
457 Smiling Tiger

Plagiarism - 450 seven smiling tigers

Suharto held Tan Jiabao's hand with a pleasant smile and said, "Welcome, welcome to Indonesia, the most miraculous person in the world. I hope you will bring earth-shaking positive changes to Indonesia. Mr. Tang Xiao , please sit down."

The three sat down as guests and hosts, the guards served fragrant tea, and Lin Shaoliang acted as an interpreter.

"I hope that as Mr. President said, I hope that we will work together to plan and build Indonesia, and the day when the great ambition in Mr. President's heart will be realized is just around the corner!" Seeing Suharto being so kind and polite, Tan Jiabao also smiled answered.But he began to mutter in his heart: "My arrival will definitely bring earth-shaking changes to Indonesia. As for whether it will bring any positive effects to you and Indonesia, I can't guarantee it."

"Okay! Indonesia welcomes the investment of the world's largest enterprises like Tang Dynasty Group Corporation. Since last year, Indonesia has begun a new historical period centered on economic construction and development. Under my initiative, our Indonesian government has successively promulgated The "Foreign Capital Investment Act" and the "Domestic Capital Investment Act" have been implemented, and the new first five-year social and economic construction plan has been implemented. We believe that the Indonesian government, Indonesian entrepreneurs, nearly 2 million people in Indonesia and some foreign countries have vision With the joint efforts of , courageous and powerful, our first five-year social and economic construction plan will be successfully completed! In addition, we are still brewing and planning a more long-term 'first 25-year development plan'. We plan Let Indonesia rank among the ranks of medium-sized developed countries in the world within 25 years..." Suharto began to introduce the situation of Indonesia to Tan Jiabao enthusiastically, and Lin Shaoliang seriously started the temporary translation work.

Tan Jiabao has such a close contact with this middle-aged man who is not yet 50 years old, but it is difficult for Tan Jiabao to connect him with Indonesia's "father of construction" and "king of thousands of islands" such as "the world's first greedy man".

On the surface, Suharto looks too ordinary.He now wears a navy blue suit and a traditional, very common Indonesian black bonnet.No matter how Tan Jiabao looked at it, he didn't think he was a figure who could change the destiny of the country.His tone is always gentle, and his smile is always kind and kind to friends and guests, even he will deliberately show a humble, a humble expression.He is not tall, and sometimes looks shy and shy, not like a dictator, but like a college student who has just debuted.

However, many have been defeated by this unassuming, seemingly perpetually smiling man, including his predecessor, another military and political strongman - Sukarno!

At this time, Tan Jiabao may be the only one in the world who knows that Suharto's "first five-year social and economic construction plan" and "first 25-year development plan" have achieved success. In the mid-90s, Indonesia really It is very close to the "moderately developed countries in the world".Had it not been for the financial turmoil, Suharto might really have become Indonesia's president for life.

Suharto ruled Indonesia for more than 30 years.During his tenure, he brought long-term political stability and economic development to Indonesia, and thus won the reputation of "Father of Construction" in Indonesia; Indonesians were ousted. "There are few politicians who are as black and white as Suharto," said a Southeast Asian political analyst.

After Suharto came to power, he recruited a large number of economists and professionals, reused them, and let them play a role.They advised Suharto and formulated the country's economic development plan.

During the first 25-year development plan period, that is, during the 1969 years from 1994 to 25, the Indonesian economy made great achievements, with an average annual growth rate of 6%, and per capita national income increased from US$70 to US$650.During this period, Indonesia has basically achieved self-sufficiency in grain, the export of agricultural by-products and some primary processed products has increased significantly, and some large-scale industrial projects have also started in succession. Later economic development laid a good foundation.Since Suharto came to power, the situation in Indonesia has been relatively stable, and the economy has continued to develop at a high speed.

However, it was also Suharto who brought huge economic wealth to his family and cronies through means such as corruption, monopoly, and subsidies during his reign. In 1999, the US "Time" magazine reported that Suharto and his family had illegally amassed tens of billions of dollars in assets, of which 150 billion dollars were hidden overseas.According to this report, the Suharto family is omnipotent in Indonesian politics, economy and society.Suharto's children and relatives monopolize Indonesia's transportation, telecommunications, automobiles, real estate, construction, banking, electricity, petrochemicals and other industries, control more than 70 foundations across the country, and own land and real estate throughout Indonesia, with total assets reaching $350 billion.

What Tan Jiabao hated very much was that after Suharto came to power, he began to pursue an iron-fisted and bloody policy.It not only suppressed national movements in various places bloodily, but also inflicted poisonous hands on the Chinese.

Therefore, for such a character, for such a smiling tiger, Tan Jiabao dare not take it lightly.

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