
451 Forber's Story

Plagiarism - 450 A Forber's Story

Many countries in the world have Chinatowns.Over the past year, Zheng Dashi has traveled to many places, not to mention major cities in the United States, and he has left his footprints in South America and Africa.Everywhere he went, he wanted to visit Chinatown.By the way, learn about the survival and living conditions of the local Chinese.

At this time, there were more than 1000 million Chinese in Indonesia, and there were more than 0 Chinese in Jakarta. Indonesia was the country with the largest concentration of Chinese overseas.So Zheng Dashi thought, the Chinatown here must be the most prosperous Chinatown, right?

When he arrived in Chinatown, Zheng Dashi found that the distance from his imagination was too great. Most of the buildings facing the street here were two, three, four or five storeys. The high-rise buildings on the outer walls, and the slightly newer buildings are only painted with a layer of colored wall paint.The relatively wide road is separated by a green belt, which is planted with ever-blossoming flowers, which are natural but not delicate, and the unique scenery of the city is hidden among the flowers - a stinky ditch.Compared with the Chinatowns in New York and Los Angeles, this place looks really shabby.

Jakarta's Chinatown is located in the Panjiran district, where more than 90% of the merchants and residents are Chinese.Zheng Dashi immediately thought that in the past two years, with the exclusion and massacre of Chinese by the Indonesian government, the Chinatown here naturally looks deserted and desolate.In Chinatown, both the boss and the passers-by looked lonely, and some people were even taken aback, neurotic, like frightened birds.

There are small shops along the street, and the goods are dazzling.Seeing the helpless and dull expressions of these traders, Zheng Dashi, who had been instilled with many thoughts of patriotism and love for the people since he was a child, felt a dull pain in his heart.

"Hey, in fact, they should go back to the motherland. I remember that many Indonesian overseas Chinese went back two years ago. They are so pitiful. Some people died so badly... Hey!" Xing Dahai also sighed. .

In fact, there are many reasons for the Tu Hua incident that happened some time ago. Zheng Dashi, who has traveled far and wide, has a new understanding of politics. He believes that the rivalry between Beijing and Taipei in Indonesia is also a factor that causes disunity among the local expatriates.The so-called "red output" and the like, he now clearly realizes that it is a kind of wishful thinking, but it is thankless, harming others and not benefiting oneself.This is true in Southeast Asia, South America, and Africa.The so-called "communists and wives" in mainland China deliberately distorted the facts by Taipei also made many overseas Chinese feel at a loss.

"Yes, from the end of the Qing Dynasty, they assisted Westernization officials to set up industries, provided funds and technology, to Mr. Sun Yat-sen's revolution, the red regime in Yan'an, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and then to the construction of New China. How many overseas Chinese contributed money and effort? Overseas Chinese have become China's 'fifth column', and they serve the motherland without complaint or regret. Should we do something for them..." Zheng Dashi seemed to be talking to himself.

"Mr. Zheng, Captain Xing, the building not far from here is the 'Fuji Teahouse' opened by my uncle. Why don't we go up and chat while drinking tea?" Lu Demin said with a smile.

"Good idea, let's go."

Fu Bo's "Fuji Teahouse" is a two-story wooden building. The teahouse is small, but clean and tidy.Like most shops in Chinatown at this time, the business of his tea house was extremely deserted.Zheng Dashi and the others chose a seat upstairs by the window and sat down.Fu Bo quickly served tea and snacks.

Uncle Fu was in his early 50s, and he was a relative of Lu Demin, and he was also a talkative person, so after a while, he became acquainted with Zheng Dashi and his group.Maybe it's because the business is really slow, or maybe it's because I haven't talked with anyone for a long time. When Dashi Zheng asked about the living conditions of the Indonesian overseas Chinese in Indonesia, the old man finally opened up.

"In the past 50 years, the Indonesian Chinese have not lived a good life! During World War II, when the Japanese came in, they didn't say anything. On August 1945, 8, after Japan surrendered, Indonesia declared independence. But the Japanese army had just withdrawn from Indonesia, and the Dutch colonized The army made a comeback again. From then until 15, the Indonesian people entered a period of independence war against the Dutch colonists. Finally, the Dutch were driven away, and the whole of Indonesia was truly independent and recognized by the United Nations. We all thought that You can live a good life, but Indonesia’s first president, Sukarno, started his anti-Chinese policy.” Faber said eloquently, which made everyone feel horrified.

Seeing Uncle Fu's candor, Xing Dahai also asked without hesitation: "Uncle Fu, are you not mistaken? I know that Comrade Sukarno is a good friend of the Chinese people and a close friend of the great leader...comrade-in-arms, he is also Chinese exclusion?"

