
483 Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Plagiarism - 480 Three Soviet Ambassadors

Soviet Ambassador to the United States Leon Reid met with Zheng Dashi and Xing Dahai at the Soviet Consulate General in New York.A woman named Rogova, about 30 years old, acted as their interpreter.

Leon Reid is a fat guy around 50 years old with a mustache. He is smoking a pipe that Stalin used to use. Space Shuttle Design Principles and Manufacturing Methods".

"Oh, two Chinese comrades. Can this thing of yours really be able to produce a space shuttle that is more advanced than a spaceship? Oh, where did you get it? If it is of unknown origin, or the Americans We don't dare to accept things." Leon Reed closed the materials and said in an official tone.

Dashi Zheng said patiently: "Comrade Leon Reed, we are from Hong Kong Tang Dynasty Group Company, and Mr. Tang Xiao is our chairman. This design book was researched by himself and has nothing to do with other people. It is guaranteed to be the world's first space shuttle design. As for whether this design can produce an advanced space shuttle, I think you experts in this field in the Soviet Union will understand it at a glance. Besides, we don't have to go to Come here, are you joking with Comrade Leon Reid?"

After a long period of hard practice, Zheng Dashi's English level has improved by leaps and bounds, and now he can speak English very fluently.

Leon Reed was still very proud, because he felt that he had good luck today.Before the two Chinese, two Japanese came here. They proposed a very generous plan to "help the Soviet Union develop the three industries of family cars, chemical fibers and plastics". They will invest 100 billion U.S. dollars in the Soviet Union , and provide advanced technology to help the Soviet Union develop the above three industries.The condition they set out was that the Soviet Union must vote against the French proposal of "returning Ryukyu to China" in the UN Security Council.

At this time, the economic strength of the Soviet Union reached more than 23% of that of the United States, and they were already the second largest economy in the world.They have caught up with the United States in energy, steel, fertilizer, building materials and textiles, and some have even surpassed the United States.However, they are still much lower than the United States in terms of domestic cars, chemical fibers, plastics and foreign trade.It was precisely because of this that the Japanese made this request to the Soviet Union.They believed that the price they offered was quite a temptation for the Soviets.The Soviets will definitely consider their proposal seriously.

Leon Reid immediately understood the purpose of the two Chinese people coming to present the treasure, and he also concluded that this material was invaluable.Comrade Brezhnev can always put people's livelihood issues in the second place, and put competition with the United States and being the world's boss in the first place.He could even imagine that if he handed over this plan to Comrade Brezhnev, Brezhnev might personally award him a medal as a reward.However, Leon Reed is a shrewd person, he knows that in this situation, he can still beat the opponent to get more benefits.Thinking of this, he grinned and said: "You are right, you won't come here to make such a joke with me, it won't do you any good. Besides, I have been in the United States for more than two years, for you Don I am very clear about Mr. Xiao's miraculous performance. I don't know, if you take out this thing, are you going to give it to us or sell it to us?"

Dashi Zheng shook his head and said: "We are not short of money, we just want to make friends with Mr. Leon Reed and Chairman Brezhnev. We will give this set to you. Of course, this is only half of the book. For the other half of the work, Mr. Tang Xiao is still working overtime to make it. It records the detailed method of manufacturing the space shuttle, provides many key data and the production formula of some new materials, etc. Oh, in addition Half of the work can be completed in a hurry after the end of the UN General Assembly on July 7."

Leon Reid shrugged, and he carefully looked at the cover of the document again, and it was indeed only the upper part.He felt a little cheated, but he felt that he should be a relatively well-mannered diplomat of a big country, so he held back his anger and said with a smile: "Oh, we Soviet people also like to make friends the most. But , we are sincere to each other when we make friends. Oh, forget it, even if we are friends, do you have any other purpose? Otherwise, how could we have the nerve to take such a precious thing from you?"

Zheng Dashi then said: "Comrade Leon Reed should know that Japan, a defeated country during World War II, is now trying to rob China of the Ryukyu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. We need the Soviet Union, the largest country in the world, to uphold justice and preside over it for us. To be fair, lead the Eastern European countries and those who like the Soviet Union to support us, and vote for us in the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, we will be very grateful."

Leon Reid said proudly: "This... the Soviet Union is one of the founders of the United Nations, a permanent member of the United Nations, and a responsible major country. We will handle things like international disputes fairly and equitably. The Ryukyu issue has not been investigated yet, we need time, we still need to investigate..."

Dashi Zheng immediately interrupted him and said: "Comrade Leon Reid, you speak English so well, I think this lady translator doesn't need to be here. Let's talk about the Ryukyu issue in detail, and then study it carefully. To study the importance of the space shuttle to the Soviet Union, you must know that this is currently the most advanced thing in the world."

Leon Reid was startled, he thought, his self-cultivation is so good, why is this Chinese person so uncultivated?He subconsciously looked at the female translator named Rogova next to him.Luo Gowa thought she was telling her to leave, she stood up, stared at Zheng Dashi angrily, then turned and left.

Dashi Zheng hurriedly took out an envelope from his bag and handed it to Leon Reed, and then said: "Comrade Leon Reed, you are very good. We have prepared a movie ticket for you, please go to see one tonight." Anti-Japanese movie, the movie tells about some issues about Ryukyu.”

Leon Reid took the envelope hesitantly.He opened the envelope carefully, and immediately saw a check for $0. He was stunned by the huge check.

The Soviet Union in this period was the most corrupt period. Officials across the country, large and small, were greedy for what they could, and wanted what they could want. Few officials were innocent.Most of the officials at Leon Reid's level had a lot of corruption.Tan Jiabao did not believe that this Soviet man living in the United States would not like US dollars.Moreover, he knew that this kind of operation of accepting Ryukyu would have little impact on the Soviet Union at all, and he would not harm the interests of their country.

Leon Reid really thought so, he smiled, then looked around, and finally put the envelope carefully into his pocket.He finds it very strange, they are also from the East, why are those Japanese not as smart as these two Chinese?

At this time, Leon Reid showed a bright smile, and he said: "Don't worry, I will return to Moscow early tomorrow morning, and I will report this situation to Comrade Brezhnev in person. I believe that Brezhnev Comrades also like to make friends with you..."

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