
454 Indonesian business tycoons

Plagiarism - 450 four Indonesian business tycoons

In the presidential suite of the Intercontinental International Hotel in Jakarta, Tan Jiabao, Yankel, Lin Yutang, Jin Yong and Tao Yuanzhen were negotiating with famous local Chinese industrialists in Indonesia Chen Bichen, Xie Jianlong, Huang Yicong, Zheng Nianjin and Li Wenzheng.

In the last life, tycoons such as Chen Bichen, Xie Jianlong, Huang Yicong, Zheng Nianjin, and Li Wenzheng, plus top rich men such as Guo Henian, Guo Lingming, Huang Zhixiang, Su Xuming, Li Chengwei, and Lin Wutong from other Southeast Asian countries, for Tan Jiabao, that is Like thunder.

But now, except for Chen Bichen's Pangu Bank, which is already the most famous bank in Southeast Asia, most of the other people's enterprises are only in the development stage, some are just starting, and some have not even started.Another purpose of the two investigation teams of Tan Jiabao and Tan Xiaozhong is to find cooperative enterprises in Southeast Asia and discover future talents in Southeast Asia, which Tan Jiabao is very willing to do.

Investing in companies that are in their infancy is like investing in original stocks, which are both stable and profitable.If he could get a few such talents, Tan Jiabao would make a lot of money.From another perspective, Tan Jiabao's investment is also a win-win situation, and the invested party can also quickly grow stronger in the competition in the 80s and 90s, and obtain a more favorable position.Tan Jiabao believes that his insertion will give the company powerful wings, and it will be much higher and larger than the original development speed and scale.He is confident about it.

Tan Jiabao has a dream. In the future, among the Fortune 500 companies, Chinese companies will occupy half, or even more, and Chinese assets will dominate the world.

Bangkok Bank of Thailand is now the largest international commercial bank for Chinese in Southeast Asia. It was founded in 1945 and its head office is located in Bangkok, Thailand.In addition to 116 branches in Thailand, it has 12 branches in Indonesia, 6 branches in the Philippines, 3 branches in Singapore, and 7 branches in Malaysia, with total assets of 306 billion baht and total liabilities of '3 baht, The net worth is 30 billion baht, which is equivalent to 1 million U.S. dollars.

"Mr. Chen, your Pangu Bank has developed rapidly over the years since its opening, and has helped many Chinese and overseas Chinese enterprises in Southeast Asia. For this, I deeply admire it." Tan Jiabao said politely to Chen Bichen.

Chen Bichen is now in his fifties, and he said with a healthy smile: "The development momentum of Pangu Bank is indeed good, but compared with your Tang Dynasty Group Company, it is insignificant. Hehe, I am here this time, and I just want to laugh with Tang. Sir, discuss cooperation matters, I want to make Pangu Bank bigger and stronger."

"Haha, we coincidentally. I specially asked Mr. Lin to invite you over this time, and it is precisely because I want to cooperate with Mr. Chen. By the way, I am also planning to cooperate with several other patriotic overseas Chinese present here."

Chen Bichen nodded and said, "Since this is the case, how does Mr. Tang Xiao want to cooperate?"

Tan Jiabao smiled slightly and said, "Pangu Bank is your sole proprietorship bank. I want to get involved. I plan to invest 1 million US dollars to buy 38% of the shares of Pangu Bank. What do you want, Mr. Chen?"

"Ah—" Chen Bichen was startled, Tan Jiabao's offer was obviously a lot of premium.

Tan Jiabao continued: "For my investment, I hope that Pangu Bank will vigorously develop overseas markets. I think that while Pangu Bank has a foothold in Southeast Asia, it will gradually open branches in Hong Kong, North America and Europe. Tang Dynasty Group will vigorously Support. In addition, I, Tang Dynasty Bank, entered the Southeast Asian region, and I asked Mr. Chen to help me."

Chen Bichen kept nodding his head. He very much agreed with Tan Jiabao's point of view. He said: "Yes, yes, I think so too. If Pangu Bank wants to grow, it must go to the United States and Europe, and Hong Kong belongs to the motherland after all." Pangu Bank will be more easily recognized by the local people, so our first step is to open several branches in Hong Kong. Oh, I will do my best for Tang Dynasty Bank’s entry into Southeast Asian countries!"

