
495 England is sick

Plagiarism World - 490 Five UK Ill

When they walked into the hall hand in hand, they saw that the people in the hall were not dancing.They all looked stern, as if they were arguing about something.

At banquets in the West, few people talk about politics.However, Tan Jiabao clearly heard that what they were arguing about was political!They were debating the two propositions raised by the Tang Dynasty's oil intervention in the North Sea, that is, whether Britain should introduce foreign capital in resources and whether the government should intervene in the economy too much.

Both sides of the debate formed a large circle, including politicians and economic figures.

Tan Jiabao doesn't have many "acquaintances" in the political and economic circles in the UK, but just today, here, he saw two "acquaintances".They are current Conservative Party leader Edward Heath and current Conservative frontbench speaker Margaret Thatcher.

Tan Jiabao's familiarity with Edward Heath is not because of any earth-shattering things he did during his tenure as British Prime Minister, but because of his other identity-musician.He has visited China many times as a musician since he left the field, and it is said that he has made outstanding contributions to the Sino-British friendship.Tan Jiabao met this character in a CCTV talk show.

It was Mrs Thatcher who really aroused Tan Jiabao's interest.Tan Jiabao still doesn't know how much strength she has accumulated for this future Strong Lady, and he is very concerned about it.

However, Tan Jiabao was soon disappointed.The Iron Lady is fighting alone. She is debating with a dozen or so Conservatives, Labor and business people in her circle.What Tan Jiabao didn't understand was that Mrs. Thatcher was the only one here who welcomed Tang Dynasty Oil's involvement in North Sea Oil.

"I think that Tang Dynasty Petroleum's intervention in the North Sea oil and gas fields is an opportunity for the UK! Politically, this huge oil and gas resource can get rid of the UK's huge demand for oil and gas, allowing the UK to be a leader in this world The most important strategic materials have a full say. As we all know, the United Kingdom is now a big oil consumer, and most of our oil depends on imports from the Middle East. The Middle East is a powder magazine, and war may be triggered there at any time. Once the Middle East If there is a war or other major turmoil in the world, Britain will fall into a very passive state. We also know that Tang Dynasty Petroleum discovered a large oil and gas area with 70 billion tons of oil and gas reserves in the United States before discovering the oil and gas fields in the North Sea. The government did not intervene in their exploitation. On the contrary, the US political circles still welcomed this. Because the US government has clearly seen the importance of oil and gas resources to a country. In terms of economy, the UK uses a large amount of foreign exchange reserves to import oil and gas resources every year. This directly restricts the economic development of the UK. Everyone should know that the oil industry can drive many industries and solve our current high unemployment rate. In terms of society, this can boost the confidence of the British people and let them see The hope of reaching the British Empire." Mrs Thatcher was expressing her views.

"If Tang Dynasty Petroleum didn't intervene, maybe we would be able to find these two giant oil and gas fields next year or the year after, and we wouldn't need to share our resources with them, would we?" A thin old man said disapprovingly.

Mrs. Thatcher interjected: "Yes, we may be able to find these two giant oil and gas fields in the next year or the year after, but it is also possible that we will not find these two giant oil and gas fields in the next 10 or [-] years. There are all kinds of possibilities, why can’t we seize this opportunity? Besides, this Tang Dynasty Petroleum belongs to Hong Kong after all, why can’t we open our minds and accept this opportunity calmly like the people in the United States, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands? The results of it?"

"In fact, our government intervention this time has achieved some results. Our contract is much better than the one they signed with Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands before. Compared with the United States, we are more cost-effective, aren't we?" A minister who participated in the negotiations said proudly.

Christopher saw Tan Jiabao, he walked up to Tan Jiabao, shrugged, with a helpless expression.

"If my business wants to grow, it must rely on our strong government, which should play an increasingly important role in the economic field. I especially appreciate the measures taken by the Japanese government in this regard. Domestically, the Japanese government strongly supports The six conglomerates including Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Fuji, Sanwa, and Daiichi Quanye have made these six conglomerates the pillars of the Japanese economy. Similarly, the six conglomerates also feed back the Japanese government. I think this is the reason for the Japanese war One of the main reasons why I can keep growing at 15% per year..." A balding, thin-looking man in his fifties began to spout his point.His eloquence is so good, he used a lot of historical facts and a lot of data to explain the problem, which made everyone look at him sideways, and even Mrs. Thatcher was speechless.

"Who is this person?" Tan Jiabao tugged at Christopher's sleeve beside him, and then asked softly.

Christopher knelt down and said: "This person is the most active person tonight, and he initiated this debate. Oh, his name is Enoch Powell, he is 66 years old, and it is said that he published it two months ago. He delivered a famous 'River of Blood Speech', which criticized the Commonwealth's immigration policy and anti-discrimination legislation.

Tan Jiabao nodded, and he murmured, "Britain is sick! Only then did I clearly see that this country is really sick, and it's not serious!"

Although his tone is not high, his unique "children's voice" is penetrating, so that many people who are still listening to Enoch Powell's speech have heard Tan Jiabao's words talk.

Enoch Powell stopped, and everyone's eyes turned to Tan Jiabao.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, he... the child said something wrong, please forgive me." Christopher stood up and apologized to everyone, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Mrs. Thatcher walked up to Tan Jiabao and knelt down and said, "Little friend, you just said that Britain is sick. Can you explain it in detail? It's okay, just say it. This is just a private party. Each of us You can express your opinion, and no one will make things difficult for you.”

Tan Jiabao nodded, glanced at the people in the circle, and then said lightly: "Yes, I did say that Britain is sick, and it's not serious! Except you, Madam, and my person named Dai Except for Anna's little friend, the other British people here are all sick!"

"Ah—" All the British people in the audience stared angrily at Tan Jiabao and at Christopher.

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