"Haha, as soon as I heard your words, I knew that you came from China. In Indonesia now, you are the ones who turned against you, and you are the ones who are arrested. You should be careful." Fu Bo took a sip of tea, and then said: "Sukarno was put under house arrest by the current Suharto. I heard that he was about to die. However, this is still a dog eats a dog! Sukarno is not a good thing at all! During the Indonesian National Independence Movement from 1945 to 1950, Indonesians Anti-Y Chinese sentiment continued to rise, and many overseas Chinese were plundered and massacred. After independence, Indonesian national politicians who took control of the state regarded the economic power of overseas Chinese as "remnants of the colonial era", and even used radical legislation to revitalize the national economy In the form of comprehensive restriction and exclusion of overseas Chinese from all aspects. During the Sukarno era, the Indonesian government issued about 30 laws restricting and excluding overseas Chinese economy. , rice milling, and timber industries, etc., and prohibited overseas Chinese from engaging in retail business in rural areas. In particular, Presidential Decree No. 1959 promulgated by the Sukarno government in 10 explicitly prohibited overseas Chinese from entering Indonesian counties. Do business in the following areas. This decree was developed by the military leaders in certain areas of Indonesia to prohibit overseas Chinese from living in areas below the county level. As a result, more than 1960 overseas Chinese in Indonesia lost their livelihoods, and some were even displaced, and more than 50 overseas Chinese were repatriated. "

Forber sighed, and he continued to say heavily: "Since 1956, the racist "Asaat Movement" has been covered up under the propaganda of friendship. The Chinese believe in Bodhisattva, Guan Gong, Mazu and other more diverse beliefs, so Indonesian ultra-nationalists use religious heresy to incite anti-Chinese. That Sukarno in your mind is known for being pro-China and pro-Communist Order the devaluation of the currency, and devalue the banknotes with a face value of 500 dong and 1000 dong to 50 dong and 100 dong, which makes the holders of large-value banknotes lose 90% of their currency value overnight, and most of the overseas Chinese Holding banknotes with large denominations. In August of the same year, the Indonesian government suddenly lowered Indonesia’s exchange rate and categorically froze deposits, stipulating that 8% of the excess of bank deposits above 2.5 rupiah should be frozen. In 90, because the Chinese were excluded, the Indonesian economy plummeted. Sukarno visited China to seek support. Under the strict requirements of the Chinese government, Sukarno punished the main participants. For the staff, the anti-Chinese incidents have gradually subsided, but the Chinese staff are very clear: the situation in Indonesia will not be as calm as it appears on the surface, and there will definitely be changes in the next few years."

Speaking of this, Forber was already in tears.He drank tea, and his thoughts seemed to go back far, far away. It took him a long time to control his emotions and continue: "Everyone knows the next thing. The '9.30' incident broke out, and Suharto opposed the Communist Party of China. The Chinese government is very aware that Tu Hua is about to happen, and encourages the Chinese to return to China, but because of the three-year difficult period and the Cultural Revolution in China, the Chinese are hesitant. You who beat up the local tyrants to divide the land go back to the mainland...they want to reunite you! So most of the Chinese stayed, and only a few left. Hey, one thought of heaven and one thought of hell!"

Xing Dahai said with deep emotion: "Actually, at that time, I knew that the party and the government sent a large number of ships to Indonesia to welcome the Chinese and overseas Chinese in Indonesia... The party and the government also devoted their heart and soul to the overseas Chinese in Indonesia and did their best. ..."

"Don't! Don't! Don't! Please don't say the word 'heart and lung'! Do you know what a real 'heart and lung' is? Have you ever seen a real 'heart and lung'? In the Red Bowl incident, this Such cruel things happen one after another, but those savage Daya people raised by animals treat the Chinese like they are..."Heart out"!" After Fu Bo finished speaking, he masked his face and burst into tears.

"Beast! Beast! I'm going to kill those beasts!" Ouyang Lin slapped the table and shouted, teacups on the table fell down one after another, his eyes were already full of murderous intent!

Ouyang Lin is more than 180 centimeters tall and weighs more than 0 catties.At this time, he was very much like Li Kui, the black whirlwind.

"Ouyang Lin, sit down and calm down!" Xing Dahai stood up and ordered his subordinates.

Dashi Zheng sighed and said, "I hope this time the boss will be able to negotiate business in Indonesia as he wished. I will suggest him to use Chinese and overseas Chinese as much as possible and treat them well. We... hey, we can do so much."

After talking about this painful memory, Uncle Fu seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden. He hunched over, cleaned up the teacups on the floor, and then staggered downstairs.

None of the people sitting upstairs spoke a word.The painful past in Indonesia that Forbe told just now has made them unforgettable, and they sat there in a daze for a while.

I don't know how long it took, there was a noise not far from the door, and the noise became louder and louder.Forbe came up tremblingly, and said in a panic, "Hurry up, a group of hooligans from Sudirman Street are here, and they are bullying the mother and daughter in the grocery store diagonally opposite again, if they I see you..."

Before Uncle Fu finished speaking, Ouyang Lin ran down quickly, and Zheng Dashi and Xing Dahai couldn't scream anymore.

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