
479 The Ryukyu Issue Heated

Plagiarism - 470 Nine Ryukyu issues heat up

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.During these half a month, Tan Jiabao flew back and forth in the sky of America non-stop.First, he took Hamer to Alaska and visited a barren land there.After being verified by several engineers from Hammer, they signed a joint venture contract, and Tang Dynasty Petroleum Company received 68 billion US dollars in funds at once.Then, Tan Jiabao went to Silicon Valley again.Inspected the situation there, answered the difficulties they encountered in the research, dealt with some practical problems, and arranged the research and development of several new weapons.Then, he went to Tang Dynasty Warner and rescheduled the screening time of several existing films.Of course, he did not forget his confidante, he enjoyed two days of happy time with them.

Now, he sits in his New York apartment.The seats next to them were full of members of Operation Shouliu.

As the United Nations General Assembly is about to be held on June 6, at this critical moment, the Ryukyu Action Team is conducting a larger round of operations.

Tao Yuanzhen was the first to speak: "Now has come to the most critical moment. Fortunately, we are united as one, and there has been an unprecedented tacit understanding between the two sides of the strait, which scared the Americans. They had to hand over the Ryukyu issue to the United Nations. At the same time, we I am more confident in the operation to collect Ryukyu."

Tan Jiabao knew what he meant.On May 5, the Chinese People's Liberation Army conducted a large-scale military exercise in the East China Sea.The sea, land and air forces conducted naval warfare exercises, air combat exercises and landing warfare exercises in the East China Sea.The soldiers of the three armies were all brave and tenacious, showing the intrepid and heroic attitude of the Chinese Communists.During the exercise, they put up prominent slogans: "Swear to take back Ryukyu!" and "Taiwan belongs to China, and Ryukyu belongs to China."Moreover, more than 12 soldiers of the whole army shouted these slogans at the same time.This slogan really has the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers and sweeping away all paper tigers.Let all the enemies be frightened by the news, and let the Chinese all over the world suddenly have a strong support.

For this exercise, Hong Kong media such as Tang Dynasty TV and "Ming Pao" carried out detailed reports.On the other side of the United States, it was rebroadcast and reprinted.these reports.It made many Americans suffer from insomnia again and couldn't fall asleep.

On the Taiwan side, 00 volunteers landed on the Ryukyu Island and planted the national flag on the Ryukyu Island.And, 00 volunteers held a [-]-person swearing-in meeting with local Ryukyu people in Ryukyu.At the swearing-in meeting, there were not only impassioned speeches by members of the Ryukyu Action Team from Taiwan, but also the passionate and touching voices of the local Ryukyu people who yearn to return to their motherland.Finally, at the swearing-in meeting, everyone sang "Song of Ryukyu" written and composed by Tang mockingly, and shouted "Swear to deal with beauty and Japan to the end!" "Japanese get out of Ryukyu!" and "Swear to defend Ryukyu to the death!" slogan.This loud singing and this slogan shocked the whole world.

Encouraged by this, Chinese in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, the United States and Europe spontaneously took to the streets and held massive demonstrations.Let the whole world see once again the bravery and unity of the Chinese people.

The solidarity shown by Chinese people around the world at critical moments has amazed Americans.Both the Senate and the House of Representatives have begun to pay attention to the voice of the Chinese.Coupled with the previous efforts of Song Meiling, Nixon, Chen Xiangmei, Hoover and Mayer Rothschild, Johnson's proposal of "handling the Ryukyu issue to the United Nations" was passed with an incredible unanimous opinion.In this regard, the Americans themselves abandoned the "San Francisco Treaty with Japan."

Johnson then hastily convened a meeting of the signatories of the San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan.At the firm request of the U.S. government, the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan" has undergone major revisions, and the land of Ryukyu will have no ties to Japan.In fact, the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan" has become a piece of waste paper.

France, together with Senegal and China, submitted two proposals to the United Nations, "The Explanation and Proposal on the Importance of Returning the Ryukyu Islands and the Ogasawara Islands to China for World Peace and Development as Soon as Possible" and "The Field Investigation Report of the Members of the UN Security Council on the Ryukyu Islands" , The United Nations Security Council accepted these two proposals, and will discuss and vote on the ownership of Ryukyu at the Security Council meeting in mid-June.

This sudden decision by the Americans caused the world to explode.Especially in Japan, they never expected that the Americans would be so decisive, which caught the Japanese ruling and opposition parties by surprise.Immediately, Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato held a press conference, strongly condemning the irresponsible attitude of the US government, which blatantly disregarded the attitude of dozens of countries that signed the "San Francisco Treaty with Japan".At the same time, he stated that the Japanese will defend their country's sovereignty and will not let "the land of Okinawa" be lost, calling on Japanese people all over the world to unite and strive for victory in this struggle to defend national sovereignty.

In an instant, massive demonstrations began in Japan first, and many angry Japanese threw bricks, tiles and briquettes at the US embassy in Japan.Many Japanese organized spontaneously and went to the United States. Together with the Japanese in the United States, several large-scale demonstrations were held in the United States.

"Xiaobao, the Ryukyu issue has finally reached the United Nations. How are you doing?" Tao Yuanzhen asked excitedly.

Tan Jiabao said proudly: "This month, Europe and the United States will be the 'War, Anti-Japanese Film Month'. Paramount's "General Patton" has already been released. The cruel war scenes in the film and General Patton's catchphrase 'bitch son of a bitch' 'The War' is sure to impress Americans; Century Fox's 'Tiger Tiger' will be next in line, taking Americans to Pearl in the early hours of December 1941, 12 Hong Kong, let them relive the terrible disaster, let them remember the only country that hit the continental United States; next came Shaw Brothers MGM's "Battle of Midway", the film directed by Jack Smit The film reproduces the war on Midway Island that Americans are proud of, and at the same time, let Americans see the horror of the Japanese; Director Hitchcock's "Black Sun 7" filmed at the original site of Japanese Unit 731 in Harbin will fully show the ferocity and barbarism of the Japanese. We also shot a film depicting the sorrow of war called "Return" .This film tells people that the damage caused by the war is far-reaching, and some people have to pay the price for a lifetime. These are heavyweights. We also have several light-hearted films depicting the Korean War period. For example, "Catch-731" and "Army Field Hospital", these films let Americans know the terrible consequences of war with the Chinese. Oh, there is also a very good film about 22 called "Thunder Valley" , a film about Japanese militarists who wanted to provoke the US-Soviet war. Many shots of this film were shot in Ryukyu, and a large number of Ryukyu locals participated in the filming. In addition, our TV, newspapers and magazines are all in Spare no effort to promote Ryukyu."

Regarding Ryukyu, everyone began to express their opinions...

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