
496 The cure for the English disease

Plagiarism from the World - 490 Six Cures for the English Disease

Now that they heard what he said, Tan Jiabao felt that he didn't need to cover up any more.Besides, many people already know his image, so why should they care about it?

Tan Jiabao broke free from Christopher's hand, walked to the center of the circle and said: "Maybe I am not the first to mention the 'British disease', but I may be the first to summarize this symptom and be able to look for it. The people who caused the disease. The so-called British disease, simply put this disease has self-destructive national suspicion and pessimism. This disease is spread by so-called opinion makers in the British elite. These people think they know what people are The best choice for everyone. The manifestations of this disease are: always like to despise one's own country and praise other countries; belittle the achievements of one's own country and envy the achievements of other countries; system; ridiculing every national figure in their own country. The pessimists have spread a poison. Too many politicians, economists, academics, clergy, writers, critics and journalists have shown that The general symptoms of the disease. Therefore, I think that the most ill person here is this Mr. Enoch Powell!"

"Who are you? What right do you have to criticize me? What right do you have to criticize so many British elites?" Enoch Powell said angrily.

"Can't accept other people's criticism, and always have a self-righteous mentality. This is also one of the symptoms of the British disease! Just like what your Excellency just showed. Mr. Powell, I read your famous "Blood River" not long ago Speech, oh, I have to admit, you are a very good orator. But what I don't know is, what is your intention in publishing such a "criticism of Commonwealth immigration policy and anti-discrimination legislation"? You incite British nationals continue to be racially discriminated against, you ask the British government to repeal the 'anti-discrimination law', do you really think this will be good for the UK?

As we all know, 'anti-racial discrimination' is an inevitable trend of history, no one can resist, and Americans have begun to pay attention to this issue.I don't know, does Mr. Powell's theory want the UK to face endless condemnation from the international community like countries like South Africa?Therefore, I suspect that your intentions are unpredictable, or that you are an unqualified and incompetent politician!In other words, you are simply grandstanding, you don't have to be responsible at all for what you say, and you don't care about a country and the serious consequences it has brought to the people of this country! "To capture the thief first, capture the king, Tan Jiabao first fired at Enoch Powell, making it difficult for Enoch Powell to respond for a while.

After knocking down an important person, Tan Jiabao did not give him time to refute, and continued: "After the end of World War II, the British economy experienced a state of stagflation, and this state has lasted for more than 20 years. At the same time, the United States, West Germany And Japan's economy is advancing by leaps and bounds, but Britain is stagnant like a tuberculosis, and even shows signs of recession. These phenomena must start from the background of the outbreak of the British disease. After the war, Britain followed Keynes's market supply and demand economics theory, Regardless of the stage, the government likes to use Keynesian economic theory to solve it.

Yes, for a period of time after the war, Keynesianism did help Britain solve many problems.It has a certain authority on issues such as employment, investment, and state intervention, and has become a magic weapon for governments of all walks of life in the UK to save the economy.However, this superstitious worship has made the British economic strategy monotonous and lacks the flexibility to address different economic issues.And the most deadly thing is that the government was induced by Keynesianism, ignored the basic social contradictions, and focused solely on the relationship between supply and demand, burying a major security risk for the country's economic security. "

Having said that, some people of insight in the circle began to nod.Mrs. Thatcher listened carefully. Edward Heath rested his chin, as if he had realized something, while other elites were also eagerly waiting. They were deeply attracted by Tan Jiabao's brand new proposition. .

Tan Jiabao continued: "In addition to the blind worship of Keynes by the British government, there is another most important point. That is, in the competition between parties, they often like to use the economy as an exchange. No matter which party, during the election, They all made promises to the people to develop the economy. After taking office, they panicked and prepared to realize their promises. In this atmosphere of tension, urgency and urgency, all officials of the new British government were infected to varying degrees. With impetuous hearts, they tend to stimulate the appearance of short-lived economic prosperity, but ignore the deep-seated problems. Such a vicious circle of accumulation over time makes the British economy unable to achieve the requirements of sustainable development at all, and they make Britain sicker and worse It's getting worse and it's spreading to every industry in the UK."

Mrs. Thatcher was very excited when she heard it, and some of Tan Jiabao's words reached her heart.She asked: "Since your Excellency has told the symptoms and background of the British disease, there must be a good treatment plan?"

"Of course there is a plan, but there must be a courageous doctor! This doctor must pick up the scalpel in his hand and cut off the cancerous tumors that cause this symptom one by one. Such a major operation will of course require bleeding. Of course many innocent cells will be harmed, but to cure the British disease, we must do it hard!" Tan Jiabao stared at Mrs. Thatcher and said, "I think this excellent doctor is in this circle tonight. I think a few years later, she will be able to wave the scalpel in her hand, overcome all resistance, and eradicate those cancerous tumors."

When Mrs. Thatcher heard Tan Jiabao staring at her and saying that, she knew that Tan Jiabao was hinting at her.At this time, although she also has great ambitions, she is not very sure about how far she can go in politics.After all, she is a female class. In a patriarchal country like Britain, can a woman be allowed to dictate to them?Oh, is it really possible for me to become the first female prime minister in British history?

Tan Jiabao still stared at Mrs. Thatcher and said: "There are several cancers, the first one is the British welfare system! Now the British welfare expenditure is 21 billion pounds per year, increasing at an annual rate of more than 36%. I don't know. After a few years, with the increase of the population and the progress of the society, how much will the expenditure be? I don’t know whether the British government will be able to continue to spend. The second cancer is the British Colonial burden! The Second World War accelerated the decline of Britain. Britain lost nearly 250 people in the war and consumed a huge sum of 37 billion pounds. In order to pay for arms, Britain sold a quarter of its pre-war overseas investment First, the national debt tripled compared to before the war, and the foreign debt was as high as [-] billion pounds. After World War II, the economic strength of the United Kingdom began to decline, and the British economy fell into a position of dependence on the United States.

The rise of the United Kingdom is too dependent on its huge overseas colonies, which has planted the seeds of its future decline. These colonies have provided Britain with huge resources, and have gradually become a huge burden for the United Kingdom.Now, ruling and squeezing the huge colony is constantly consuming the national strength of Britain.The Labor government led by Attlee was eager to get rid of the colonial burden, but it was not thorough.The third cancer is Keynesianism, and I have already mentioned the impact of this cancer.

I suggest you—read Friedman's "The Quantity Theory of Money--Re-expression". He is the founder of the Monetary School. The fundamental and dominant causes of changes in economic activity and price levels, Brenner used the term "monetarism" at the beginning of this year to express the basic characteristics of this school.Friedman strongly opposed state intervention in the economy and advocated a "single rule" monetary policy.This is to use the money stock as the only policy tool, and the government publicly announces a long-term fixed currency growth rate. This growth rate should be in line with the expected real national income under the condition of ensuring that the price level remains stable. In the long run there will be the same average growth rate.

I think his theory is very applicable to the current state of the UK.The fourth cancer is the excessive publicization of things in the UK. I don't want to explain too much about this point here.These are the four main cancers, and of course there are other cancers that the UK should classify and adopt different methods to remove.Only in this way can the British disease be completely cured! "

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