
499 Desire for talent

Plagiarism World - 490 Nine Desired Talent

Dashi Zheng laughed and said: "At first, I really wanted to recruit him. However, this guy was full of enthusiasm, and he turned a deaf ear to my implicit invitation. He said that he would respond to the great leader's call and go to the vast countryside. However, he My older brother He Guolei became interested in our business, and he said that if he had the opportunity, he would go to Africa to assist me and bring some very useful talents with him.”

"He Guoting's brother?"

"Yes! His name is He Guolei. He is 33 years old this year. He graduated from the Shijiazhuang Military Academy. He has just come down from the Vietnam battlefield. In the Vietnam battlefield, he was the battalion commander. He had exchanged fire with the Americans face to face for more than three years. He It is said that the regiment their battalion is in is a difficult regiment, and they often fight fierce and tough battles with the Americans, and even the Americans are afraid of their regiment.”

In the Vietnam War, China not only contributed money and food, but also secretly participated in the war, dragging the Americans firmly into the big mud pit of Vietnam.

"He's just the battalion commander, who is their regiment commander? Why did they return to Beijing?" Tan Jiabao was clearly interested in this He Guolei.

"Their regiment leader is called Lei Mingsheng, and his nickname is Lei Dapao. He came down from the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. He is in his early 40s and has rich experience in fighting the United States. This time they came back because their regiment and The Americans fought a big battle. With the strength of one regiment, they held back half an American division for 36 hours. However, they also suffered heavy losses in this battle. After the battle, their regiment was only More than 60 people have been taken down..." Zheng Dashi began to tell the story he heard in Beijing.

Tan Jiabao listened to the story told by Mr. Zheng wholeheartedly, and he already had a plan in mind.However, he couldn't help asking: "Is there any discrepancy in their deeds... Is there any exaggeration?"

"Later, I learned about this regiment from other places. What He Guolei said was true. They are all fighting heroes that we respect! They are a powerful force that makes the American devils fear!"

Tan Jiabao stood up and said: "I have never been so eager for talents, especially military and political talents. When the 'talent' is used, I hate less. I will try my best to get the talents you mentioned. Get it here. Besides, we have to look for talents on a global scale. After this time, we can’t be limited to any kind of talent, three teachers and nine streams, as long as he has a skill, we have to get it. It’s not needed for the time being, we Just put it in stock. Oh, I think it's a task that needs to be dedicated, and we need to set up an agency to attract and recruit all kinds of talents. We also need to develop some practical related mechanisms. It's up to you to find someone to do this. Let's decide."

For a long time, Tan Jiabao has attached great importance to the matter of talents. He has repeatedly emphasized the importance of talents and talent reserves.However, whether it is himself or his close subordinates, which one is not so busy?And who treats this matter as an urgent matter?

Now, setting up an organization to attract and recruit all kinds of talents, Tan Jiabao believes that it is a necessary step on his development path.He felt that this matter was urgent.

"I think that Qi Siming is in charge of intelligence. It is more convenient to attract and recruit all kinds of talents than other departments. He can send a trusted person to take charge of this matter."

Now they all agree that the "operation to collect Ryukyu" is in sight, and they all focus their energy on the "great cause of nation building".

"Oh, I know you went to South Africa before you came to the United States. In South Africa, you met Qi Siming? Now tell me about the situation there. "

"I didn't meet Siming this time. Oh, to be precise, I stayed in Hong Kong for a day before I went to South Africa. In Hong Kong, Wang Daming and Jin Yusong have successfully sent 1089 mainland and Taiwan nationals, plus Ryukyu nationals. Soldiers were sent to South Africa. Now, the two of them continue to search for talents who meet their qualifications in Hong Kong and Taiwan..."

"Ah..." Tan Jiabao was slightly startled, interrupted Master Zheng and asked, "So many soldiers were recruited so quickly? Hong Kong and Taiwan are only so small and have such a large population, and they still dare not openly Hiring. How do they... how do they do it?"

