
456 Handshake Suharto

Plagiarism World - 450 Six Handshake Suharto

Without saying a word, Lin Shaoliang picked up the phone and called the Presidential Palace of the Independence Palace.After a while, Lin Shaoliang said regretfully: "Unfortunately, this afternoon, President Suharto just returned from suppressing the rebellion in Aceh. He is resting. The secretary asked us to go to the presidential palace at 8 pm. I will take you to meet the president. However, I I can only take you there alone."

Tan Jiabao shook his head regretfully.

After just experiencing the biggest storm of anti-Chinese and massacre in history, the identity and status of overseas Chinese in Indonesia fell to the lowest point in history.Regarding the actions of Xing Dahai and the others this afternoon, the Indonesian police unabashedly favored the Indonesian hooligans, accusing Xing Dahai and the others of being spies sent by China to challenge the Indonesian government.The police had already reported to the presidential palace immediately, which made the case more complicated.

Yanker stood up and said, "Boss, I'm going to the police station now, and I'll explain the reason first. Anyway, I went, and the Indonesian police will give me some face and make Xing Dahai and the others free." In addition, if it is convenient for Mr. Lin, he will also call the police. The purpose of this is to protect our employees and make them suffer less.”

Lin Shaoliang was very cooperative, and he called the police station again...

After Yankel left, Tan Jiabao was unhappy.Instead, Chen Bichen and Lin Shaoliang came to comfort him.After such a sudden change, the two sides seem to have drawn closer at once.

Tan Jiabao adjusted his mentality, then smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, I'm so sorry, it's the first time we meet, and I have such troublesome things to trouble you."

"Mr. Tang ridiculed. After all, although I changed my Indonesian name, I am also Chinese. Hehe, I am also very sad about what happened to Chinese and overseas Chinese in Indonesia in the past few years. Hey, on this kind of thing, It is inconvenient for me to intervene. I think, even if I say something, the president will not listen. For many Chinese who say about me...whatever, I can only smile wryly, I wonder if you two can understand?" Lin Shaoliang suddenly sighed, with a look on his face The room is very lonely.

Tan Jiabao and Chen Bichen looked at each other, and Tan Jiabao said: "We can fully understand Mr. Lin's situation. I think we should do more practical things for Chinese and overseas Chinese in the future."

Lin Shaoliang stood up and said: "This time, Mr. Tang Xi's people were arrested. I will definitely try to get them out! However, when we meet the president at night, we still have to pay attention to the method. We can't just mention this when we meet." For this matter, we can start with investment..."

Tan Jiabao listened attentively, and he gradually developed a good impression of Lin Shaoliang.He said: "Thank you, Mr. Lin. It is a worthwhile trip to make friends like Mr. Lin in Indonesia. In fact, while we are developing minerals and oil, we can also cooperate in depth. My plan, Mr. Chen It can also be copied and modified, and then implemented in Thailand.”

"What plan?" Chen Bichen and Lin Shaoliang were attracted at the same time.

"We predict that in the next 30 years, the Asia-Pacific region, including Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand in Southeast Asia, South Korea in Northeast Asia, and Taiwan and Hong Kong in China will be the fastest growing countries in the world. and regions. Therefore, from now on, we need to be bolder and take a step forward. For example, in Indonesia, we can respond to the Suharto government's plan to revitalize the Indonesian economy, and we will start to solve Indonesia's "basic clothing, housing and transportation" problems.

Let's start with food. I know that Indonesia still needs to import food.We can produce flour and other foods in large quantities, monopolize this industry, and help the government solve the food problem in Indonesia.Next, let's start with textiles and clothing.The final "living" and "transportation" can be done together, we help Indonesia build roads, bridges and houses, and we can completely monopolize the downstream sub-sectors such as steel and cement..."

This set was originally the means by which Lin Shaoliang later took off in Indonesia. Now that Tan Jiabao said it in advance, it still made Lin Shaoliang and Chen Bichen feel deeply.

"Now, while we are doing business under this banner, we also need to enclose a lot of land. Now through the government to buy land in big cities like Jakarta, we can buy a lot of land at a price of 1 dollar per square foot. Jakarta, for example Well, maybe within 1-years, land prices will rise to $15-50 a square foot! So, we have to be as bold as possible!"

Lin Shaoliang and Chen Bichen began to ponder.

At 7:50 in the evening, Tan Jiabao and Lin Shaoliang arrived at Suharto's private residence on time in Lin Shaoliang's car.Suharto's guard captain Sam personally led them to the large living room of Suharto's residence.

Suharto had already stood up and greeted them with a smile.Suharto and Lin Shaoliang hugged each other, then looked at Tan Jiabao strangely and said, "This kid, why haven't I seen him before?"

"Haha, guess what?"

"Well, Su Duoruo, he... is your... in which city..."

Su Dono is Lin Shaoliang's Indonesian name.Most Chinese in Indonesia were forced to change their names.

"Mr. President, you misunderstood me this time. How could such a pure person like me do such a thing?" Lin Shaoliang indeed had an extraordinary friendship with Suharto. He and Suharto smiled mysteriously as if joking.Well, let me give you some hints.There is a person who suddenly appeared in Hong Kong in 1967, and made movies, published books, wrote songs, and invented many things.His best thing is to make money!In more than a year, the scale of his company has been very large, and he is already a super rich man who people look up to! ..."

"Haha, I see! It turns out that what the Japanese newspaper said is true. He... is really the most mysterious Mr. Tang Xiao?"

"That's right, he's the one who turned the world economy upside down! However, he hasn't revealed his identity yet. Mr. President is the first head of state he meets."

Suharto looked at Tan Jiabao again with a smile, and then suddenly stretched out his hand to shake hands with Tan Jiabao.

The above conversations were all in Indonesian, and Tan Jiabao couldn't understand a word.It wasn't until he finally mentioned his name that he realized a little.It turned out that Lin Shaoliang was introducing him to Suharto.

"Mr. President, hello!" Tan Jiabao stretched out his hand with a smile.

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