
501 Competition in the Security Council

Plagiarism from the World - Competition on the Council of [-]

Five hundred and one competition in the Security Council

Council meetings are already underway.

Mobarak continued in English: "The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda. The Security Council is meeting in accordance with the understanding reached in its previous consultations. Members of the Council have before them document l1968383, which contains the , Ethiopia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines and other UN member states, representing the information obtained by the UN delegation's visit to the Ryukyu Islands. It is my understanding that the Security Council is now ready to vote on the draft resolution before it .If there is no objection, I shall now put this draft resolution to the vote. If there is no objection, it is so decided. I shall now give the floor to those members of the Council who wish to speak before the vote."

Socrates of Brazil said in English: "Brazil will vote against this draft resolution. Since the establishment of the United Nations on June 1945, 6, the United Nations and the Security Council have not formed any resolution on the issue of land ownership. Brazil also believes that Ryukyu The ownership of the archipelago and the Ogasawara Islands should be resolved by other means, such as the choice of local long-term residents themselves, rather than the decision of the UN Security Council, which is unfair to the local people.”

Russo of Ethiopia said in English: "Mr. Socrates' perception is one-sided and not constructive. The first sentence of the purpose of the United Nations is 'to maintain international peace and security; and to this end: take effective collective measures to prevent And eliminate threats to the peace, stop acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace; and adjust or resolve international disputes or situations that may breach the peace by peaceful means and in accordance with the principles of justice and international law. Paragraphs 33 and [-] of Article [-] on the peaceful settlement of disputes clearly endow the Security Council with this sacred power. That is, first, any party to a dispute shall, if the continuation of the dispute endanger international peace and security, When maintained, a solution shall be first sought through negotiation, investigation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, the use of regional agencies or regional arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice. Second, the Security Council deems it necessary At that time, the countries concerned should be urged to use this method to resolve their disputes. As we all know, the current Ryukyu Islands and Ogasawara Islands are already in danger, and large-scale wars may break out at any time, which has brought uneasiness to the local people and neighboring countries. So, the Security Council has a responsibility to maintain peace in this area."

The representative of Algeria, Mr. Lix, stood up and said in English: "Since the establishment of the United Nations and the establishment of the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations has not really dealt with territorial disputes between countries. This time we are dealing with China and Japan in the Ryukyu Islands and Ogasawara The dispute on the archipelago is of epoch-making significance. Since then, there has been another effective channel to resolve territorial disputes, which is also of great significance to world peace. At the same time, the authority of the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council has also been strengthened to resolve this dispute fairly and reasonably. It will gain wider awareness around the world.”

Regarding countries such as France throwing the Ryukyu issue to the United Nations and the Security Council, various countries have different opinions.Many countries actually believe that the United Nations is not suitable to participate in the issue of territorial ownership.In fact, the UN Security Council is relatively cautious about territorial disputes between countries.As Socrates said just now, there is no such precedent. Even decades later, in another parallel world, the Security Council still has not intervened in territorial disputes. This sacred right is given to the UN Security Council in the UN Charter. , Gradually turned into a dead letter, meaningless.

Rotating President Mobarak said: "It is too late for Brazil to question the Security Council's acceptance of this motion. Now the Security Council has not only accepted the motion, but also done a lot of work. For example, the Security Council established a joint investigation team. The Ryukyu Islands have launched an in-depth investigation. This has fully respected the choice of the local people. As long as Mr. Socrates carefully reads the stack of documents in front of you, he will not say what he just said."

The Frenchman suddenly stood up tremblingly, with a strange expression on his face...


In Beijing, in Zhongnanhai Fengze Garden, Tan Xiaojian is comfortably eating a bowl of hot noodles.On the side, the great leader looked at his seemingly indecent eating with a smile while smoking a cigarette.

"Laughing, how is this chili oil?"

"Very good! This must be made of peppers from my hometown. I will take some away later."

"Haha, you didn't come here specially tonight to enjoy the autumn wind, did you? Hurry up and eat! Tell me what good news you brought?"

Tan Xiaojian ate up the noodles in three or two strokes. He wiped his mouth and said immediately: "Chairman, how can I have so much good news? Now, the missile defense system has been successfully completed, and several fighter jets are also in mass production. Yes, several powerful missiles have been successfully developed one by one. We already have 5 intercontinental cruise missiles that have been ahead of the world for more than 10 years. Now, our Air Force and Second Artillery comrades are cooperating with our ground troops to race against time Intensify the exercise. As for the navy, I have gathered engineers from several large shipyards across the country. Our nuclear submarines, our cruisers, our frigates, and our aircraft carriers are all in my plan. In fact, in In terms of weapons, we are already a world-class military power. What we are short of now is a large-scale war. I think that as long as there is one war, the Chinese People's Liberation Army can train a modern force that can shock all directions!"

The leader kept nodding, and when Tan Xiaojian finished speaking, he said jokingly: "Since you don't have any good news, I won't accompany you. Tonight, there is another big event, and I want to listen carefully... ..."

"I came here for this great event." Tan Xiaozhong said with a smile: "As a Chinese, I especially want to know the final ownership of Ryukyu. After all, the Chinese won the initiative of this war after a different kind of war." Quan. Therefore, I want to know the final result of this matter as soon as possible, otherwise, I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight. And the chairman's place must be the fastest place for news. "

The leader threw a cigarette to Tan Xiaojian, and said solemnly: "As soon as you come in, I will know why you are here. However, things may not be as optimistic as you imagined. The Japanese were suddenly betrayed by the Americans. Not willing to admit defeat. They also came up with such a trick, which caught us all by surprise. Although the mysterious Tang Xiao stepped forward at the critical moment, it is unknown whether he can turn the tide in less than 3 days. In short , This meeting of the Security Council is confusing, even I can't see it clearly for a while."

Hearing the leader mention the word "Tang Xi", Tan Xiaojian's body trembled slightly, and he suddenly felt like crying.He felt proud, proud.He seems to have seen his young grandson bravely facing danger in New York, leading the sons and daughters of China to face the enemy bravely at the critical moment.And it is this grandson who is now the focus of attention of Chinese people all over the world, including this great leader.

"Chairman, I want to know, Tang Xiao...did he ask to do this, or did his comrades in the United States ask him to do this?" Tan Xiao returned to reality, and he thought of this key question.

The leader seemed to know the relationship between Tan Xiaojian and Tang Xie, and he said tirelessly: "It is said that after he heard the sudden news, he didn't say a word. He left everyone and went into the study alone. He Like an old Taoist retreat, he locked himself in the study. In more than two hours, he smoked two packs of cigarettes in the study. After he came out, he made his request, and our side quickly agreed His request, I heard that Taiwan has also met his request. He said that he would lead a few of our comrades and a few spies from Taiwan to do something together. No, we don't know."

After Tan Xiaojian heard this, he felt relieved.He knew Tan Jiabao too well, so he laughed and said, "Since he proposed it himself, and he smoked two packs of cigarettes alone in the study, it means that he has fully analyzed the whole situation. And , He dared to lead our comrades and Taiwan's intelligence personnel to do this, which shows that he is quite sure about this matter. Therefore, I am still full of confidence in the final result."

"Hahaha, good! Good! Good! I just like your revolutionary optimism..." The leader laughed heartily.

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