
484 The Japanese Are Crazy

Plagiarism - 480 Four Japanese Crazy

During this period of time, there seem to be many, many yellow-skinned Orientals in big cities around the world, especially in several big cities in the United States.These Orientals are mainly Chinese and Japanese. They are clearly divided into two factions, marching and demonstrating in major cities, each claiming that the Ryukyu (Okinawa) Islands belong to their country.

These two forces have troubled the police everywhere, and they have to increase their police force to maintain normal order in their respective cities.Even so, when the two forces meet, bloodshed still occurs from time to time.However, every time troubles are provoked, the almost crazy Japanese are always the first to do so.

It's no wonder that the Japanese have worked hard for a long time, and they have long believed in their hearts that Okinawa's return to Japan is an unchangeable fact.However, it took more than a year for the Chinese to accept Ryukyu, and the United States gave up the clauses on the Ryukyu issue in the "San Francisco Treaty with Japan". This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Japanese, and it is also Catch them off guard.They couldn't figure it out that the United States, the country they depended on the most after World War II, the most powerful country in the world, would suddenly turn their backs and betray Japan.

Ever since the Chinese started their operation to acquire Ryukyu, the Japanese have not been idle either. Not only have they traveled all over the world, contacted Japan and other countries, and provided targeted support to some countries, they have formulated a detailed plan aid program.They are trying to win the support of UN member states through silver bullet diplomacy.However, they never expected that the United States would suddenly stab them in the back. This was beyond their expectation, and it completely disrupted their original plan.

The Japanese government called the U.S. government to express its strong protest.The Japanese government also contacted dozens of countries that had previously signed the "San Francisco Treaty with Japan", hoping to win their sympathy and support. They imagined that these countries collectively boycotted this bill.However, today is not what it used to be. In addition to expressing sympathy, some of those countries have not agreed to support their "just" boycott at the United Nations.

Success is also the United States, and failure is also the United States!

Major Japanese media have condemned the hegemonic behavior of the Americans, and Japanese literati even published articles in major newspapers around the world, telling the people of the world about the past and present of the Okinawa Islands.However, it was too late, and the propaganda of the Chinese people had already penetrated into the hearts of the people.

Throughout Japan, there is a shame of being betrayed from top to bottom, and every Japanese is suppressing an indescribable anger in his heart.

This feeling of being betrayed makes all the Japanese very resentful. Their anger is not only aimed at the Chinese, but they are more indignant at this despicable behavior of the US government.In the parade, there were not only slogans and slogans such as "Okinawa belongs to Japan!" Liar!" slogans and slogans.Because the incident happened quite suddenly, the Japanese government did not have time to regulate and guide the Japanese in and to the United States. Therefore, every time the American police came to maintain order, the Japanese, out of a mentality of revenge and venting, just made things big. They not only beat the Chinese in the parade, some even beat the American police.

In London, in Paris, in Rome and other great cities of the world, a similar situation occurs.

The Japanese are crazy!Not one or a few crazy people, but the whole country, the whole nation, it seems that they all went crazy at once!This is the world's reaction to the Japanese.

At this time, several anti-Japanese and anti-war films by Tan Jiabao were screened around the world in due course, and the response was extremely hot.However, Japanese right-wingers and Japanese underworld organizations have begun to create a terrorist atmosphere in movie theaters around the world, planting bombs, making terrorist calls, and uttering threats to make local Europeans and Americans feel uneasy.

More and more Japanese are coming to the United States, and they vent their anger in major cities in the United States in their own ways, day and night, and regardless of the occasion.

From the evening of June 6th to the early morning of June 4th, Robert Francis Kennedy participated in the primary election in California as the Democratic Party's nominated presidential candidate, and he won the primary election with an absolute advantage.In the evening, they held a grand celebration.Because he has won five of six states, including agricultural states like South Dakot and industrial states like California.

With dawn ahead, Robert F. Kennedy appeared in high spirits at the celebration venue, celebrating victory with his supporters, taking questions from reporters, and preparing to deliver an important speech.

At this time, a group of about 0 Japanese people appeared inappropriately at Robert Kennedy's celebration party at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.Some Japanese asked Robert Kennedy to express his views on the Okinawa issue on the spot.Robert Kennedy said some unnutritive words. He said that he didn't know much about the Ryukyu issue. He believed that the current president, Mr. Johnson, and the Senate and House of Representatives would not mess around. He also hinted that the Japanese should learn to accept the reality and abide by the local laws of the United States. and regulations.

As a presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy certainly had to consider his own votes, and one of his greatest advantages was to win the support of people of color in the United States.Among the colored people, apart from blacks, overseas Chinese are a large group, and their number is far greater than that of Japanese overseas Chinese in the United States.And California is the place with the highest concentration of Chinese in the United States, so he will naturally not offend the overseas Chinese.

The Japanese were very dissatisfied with his answer. They started booing and chanting slogans. Some Japanese even took the lead and went to the stage to publicize that Okinawa was theirs, hoping that the majority of voters would sympathize with them and support them.

For a while, the celebration venue became chaotic.

In the chaos, there were several harsh gunshots, and Robert Kennedy fell in response. A few minutes later, the rising political star fell, and Robert Kennedy's personal doctor pronounced Robert Kennedy dead!

The Americans at the scene were angry. They surrounded more than 0 Japanese people. They agreed that the murder was done by the Japanese.Robert Kennedy's bodyguards immediately blocked the entrance and exit of the square, so that the assailants could not leave easily.

The riot police came to the scene soon, and they searched 0 Japanese on the spot.To Tan Jiabao's surprise later, the police found guns from the three Japanese on the spot!

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the whole world was shocked.

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