
497 Only when there is chaos in the world can there be great order

Plagiarism from the World - 490 Only when there is chaos in the seven worlds can there be great order

Although there are some points of view, Mrs. Thatcher has not yet understood, or there are some points of view that she cannot accept.However, Tan Jiabao seemed to be talking to her from the beginning to the end, which made her feel like a student.What she didn't know was that the prescription Tan Jiabao prescribed was actually her own.Tan Jiabao said it at this time, just to build a good relationship with her and let her, the strong lady, lead the hospitality tonight.

Among the four cancers that Tan Jiabao explained, only the cancer of "British colonial burden" was added by himself.And it is precisely this one that Mrs Thatcher cannot accept.However, another big name just accepted Tan Jiabao's point of view, which made Tan Jiabao's future path much smoother.This big name is the current leader of the Conservative Party and the next British Prime Minister Edward Heath!

When it comes to the welfare of the UK, even Tan Jiabao is a little envious.In fact, in Europe, the welfare of the United Kingdom is not the best. The best Nordic countries like Denmark and Norway make Tan Jiabao feel jealous.They are simply living in the primary stage of the revolution proposed by Lao Ma, and these countries still belong to the first-class capitalist countries that are lower than socialism.

"Are you Mr. Tang Xiao?" Mrs. Thatcher finally woke up from her contemplation, and she immediately thought of this seemingly crucial question.

Tan Jiabao smiled and said: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I am now a friend of the British, because we have already launched a large-scale cooperation. I believe that our cooperation with the British government is long-term and is Enduring. Because in the UK sector of the North Sea, it's not just two big oil and gas fields."

A group of British elites fell into deep thought.The two most eye-catching women in Britain in the future fixed their eyes on Tan Jiabao.Mrs. Thatcher showed appreciation, but little Diana showed naked admiration!

Today's debate, due to Tan Jiabao's "sincere" speech, brought a breath of fresh air of reform to the British upper class, and they once again focused on the topic of "Britain is sick" across the country for several months The great debate of "Mr. Tang Xiao" once again shined in the UK.And a group of political elites headed by Mrs Thatcher began to absorb the nutrition in Tan Jiabao's words, which also brought a good influence on the future development of Britain.

On June 6, Tan Jiabao returned to New York from Europe.At the same time, Zheng Dashi and Huo Yingdong and his party also returned to New York from Beijing.

In Tan Jiabao's study, Zheng Dashi reported his trip to Beijing to Tan Jiabao.

"Boss, this time in Beijing, I not only met the Duke of Zhou and the top generals of the Republic, but also Deputy Commander Lin and... our great leader!" When Zheng Dashi said this, his eyes glowed strangely , trembling slightly.Even though they met a few days ago, Zheng Dashi was still immersed in that wonderful feeling, like a pilgrim who was excited when he saw the god in his heart.

Tan Jiabao smiled, he could fully understand the train of thought of this former fanatic: "What is the attitude of the Central People's Government to our request?"

Dashi Zheng said excitedly: "The task of collecting Ryukyu was completed by Lao Huo. Lao Huo said that Duke Zhou attached great importance to this matter. The central government summoned ambassadors from some countries in Beijing overnight, which showed the Chinese government's commitment to this matter." attitude, as well as showing that China will continue to support those countries in various aspects. So far, Pakistan, Algeria and Ethiopia have clearly agreed to the request of the Chinese government and will definitely vote in favor of the Security Council. Senegal has accepted the Japanese government’s request Aid is still hesitating. However, Zhou Gong said that he has a way to deal with this country. Therefore, these 4 countries are already very secure."

Tan Jiabao smiled gratifiedly. He still admired Duke Zhou's diplomatic skills and skills. He thought, if Duke Zhou took action himself, how could these countries dare not buy his old man's face?

Dashi Zheng went on to say: "My main task is to order warships, aircraft and weapons and ammunition from the central government. However, they have already guessed our purpose. I...I did not deny..., in front of them, I...a lie I can't tell..."

"Our action will let them know sooner or later. It doesn't matter if they guess it now. I just want to know, what is their attitude?" Tan Jiabao has long been mentally prepared for this result.Because he felt that if he wanted to do such a big thing, it would be difficult to succeed without the support of the motherland.

Zheng Dashi saw that Tan Jiabao didn't say anything to him, and he felt calm. He said: "They attach great importance to this matter. They held a meeting of the Politburo overnight. Finally, they accepted our order, and I signed a contract with Jiangong. In addition, they were full of praise for the body armor provided by us, and ordered another 12 sets from us. And the first batch of 000 high-end firearms and ammunition, they will provide us with next month Qi, the other cannons and tanks may not be delivered until the end of the first quarter of next year or the beginning of the second quarter. In terms of talents, talents in infrastructure and construction workers will be in place soon, and talents in ships and military industries will also be available soon. Preparations and mobilization are underway. Sword Master also hinted to me that if we need soldiers from the army, they can try their best to help us."

Tan Jiabao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the central government would be so open-minded in this matter, and promised to give him such a big support.

What he didn't know was that because of this matter, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the Central Military Commission held several emergency meetings in a row.In these several meetings, the supporters and opponents were clearly divided. They insisted on their own opinions and launched tit-for-tat debates and disputes on this matter. After several rounds of debate, both sides refused to give in.Finally, the leader issued another supreme instruction: "Only when the world is in chaos can there be great order! Today I am repeating my point of view. Unlike before, the world mentioned in the past only refers to China, but today the world is the whole world! Since someone wants to Disturbing the world, why can't we add more firewood and make the fire bigger? If the fire gets bigger, it's better to boil the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean! Another world war! This is definitely good for China, and it's nerve-wracking It's the US Emperor, the British Emperor, and the Soviet revisionists!"

What the leader said is true.At present, China has been blocked. The Pacific Ocean in front is tightly sealed by the United States, Japan and Taiwan, and the back is blocked by the United States, Japan and Taiwan.

Encouraged, Tan Jiabao secretly daydreams and fantasies.

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