"With Mr. Chen's words, I feel relieved. At the right time, I think Pangu Bank should seek listing financing. At that time, I will help Pangu Bank to list in Hong Kong or the United States. Pangu Bank can achieve broader development Prospects. Mr. Chen, since we are so destined and hit it off so quickly, in the next few days, our Vice President Yankel will work with you to discuss cooperation details and sign an agreement?"

Chen Bichen felt that this trip was worthwhile, and his heart was slightly excited: "Very well, I like your vigorous and resolute style of doing things. I think we will have a very pleasant cooperation."

"The banking industry has a huge market. Mr. Li Wenzheng, I would like to establish a joint venture bank with you in Indonesia. Similarly, this bank will also be based in Southeast Asia and radiate the world! Therefore, the starting point of this bank cannot be low. This bank , I plan to invest 1 million US dollars here, and you will raise 00 million US dollars. We own 70% of the bank’s shares, you own 10% of the bank’s shares, and I have another arrangement for the other [-]%. You will be the president of this bank , belonging to Tang Dynasty Bank. Regarding this proposal, I wonder if you are willing or not?" Tan Jiabao looked at the youngest banker among the group of people and said.

Li Wen, who is only 39 years old, is a prodigy in the banking industry. Although he has not received any professional training in banking, he has two extraordinary talents of a banker - a keen market mind and a super salesman's ability. In 1960, Li Wenzheng, whose total net worth was only US$ 00, raised US$ [-].Using his intuition and experience in small businesses, he concluded that turning Key McMurran back from the dead would require entering markets that no other bank had thought of.With his unique vision, he spotted Jakarta's huge bicycle industry, a virgin land that no one else has cultivated.As an investor, he came to the bicycle industry, won customers and saved a bank called Kee McMurran Bank that was on the verge of bankruptcy.Then he saved two banks on the cheap.

Now, although the bank he manages is small, it is the most dynamic bank in Southeast Asia.Tan Jiabao valued his ability, he needed this person to charge into battle for him, to attack the city.

Li Wenzheng has the clearest mind, and he is not the kind of person who looks happy.When Tan Jiabao said this, he knew that his great opportunity had come again.However, although he is now in charge of several banks and owns 15-30% of the shares of several banks, the total assets are only 800 million US dollars. Where is he going to raise another 1 US dollars?

He is a person who has the courage to challenge himself. He believes that there is no end to the sky. He bravely accepted Tan Jiabao's proposal. He then asked, "What kind of bank is our bank?"

"Let's call it 'Libao Bank'!"

Tan Jiabao is a slightly superstitious person.He believes that the naming of a company has some connection with the people who run it.Since in the last life, the Lippo Group managed by Li Wenzheng became so big, the name "Libao" must be suitable for this person named Li Wenzheng.

"Mr. Xie Jianlong, your Astra company is booming now. I have some projects and suggestions. I wonder if you are interested?" Tan Jiabao turned to another question.

Of course, Xie Jianlong was not willing to give up this opportunity. He said with a smile: "Hehe, of course I am interested in cooperating with a world-class large enterprise like Tang Dynasty Group Corporation. And I know that your Renault car in France, and is The third largest shareholder of Peugeot. I also know that you are about to introduce a new fuel-efficient car. To be honest, my Astra now sells mainly Japanese cars, not much for European and American cars, I think Bring in European and American cars and your new cars."

Tan Jiabao nodded and said: "Our fuel-efficient cars have little advantage in oil-producing countries like Indonesia, but many advantages of European and American cars are unmatched by Japanese cars. In fact, I think that Astra Just getting involved in the field of car sales, the profit will be much less. I propose that Astra produce its own cars! Our vice president, Mr. Yankel, is very familiar with the car, so let's talk to you two. "

Yankel took up the conversation and said: "We want to cooperate with Astra to produce cars. The first thing we want to produce is trucks and tankers..."

So, Xie Jianlong and Yankel talked it over.In this regard, Tang Dynasty Group Corporation and Astra Corporation reached an agreement, and the two parties invested 5000 million US dollars to establish an automobile manufacturing company.

Next, Yankel cooperated with Huang Yicong and Zheng Nianjin.Tang Dynasty Group Corporation invested US$5000 million in Huang Yicong's "Jinguang Company", and Tang Dynasty Group Company accounted for 45% of the equity of "Jinguang Company". Start a clothing company.

In this way, Xie Jianlong, Huang Yicong, Zheng Nianjin, Li Wenzheng and others left happily, leaving only Chen Bichen behind Tan Jiabao.

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