
449 Taobao Agreement

Plagiarism - 440 Nine Taobao Agreement

Regarding this huge treasure, Tan Jiabao knew that without Marcos, it would be difficult for him to succeed in this foreign country by himself.Fortunately, there are as many as 175 hiding spots for this treasure, so he can have plenty of time to deal with Marcos, and gradually win his trust, and then adjust accordingly.

Tan Jiabao smiled lightly and said: "Yes, I do know the most authentic treasure map. I know that there are as many as 175 hidden treasures in the Philippines, including less than 10 large ones and many medium-sized ones. And some small treasure spots, there are a total of more than 000 tons of gold. However, after World War II, the Americans found several treasures under the leadership of Major Kojima, the adjutant of General Yamashita Fengwen, who was in charge of the treasure. President Hoover and General MacArthur each received about 10 tons of gold, and the other 1000 tons have already belonged to the U.S. government. However, the U.S. believes that they have found all the treasures, but in fact, what they found is only a fraction of a cow.”

"Damn Yankees! This is my Filipino wealth, and they shamefully took it for themselves!" Hearing this, Marcos said angrily.

Although Tan Jiabao heard that Marcos said this sentence casually, Tan Jiabao was unwilling. He stood up and said, "You are wrong! This is not the wealth of the Philippines, but during World War II, or even earlier. At that time, the Japanese plundered wealth from 12 Asian countries! You should know that China is the most plundered country. In Nanjing and surrounding cities, about 6000 tons of gold were robbed at one time! So, this treasure Among them, at least two-thirds belong to China! And the Philippines, although it has also been plundered, is at best one-twelfth.”

Marcos was taken aback, and immediately laughed and said: "Maybe you are right, but at least these treasures are still in the Philippines, right? Since they are on the territory of the Philippines, they are considered to be in the Philippines for the time being, don't you think?" ?”

"Wrong! Although the treasure is on the land of the Philippines, it was buried by the Japanese! If the Japanese knew that the secret of their treasure was leaked, would they remain indifferent? They would let you Filipinos dig this place arbitrarily. Is it a treasure? They may not have an army yet, but won’t they make deals with the Americans? I think you should know better than me how greedy the Americans are! Most importantly, they have already tasted the sweetness, They will believe in the treasure! I think that the Philippines will not only get nothing, but also suffer from the disaster of war! Well, the US Navy military base in the Philippines and the air base in Clark are enough to kill you and me .” Tan Jiabao’s words were so sharp that it was difficult for Marcos to answer for a while.

Before they knew it, the negotiation between Tan Jiabao and Marcos about the treasure had already begun.Tan Jiabao knows that when negotiating, one must take the initiative, so as to gain the upper hand in the agreement, otherwise it will bring great disadvantages and inconvenience to future actions.He had already made full preparations for the negotiation, so he refused to budge from the beginning.

Marcos shook his head and said helplessly, "Let's not talk about the ownership of this treasure first, shall we? Let's talk about how we should cooperate to excavate these treasures first."

Tan Jiabao saw that Marcos' tone softened, so he sat down again and said: "Mr. President, I want to understand a concept first, that is, am I negotiating this issue with Mr. Marcos personally, or am I negotiating with the Philippine government now?" this problem."

Marcos' face hardened, and he said, "Is it any different?"

"Of course it is different, and it is very different! If I am negotiating with the Philippine government, I am not qualified. I have to report to the government of our country to negotiate with Mr. President. At that time, the governments of the two countries can dig openly. This batch of treasures. Believe me, China made a move, and there are 10 other victimized countries behind it, and the Americans dare not do anything. We just need to dig out the treasures, and then 12 countries sit down and have a good talk about the distribution of the treasures That's it." Tan Jiabao said all these words that he had thought about a long time ago.

Marcos didn't answer right away, he had already experienced the power of this child-like person.He closed his eyes, wishing to kill him in his heart, however, he was not sure of killing him.

After a long time, Marcos opened his eyes and said: "In this way, although these treasures can be excavated quickly and openly, the impact is too great, and it will cause a lot of unnecessary disputes and troubles. Therefore, I think it should be the two of us working together to dig quietly. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as the treasure is dug out. The two of us... After we each share the treasure, we will temporarily take care of it on behalf of the Philippines and China. When the time is ripe , and we will hand it over to our respective countries. Look... is this okay?"

