
485 Three Wood Takeo's Proposal

Plagiarism - 480 Proposal by Takeo Gomiki

The Americans were angry. Starting from the morning of June 6th, the Americans took to the streets spontaneously, and the parade became stronger and stronger. They demanded that Johnson quickly find out the murderer, demanded decisive measures against the Japanese who came to the United States, and declared that the Japanese were The most unwelcome foreigner.

Under the strong request of the American people, the U.S. government had to take extraordinary measures against those radical Japanese. They not only arrested thousands of Japanese, but also deported more than 700 Japanese, and some Japanese nationals were subject to compulsory control .

The Japanese government was also shocked by this sudden incident.They immediately sent a Japanese delegation headed by Takeo Miki to visit the United States and assist the United States in investigating the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

On June 6, the assassination of Robert Kennedy "come to light".

Under the joint investigation of the FBI and the CIA, and in the investigation assisted by the Japanese government, three suspicious Japanese were identified as major suspects.The three Japanese were members of the Japanese triad society. At the scene of the crime, the bullets in the guns they wore had run out, but the bullets that killed Robert Kennedy came from the pistols they owned. In addition, The owner of a gun shop in New York, USA, also confirmed that the three pistols were purchased by a Japanese overseas Chinese.

Even Miki Takeo was dumbfounded in front of a large number of facts, although he thought this matter was so weird and so unbelievable.

So the names and photos of these three Japanese appeared on the headlines of the world's major media. They gloriously replaced the original Israeli youths and became the scapegoats of Johnson and Hoover.

With the successive performances of "Tiger Tiger Tiger", "Battle of Midway Island", "007: Thunder Valley" and "Black Sun 731", the audience can see the insidious, vicious and inhumane Japanese in the film and the Japanese in reality. Compared with other people, Americans' emotions have been aroused, and they have lost favor with the Japanese, and there are voices condemning the Japanese everywhere.

The Japanese have become street rats in the United States, to the point where everyone shouts and beats them.Many Japanese felt bored in the United States and returned to Japan one after another.

This sudden incident also disrupted the Japanese position.Their proud "silver bullet diplomacy" has repeatedly failed in Africa, Asia and Latin America.The Soviets, whom they had given high hopes to, even bluntly rejected their aid and requests.

Overnight, Japan's international status seemed to plummet.

However, the UN Security Council meeting is coming up.In desperation, Sato Eisaku personally led a delegation and a large economic and trade delegation to Moscow, visited the Soviet Union on a friendly basis, and met with Brezhnev.

Unexpectedly, the arrogant Brezhnev's first words after seeing Eisaku Sato were: "Excuse me, Prime Minister, I know that General Shiro Ishii died of natural illness in 1959. His partners, such as Ryoichi Naito and Kitano Are the two generals Masaji in good health? The Green and Red Cross company they founded is said to be doing very well in business? Haha, people all over the world care about them now. In Northeast China back then, many Soviets became theirs. Maluda, is it?"

The result of Sato Eisaku's trip to Moscow can be imagined. What he didn't know was that the great Comrade Brezhnev had long been prepared in his heart.People have weighed the Japanese aid and the space shuttle, which is something the Soviet Union needs more. Obviously, Comrade Brezhnev chose the space shuttle.


In the Metropolitan Hotel in Moscow, Sato Eisaku and his party gathered together in the presidential suite with sad faces.They have not spoken for a long time, and they are feeling the greatest crisis since World War II.

Deputy Foreign Minister Aso Secondo broke the silence. He said: "Actually, we don't have to be so pessimistic. We now know at least that the United States and the United Kingdom will abstain, and Brazil will vote against it. In addition, Algeria, Ethiopia, India, Senegal, Pakistan Both China and Paraguay accepted US$5 million in aid from us, and they agreed to vote against it. Even if only two-thirds of the six countries, that is, four countries, did not vote in favor, we would have seven votes. Once the Security Council cannot pass their proposal, we will have plenty of time to prepare."

Miki Takeo sneered and said: "Mr. Aso is too optimistic! This time is different, how do you know that the United States and the United Kingdom will definitely abstain, and Brazil will vote against? Americans, you still believe them so much ?The British have always worn the same trousers with the United States, and they will not change? Brazil is a neighboring country of the United States, and they value the face of the United States more. How much is the traditional friendship worth? Algeria, Ethiopia, India and Paraguay Small and poor countries, they don’t pay much attention to credibility. Maybe they will waver in the face of bigger funds and threats from others. We know that Algeria and Ethiopia are long-term aid targets of Beijing, while Paraguay is Taipei. Long-term partners, can you guarantee that they dare to say no in front of Beijing and Taipei?"

Takeshita Noboru, who has been promoted to chief cabinet secretary, said: "Miki-kun is right, we have indeed reached a very critical juncture. We are very passive now. Since our country was attacked by the counterfeit money case in the early stage, we still underestimate our enemies. This time, they acted on three fronts at the same time. Beijing threatened the Americans with force, and Taipei implemented their plan to acquire Ryukyu with concrete actions. Tang Xiao has now jumped out openly. The role played by his Tang Dynasty Group Company is also Huge. On that day, our people saw with their own eyes the people from the Tang Dynasty Group Company entering the Soviet embassy. If my guess is correct, our failure in negotiations today is related to their actions that day."

The chairman of the Public Security Committee, Muzai Komatsu, looked haggard. He said sadly: "I have failed in my duty. We have not controlled the excessive emotions of the Japanese people. And the murder case is even more unbelievable to me. I heard it with my own ears. Yes, our three Japanese didn't shoot at all..."

The room was quiet again.

A few minutes later, Miki Takeo said calmly: "Actually, we shouldn't blame our people for losing control of their emotions. We officials in high positions should especially keep a calm mind. Yes, the Americans have acted too hard this time. It was too sudden, and they didn't know how deeply the Japanese were hurt this time. However, despite this, we people must be more calm and must not be confused. I think we have to prepare for the worst!"

Eisaku Sato looked at Takeo Miki coldly. He felt that although what this person said was very reasonable, it was extremely cruel when he said it now. The Japanese cannot accept this fact.

Like Eisaku Sato, many cabinet members also believed that Takeo Miki's proposal was reasonable, but they couldn't accept this fact for a while.

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