Gu's intention, is it to arrest people from the Tang Dynasty Group Company for interrogation? When the time comes, You want to make public the news that Oscar queen Audrey Hepburn was kidnapped for several days? What is your intention? Do you want to avenge your son who lost his teeth? I want to ask you , Where exactly do you want to put the reputation and prestige of the party-state? You want the whole world to condemn us?"

Although Gu Zhengwen has been reused by today's leading figures, he still dare not challenge the two powerful figures in the military circle, and they are still figures that Chiang Ching-kuo relies heavily on.Therefore, he dared not say anything more.

In fact, why didn't Gu Zhutong and Zhou Zhirou know that this matter was done by the Tang Dynasty Group Company?Before they got involved in the Audrey Hepburn hijacking case, Chiang Ching-kuo had explained to them the particularity of the case.For a company like Tang Dynasty Group Corporation, Jiang Jingguo didn't want to have an antagonism with it because of a few gangsters, especially during the critical period of the current acquisition of Liuzhou.Besides, this matter was originally the fault of the Taipei gangsters. They did not steal money or kill people during the operation, which has already given the Taiwan side enough face.

Finally, the meeting discussed and finally formed a resolution.For the time being, they attributed the two cases to gang fights, and the specific circumstances of the case have yet to be further verified.However, the meeting condemned the two vicious acts and warned both the perpetrator and the victim to remain calm. The Taiwan side does not want to see similar incidents happen again.If it happens again, the Taiwan side will regard the matter as a malicious provocation, and the Taiwan police and military will deal with it vigorously without mercy.

For Tan Jiabao, this decision had already been expected.In some respects, the Taiwan side does not want to expose the incident of Audrey Hepburn's hijacking even more than Tang Dynasty Group Corporation, and they are even more eager to rescue Audrey Hepburn as soon as possible than Tan Jiabao.On the other hand, the operation to collect Ryukyu has achieved a crucial step of victory. For Taiwan, it does not want to disturb this hard-won good situation because of this incident at this time.Therefore, in this matter, Tan Jiabao dared to target.

Early the next morning, Tan Jiabao rushed to this dilapidated auto repair shop.In their "temporary monitoring room", Tan Jiabao went to visit Jin Yusong and Yang Dihu who were on duty.

Last night, they locked the two gangs in two different rooms.They installed bugs in the house in advance, and several Chinese took turns to monitor.

"Yu Song, Di Hu, you've worked hard! How did they react yesterday? Did they monitor anything valuable?" Tan Jiabao asked as soon as he saw them.

Jin Yusong said with a smile: "At the beginning, two or three members of the Bamboo Union gang were like women cursing the street last night. They cursed all kinds of ugly words and broke many things in the house. Later, their gang leader stopped them. They were quieted down. As for anything else of value, there is nothing left. Well, here's the record."

"Haha, they are gangsters themselves. After receiving such a blow last night, why didn't you feel angry? It's not normal not to scold someone." Regarding these, Tan Jiabao didn't care.

Yang Dihu seemed to be inspired by Tan Jiabao's words, and immediately said: "Well, the boss is right. The two members of the Third Ring Gang are extremely calm. In one night, the two of them did not speak more than one sentence, and none of them was meaningful. It’s worth it. I think, did they discover our monitor? Logically speaking, it’s not, we installed it very covertly.”

Hearing this sentence, Tan Jiabao was also taken aback. He felt that this was indeed an abnormal phenomenon, so he said, "Show me the record of what they said."

After reading the record of a few sentences, Tan Jiabao became more suspicious. He felt that this Wang Daoxin was not simple.He pondered for a while and said: "You two, go and prepare, and give this Wang Daoxin a 'Phantom Invincible Needle' later!"

"Okay, it's cheap for this kid!" Yang Dihu was eager to try it happily, and Jin Yusong also showed a smile.They have seen with their own eyes how powerful this "Phantom Invincible Magic Needle" of their little boss is, and they admire this "unpredictable" ability of their little boss from the bottom of their hearts.

In fact, the drug name of the drug that Tan Jiabao extracted from Mayer Rothschild's "Hua Gong Da 0 Method" that can control the human nervous system is very long and complicated.Under Qi Siming's repeated curiosity, Tan Jiabao casually named this drug "Phantom Invincible Magic Needle".In fact, his effect is so significant that even Ringo Waltz, a double agent of the FBI and CIA, and William Sullivan, who has decades of FBI agent career, can't resist. , Unreservedly poured out all the secrets he knew.

Therefore, sometimes when Tan Jiabao meditates alone, he feels that he is the luckiest traveler in "history".Not only did he "come prepared" and had done decades of preparation, but he was also lucky enough to meet another traverser in this world—Mayer Rothschild, and was lucky enough to make friends with him. Friends, and enlisted the help of Mayer Rothschild.With such an "extraordinary" experience, Tan Jiabao felt that he should surpass the time travelers he had seen in the novels before, and he felt that he had the ability to create some even greater myths!

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