
481 Customize several aircraft carriers

Plagiarism - 480 customized a few aircraft carriers

In fact, Tan Jiabao also knows some large oil and gas fields and minerals in South America, but most of South American countries are state-run, and it is difficult for foreign capital to enter, such as Brazil and Venezuela.However, in order to take action, should he sell the few large oil and gas areas he knows at a low price?

Another reason for his frustration is that he has been quietly changing the world, and the future history will be difficult to grasp.He knew that the more minerals and oil he discovered, the greater the change would be.He doesn't know, will the energy crisis break out in the coming 70s?Will there be a fourth Middle East war?Will crude oil futures still appear on time?

With the start of their own nation-building actions, this change will be even greater.For example, the topic of this United Nations General Assembly was "requesting South Africa to withdraw its troops from Namibia", but now it has suddenly become the topic of "returning Ryukyu to China".However, the price of gold started earlier, which made Tan Jiabao a little at a loss.

He felt a little fear for the "prophetic sense" that was gradually being lost.

Tao Yuanzhen nodded and said: "That's right. The operation to collect Ryukyu has entered a fierce stage. We and Japan are like two warriors who meet on a narrow road. The comparison between us is courage, strength and fighting spirit! Our operation team for collecting Ryukyu , we are going to plan several big actions, and we will show great momentum to you warriors fighting at the front. This time, Mr. Lin Yutang has already gone to Ryukyu, and we are going to the Ryukyu People’s Party leader Mr. Zhao Bingyi to come to the United States, and we also invite He brought 300 Ryukyu locals and asked them to speak out during the UN Security Council meeting, so that countries all over the world can understand the wishes of the Ryukyu people."

Tan Jiabao frowned and said: "As a secret weapon, they can appear in the United Nations Security Council a few days before. However, the safety of these people is a problem. Please tell Madam Jiang that for the safety of these 300 people, They have to be fully prepared.”

Tao Yuanzhen nodded, and then said hesitantly: "There is one more thing. Taiwan's funds are no longer enough. Although the government has provided another 5000 million US dollars in funds, it is obviously not enough. Although they didn't say anything, I can see Come out, they seem to be restricted in this regard. At this critical moment..."

Tan Jiabao closed his eyes and thought about it. Taiwan has indeed paid a lot. Even the purchase of planes in the United States and France cost more than half of it. In addition to the aid and bribes from various countries, 5 million yuan is not enough.However, Tan Jiabao thought of asking for a bowl of water to be flat.So he said: "Old Tao, I will contribute another 5 million U.S. dollars for the operation of accepting Ryukyu and the construction of Ryukyu. Lao Huo, I will give another 5 million U.S. dollars to Beijing, and ask them to continue to follow up on the above-mentioned 4 countries. Aid, and the rest of the money, let them develop their military."

Tao Yuanzhen and Huo Yingdong beamed with joy, and they went back full of confidence.

After Tao Yuanzhen and other members of the Ryukyu collection operation team left, Tan Jiabao left only Mr. Zheng and a group of people.Zheng Dashi brought Xing Dahai, Wang Daming, Li Tanyao, Zhong Huide and Liu Xinmin here this time.Ouyang Lin likes life in the military camp, so he stayed in Africa.

Tan Jiabao looked at the young men with a smile and asked, "How is life in Africa? Are you still used to it?"

"Although the weather there is a bit hotter, it's not as terrible as we imagined. After 2-3 days, we got used to it, but not long after we got used to it, we transferred to the United States again." Li Tanyao's mouth quickly , he seemed to be in a good mood.

Zhong Huide smiled and said: "Boss, do you know? We are either yellow or white, so in the local area, people can tell that we are foreigners. Only Li Tanyao is particularly popular with African locals, because His skin color is almost the same as theirs, so there is less sense of distance."

Li Tanyao is from Hainan Island. His skin is much darker than ordinary people, but he is not the same as African blacks. Zhong Huide is obviously joking.Li Tanhei grinned and said, "Hey, this is also my advantage. African people really like me! Are you envious? Haha..."

Xing Dahai didn't like joking. He knew what Tan Jiabao wanted to know, so he pulled the topic back on track and said, "Boss, our current team has more than 7000 people, and they are still looking around. The number of these 10000 people should be No problem. Although they are all mercenaries, they are obviously older and come from all over the world, but they have a unique set of training methods. Although their training is much more intensive than ordinary regular troops, their training is very scientific, allowing People can still accept it. I think their combat effectiveness should be good."

Zheng Dashi added: "After we arrived, we asked them to learn 10 Chinese characters and speak 10 Chinese sentences every day according to the requirements of the boss. We implemented it as soon as we went, and the response was not bad."

Tan Jiabao nodded and said, "Mike Hall and John Peters, how are you doing now?"

"Mike Hall has been recruiting for us in Africa, and John Peters has lost interest in the mercenary life. He has gone to Cape Town to do business. We have kept some of their good generals , and the rest have been sent back. Also, Mike Hall has found the Frenchman you are interested in, Bob Denard, who just won a battle between mercenaries The 800 soldiers he brought with him were obviously much better than our previous ones. So, I kept him and asked him to assist us in training a special forces unit, and he happily agreed.” Zheng Dashi said Africa Report the important situation to Tan Jiabao.

"This person is very capable, but is he reliable?"

Dashi Zheng smiled and said: "This man is a war maniac, he likes war. But he himself said that he is a qualified professional soldier, and he will definitely obey our command. Matthew Deans said that there is a way to tame him , he put our cannon barrel, Ouyang Lin, under his command, and mixed a few people we trusted into that team, and Martinez Taylor directly managed them, so it was not a big problem. We It is based on his team to develop our special forces team. This training mode of old with new is still very effective, and our current special forces have reached 1500 people."

Tan Jiabao stood up, thought for a while, and then said: "Special forces must use the most advanced weapons in the world! Although the weapons and equipment Mike Hall got are still first-class, they can't meet my requirements. Therefore, Mr. Zheng, this time you go to Beijing with Lao Huo, I will give you another 5 million US dollars to find my grandfather, buy some guns and ammunition from Beijing, and then order 2 sets of light aircraft carriers, 2 sets of medium aircraft carriers and [-] set of heavy aircraft carriers, This also includes supporting facilities such as escort ships, submarines, fighter jets, etc. I want to build a complete aircraft carrier battle group."

"Ah, boss, it's understandable for us to buy some guns, but this aircraft carrier...we don't have any territory now. If we buy it, where will these five aircraft carrier battle groups be placed? Also, the weapons of this motherland are more Is the western one even more advanced? This aircraft carrier... as far as I know, can Beijing build it?" Zheng Dashi felt that his thinking would never keep up with Tan Jiabao, and his decisions were always unimaginable and intriguing.

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