
459 The 3 most unstable places in Indonesia

Plagiarism - 450 nine Indonesia's three most unstable places

Suharto was in a very good mood, and his smile became even brighter.

Unlike Marcos in the Philippines, he is a man who sees things through.He feels that these minerals are the best gift from heaven and earth to Indonesia.Since it is feasible within one's term of office, and the country does not pay a dollar for mining, why not do it?This can not only bring huge tax revenue to the country, but also drive other industries and solve many labor problems.Therefore, while stimulating the economy, it can also increase the income of the people and bring tangible benefits to the people.

From this point of view, Suharto is still much smarter than Marcos, so Suharto, who is greedy for ink and has no less property than Marcos, ended up much better than Marcos.

In the last life, Marcos was forced to go into exile in the United States after he stepped down, and finally died in Hawaii, the United States; Suharto's ending was much better. If it weren't for the once-in-a-century financial turmoil, it would be impossible for him to step down.Even if he stepped down in the end, he still stayed in Indonesia, and his status was still detached.

Suharto looked at Tan Jiabao and said with a smile: "Mr. Tang Xiao, you said so much tonight, and you plan to invest so much dollars. But, I always feel that something is missing. Hehe, tell me, start All the minerals produced are sold to you, so you naturally want to refine and process them yourself. As far as I know, whether it is mineral smelting, oil refining, or metal deep processing, this requires a large area and a lot of manpower .And Hong Kong is too small, and the United States is so far away, and the wages of workers there are very high. I don’t know, where are you planning to ship these minerals to?”

Tan Jiabao secretly admired Suharto's shrewdness, so he also answered truthfully with a smile: "Oh, we are going to buy a city and countryside with an area of ​​300-500 million square kilometers around Darwin, Australia, and build a city there. The world's largest petrochemical factory city, a large non-ferrous metal smelting city, the world's largest steel company and a large thermal power plant."

"Why did you choose Australia to invest?" Suharto looked serious.

Tan Jiabao said: "We first invested in the mining industry in Australia. We also participated in and controlled several large and medium-sized mining companies in Australia. In addition, Australia is also very close to the Philippines and Indonesia, and the infrastructure is very good. The most important thing is , The Australian government is very supportive of these projects, and the price of the land given to us is very cheap, and can be paid in installments. Not to mention, they also gave us a 3-year tax holiday after completion.”

"Although Australia is a big place, it is sparsely populated. I think at least 10 direct labor will be needed for these several projects of yours? In addition to the supporting schools, shopping malls, markets and hospitals, etc., what is needed There are even more labor forces. And I also know that the wages of labor in Australia are more than [-] times that of Indonesia. Why don't you choose to do these projects in Indonesia?" Suharto responded quickly, he Learn about the enormous benefits that such a large enterprise brings to the country.

Tan Jiabao said embarrassingly: "To be honest, we planned to do it in Indonesia or the Philippines, because these two countries are rich in mineral resources and cheap labor, and the land price will definitely be much cheaper than Australia. More importantly What’s more, there are many Chinese people here. Mr. President should know that our company’s top management can only speak English and Chinese, so I also think this area is the most ideal place. However, through our investigation, we found that these two places are not Stability, there are often rebellions and riots. And these few projects of ours are not as short-term projects as the extractive industry. I hope these projects can survive for more than 100 years. Therefore, after discussion by our board of directors, we still want to Put those projects in Australia."

Lin Shaoliang interrupted and asked: "So, how to solve the labor problem in Australia?"

"They said that they can bring us part of the labor force, and the other part can be easily recruited in Indonesia and New Guinea. Well, just now Mr. President said at least 10 employees, but it is far more than that. For example, our petrochemical industry, including oil refining, Chemical products and chemical fiber products, etc., this industry requires more than 6 people; our steel company also needs more than 60 people; and metal smelting is even more complicated. With so many metals, it is necessary to Tens of thousands of people. In addition, we also need to set up several schools and universities, such as Petroleum University, Metallurgy Institute, etc. In short, when these companies are established, including their families, there will be at least [-] people.” Tan Jiabao said honestly .

Suharto stood up without saying a word. He walked to a map and looked at it in thought.Lin Shaoliang also walked over.

Seeing this scene, Tan Jiabao also walked over.Following Suharto's gaze, he saw that Suharto was staring at an island.Oh, that's New Guinea!With a thought in Tan Jiabao's mind, the restless thought dormant in his heart came out again.

He already knew Suharto's ideas, and the few projects he proposed were not a huge temptation for Suharto?

At present, Indonesia still lacks such large-scale enterprises.As Suharto who wanted to make a career, he certainly saw the benefits of these companies settling in Indonesia.Once these enterprises are completed and started in Indonesia, his 25-year plan may be realized ahead of schedule.Therefore, Tan Jiabao had another idea.

Could it be that there is a force in the dark that is promoting his grand plan and great cause that he could not even imagine before?Could it be that I can achieve great things from this first island in the Pacific Ocean that is rich in minerals but poor?

Tan Jiabao guessed Suharto's thoughts, and Tan Jiabao's words had touched him deeply.Suharto really wanted these large companies of Tan Jiabao to stay in Indonesia. He thought that only West Irian was the closest to the mines in Indonesia, the Philippines and Australia.Here he can free up a lot of space for Tan Jiabao's company.

As Tan Jiabao said, Indonesia is very unstable now.Indonesia is a multi-ethnic country, but also the largest Islamic country.Ethnic and religious conflicts come and go one after another, so naturally there is little stability.However, these are not a big deal, Indonesia has 3 most unstable places.One is Aceh Province, which is still there this morning to suppress the rebellion, and the other is Timor Island, which is adjacent to Australia. The place called West Irian is the most unstable place in Indonesia and the most lethal place. Where he got a headache.

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