"Safekeeping? How nice to say!" Tan Jiabao sneered in his heart, he looked at Marcos who was already showing greed and said: "Mr. President's idea is really great. I am a businessman. Of course, I hope most This is the result. Haha, let’s talk about distribution now. As I said earlier, at least two-thirds of this batch of treasures came from China, and the treasure map is in my hands, so I will keep this book for the time being. Two-thirds of the treasures should belong to China. For the other one-third of the treasures, Mr. President can temporarily keep them for the Philippines and 10 other Asian countries, do you think it’s okay?"

"No!" Marcos was a little angry, and he said: "We have already agreed, we only represent individuals this time, not the country. Therefore, we should be equal. You have a treasure map, I Provide convenience. At that time, we will divide the excavated treasures equally!"

Tan Jiabao shook his head and said, "Okay, let's put aside the issue of distribution. Hehe, the most difficult thing in the negotiation is the distribution of benefits. Okay, now let me talk about my excavation steps."

Max nodded, understanding.

Tan Jiabao continued: "There are so many treasures, and we can't excavate them openly, so we can't mine them in three or two years. Therefore, our cooperation should be based on the fact that you can be re-elected as president. Hehe , preferably as President for life, we will have more time."

"You don't need to worry about this, I will definitely do it!" Marcos said confidently: "As long as your investment is in place as soon as possible, my chances of being re-elected will be greater, and it is not impossible to be president for life!"

Marcos seems to have opened up to Tan Jiabao.In fact, Tan Jiabao is even more confident about being re-elected than Marcos himself.After thinking for a while, he said: "Mr. President, we cooperate and we should trust each other. Try to make this Taobao operation last as long as possible, make it the most perfect, and make each other happy. Therefore, the main party in this Taobao operation is me. , your side is only providing policy and military support. In a word, every treasure dug up must be sold to me, and I must pull the treasure out of the Philippines. Of course, I will show cash and buy it at the market price Yes. The advantage of this is that Mr. President should focus on power now. I don’t want to affect Mr. President’s future, the future of this Taobao operation, and my reputation in the world because of my huge wealth. Haha, I want Just to clarify, I'm a celebrity now, though not as famous as Mr. President."

"Mr. Tang Xiao is humble, your reputation is much bigger than mine now." Hearing Tan Jiabao's "frankness", Marcos also felt that his proposal was reasonable.Furthermore, keeping this huge amount of property with him is also worrying, and it may become a "time bomb", so he has no objection to this.

Tan Jiabao also said: "The specific task arrangement is as follows. My side is responsible for excavation and transportation, and yours is responsible for security work. That is, during the excavation process, not even a fly is allowed to be released on the mountain. Yes, none of your soldiers are allowed to go up the mountain. Of course, one or two leaders of this army are still allowed to go up. The purpose of this is to protect the eyes and mouths of your soldiers, because they are Filipinos after all.”

This time, Marcos pondered for a long time, and finally said: "That's fine. But, are your eyes and mouths so convincing?"

"I will bring a group of local indigenous people from Africa, don't worry! After we dig the treasure, after your people count the number, everything will be mine. However, during the transportation of the goods, I don’t want to have any obstacles to my convoy and fleet on land and sea in the Philippines. On the sea, it’s best to have your ships escorted. Of course, I will use some minerals as a cover during transportation.”

Marcos secretly admired Tan Jiabao's thoughtfulness. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will give you a special pass at that time. Hehe, you should be transported to Hong Kong or Taiwan, right? You must have thought of a way to let them ship by sea." Your patrol will escort you?"

"Of course it is! To be precise, I will transport the treasures to Hong Kong, where I have my private pier... Only in this way can we do it perfectly." Tan Jiabao said confidently.

The two talked more and more speculatively, and finally when it came to the distribution of benefits, they finally reached an agreement.The result of their distribution is: all gold, silver, platinum, diamonds and other treasures that can be quantified at the market price on the spot, they will take a 3-7 split; Get 3 copies, Marcos gets 7 copies; for those books, paintings, artworks and antiques, all belong to Tan Jiabao; Tan Jiabao also gave Marcos a small treasure, this treasure except books, paintings, artworks and antiques Except for Tan Jiabao, all other properties belong to Marcos, and Marcos will dig this place as soon as possible.For this result, Marcos felt very satisfied, but Tan Jiabao achieved a small victory.

In the end, the two happily signed a written Taobao agreement.

The question is, will the two treacherous people carry out the agreement properly?

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