Dashi Zheng smiled and said, "Boss, do you still remember our experience of fleeing Hong Kong? It was because we made money that we could charter a boat to Hong Kong. And there are only a few ways for most people to come to Hong Kong. On Wutong Mountain, we can find new faces every day. Hehe, our president also made a lot of effort in this matter. Through his "deep friendship" with the Governor of Hong Kong, he persuaded the Governor of Hong Kong to relax the British army in Hong Kong. The vigilance of Hong Kong has made it much easier to escape from Hong Kong than before. More and more young people from the mainland are flocking to Hong Kong."

Tan Jiabao understood.Whether it is the current Tang Dynasty Group or the upcoming "founding of the nation", it is inseparable from a steady stream of talents.Tan Xiaozhong, like Tan Jiabao, likes to use talents from his own nation in his bones.

Dashi Zheng said very excitedly: "Then, I flew to South Africa and met with Matthew Deans, Martinez Taylor, Xing Dahai and others. Hehe, I have to say that although they have been in the Tang Dynasty Group for a long time Long, but they have inherited the high-efficiency work style of the Tang Dynasty Group. Matthew and the others have grown our Dragon and Tiger Division to more than 1 people in the past month. They have already dispersed the original mercenaries , and have been placed in various new teams. Our 18 Arhats have all become commanders. Our current team is mainly composed of black people. In my opinion, under the training of Matthew and the others, They have the potential to become the most powerful black army in the world, breaking the law of 'no black man in the army'."

Due to the harsh natural environment and economic environment, the lack of organizational discipline of most blacks, and the inferior cultural quality of officers and soldiers, the majority of black troops are loose, weak and vulnerable.Their combat effectiveness is far less than that of whites and yellows.Therefore, the armies of the two most powerful countries in Africa, namely Egypt and South Africa, especially in South Africa, whether it is the South African government army or the mercenaries operating in South Africa, are mainly white, and there are very few black Africans.

Since Tan Jiabao didn't have much time left, he had no choice but to create a black army like a black whirlwind.Fortunately, there is a strong black nation in South Africa. They have a glorious history and a strong style. This nation is the Zulu.Tan Jiabao believes that as long as they are properly trained and their potential is stimulated reasonably, this group of black troops mainly composed of Zulus can also be invincible, let the enemy's soul be broken, and once again show off the vast African continent!

Hearing this, Tan Jiabao smiled in relief.

Zheng Dashi was very happy to see Tan Jiabao, so he spoke more vigorously: "I didn't see Qi Siming, that's because he had already gone to Iraq, and he used your magical Zhuyan Pill to invite that mysterious religious leader When he arrived in Papua New Guinea, Indonesian Muslims went on a pilgrimage one after another. Before that, he had bought 103 government officials and military officials from various parts of South Africa, and installed 22 of our people into the South African military and political circles. At the same time, on the Libyan side, Qi Siming's people have contacted the two people you designated."

Facts have proved that Qi Siming's handling ability is second to none among 18 Arhats.What Tan Jiabao especially needs now is this kind of talent who not only has a theoretical and professional foundation, but also has a vigorous and resolute style of work and a down-to-earth attitude, doing one thing after another step by step.

Hearing this news, Tan Jiabao was immediately filled with pride: "Very good! We will head to the Philippines as soon as the operation of collecting the emeralds is over tomorrow. We must first get the treasures, and then let's let go and do a good job." Field, really turned the world upside down!"

"Unexpectedly, we have been fighting for more than a year, and Ryukyu can finally return to the embrace of the motherland. Whenever I think of this, I feel so excited that I can't help myself. Sometimes... I feel that this is not true. This is simply a dream..." Zheng Dashi had tears in his eyes.

When the two were in the study room full of emotions, Huo Yingdong rushed into Tan Jiabao's study room in a big stride, stared at Tan Jiabao with a stern expression and said: "I got accurate news that the French government will turn against the water in the Security Council! They will use the United Nations Security Council Throwing 'one veto' as a permanent member, they will absurdly veto their own proposals in the Security Council..."

Tan Jiabao and Zheng Dashi stood up at the same time, their faces moved in horror!

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