
532 Nazi Party Gathering

Plagiarism - 530 Two Nazi Party Gatherings

On the same day, Japan in the east staged the myth of "money falling from the sky", while Czechoslovakia in the west staged the miracle of annihilating hundreds of thousands of troops from the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. It gathered on one person's head, and that person is "Mr. Tang Xiao".

In the past few days, the media has quietly turned the "mysterious" Mr. Tang Xi into a "mythical" Mr. Tang Xi. Some people have raised such questions and concerns in the media: "If this Mr. Tang Xi wants to Destroy mankind, destroy the earth, what should we do?"

Many "Tang mocking fans" in the world are also worried. They have witnessed this man's growth process and admire his magical skills, but as his strength grows, his ambition is gradually revealed.Fans of Tang Xiao are worried that as Mr. Tang Xiao's ambition expands, what unexpected things will he do?

Soon, the whole world witnessed another fact that stunned them, that is, this Mr. Tang Xi spent huge sums of money to buy the Socotra Island in the Indian Ocean, where he was going to establish his country, and after 60 days, Tang Xi People on the other side will officially take over Socotra Island from the South Yemeni government!

As soon as the news came out, the whole world immediately exploded.

The North Yemeni government was the first to oppose it, declaring that the deal was illegal, and they warned the mocking party that they would stop Socotra Island from leaving Yemen’s embrace at all costs; India was the second country to oppose it, and the third The first is the Cuban government, the fourth is the Hungarian government, and then the Soviet Union jumped out.

After a brief respite, the Soviets believed that they could no longer lose this military base in the Indian Ocean that originally belonged to them. They threatened nakedly: "After 0 days, if anyone dares to take over Socotra Island, the Soviet Union, The Warsaw Pact will work with the North Yemeni army to help North Yemen take back Socotra Island by force!"

After the Soviet Union made a statement, the Indians also jumped out. They arrogantly declared: "In order to maintain the peace and stability of the Indian Ocean, and to maintain the stability of the South Asian continent, the Indian government will pay close attention to the situation on Socotra Island. The Indian government will deal the most severe blow to the behavior of the island, and the Indian government does not rule out the possibility of using force in response to this incident..."

The appearance of Mr. Tang Xiao made the atmosphere of this world more and more tense.For this matter, many countries, many groups, and many political parties in the world have set their sights on these small islands in the Indian Ocean, and they have held meetings to study how this matter will bring changes to the world.

Not far from Socotra Island is the powder keg of the world - the Middle East!The third war in the Middle East is in full swing, and now that Tang, the Soviets, and the Indians have joined, the situation here is becoming tense.

Some groups in the world that advertise "justice" expressed concern, and some underground groups began to feel lonely, and they were eager to jump out. Isn't this kind of good atmosphere what they need?

Pastor Andre was notified by the organization, and he hurried on the road. He was going to a hidden place on Ninth Avenue for a meeting.Oh, it was a bookstore, and the basement of the bookstore was a branch of the American Nazi Party, and he had been there once.

He is an old member of the Nazi party and is now an important figure in the neo-Nazi.During World War II, he was the No. [-] figure in the Gestapo of the German army stationed in Czechoslovakia, so he is also a wanted Class C war criminal. His real name is Nicholas.

After Nicholas arrived at his destination, after a short conversation, he entered the dressing room, and then he changed into his black Gestapo uniform with a skull logo and five medals on his chest.

He walked into the meeting room in the basement with the steady steps of a soldier.

"Oh, dear Nicholas, we haven't seen each other for almost 30 years, do you still know me?" As soon as he entered the door, a burly old man also wearing a Gestapo uniform approached him with a smile.

Nicholas looked at the old man walking forward, and immediately saluted the military: "Oh, you are Commander Otto Remer, my God, you are still alive, great! I am so excited!"

Otto Reimer was the one who made great contributions in suppressing the "July [-]" anti-Hitler coup, and was thus exceptionally promoted by the Führer to be the Berlin Guard Commander.

Otto Reimer took his hand and said kindly: "Today, many important figures from our SS and Gestapo will be here. There are still many people who will excite you. Come on, let's see who this one is." ?”

Only then did Nicholas realize that the originally spacious underground meeting room had been arranged like a small auditorium, with a rostrum and auditorium.He saw that on the wall behind the rostrum, there was already a temporarily new, bright red "Swastika" party flag.In the front row, two old men, one fat and one thin, were receiving salutes and greetings from others. He knew that the status of those two people must be extraordinary...

He followed Otto Remo to another thin old man in the front row, and respectfully said to the old man: "Head, this is the one I mentioned to you, Niko who was the police chief in Czechoslovakia. Kelas, he was one of the youngest sheriffs back then, and he has made many remarkable achievements. Over the years, he has done a lot of work in the United States, and secretly trained a youth ranger, which is very effective in combat."

The old man turned his head and looked at him seriously.

Seeing the old man on the opposite side, Nicholas couldn't help trembling, ah, my God, isn't it said that he died?How can it still appear here?He wiped his eyes, then saluted solemnly: "Commander-in-Chief, seeing you, I... I seem to be dreaming..."

This old man is the head of the once feared Gestapo, Lieutenant General Heinrich Müller!He was listed as the No. [-] fellow war criminal of the Allies!

Heinrich Müller nodded and said: "You are still young, yes, yes, you can do more for the empire, the Third Reich still welcomes young talents like you!"

Nicholas saluted again solemnly, tears welling up in his eyes.

The man next to Heinrich Miller, who was not tall, looked fat, and had no superior racial characteristics, also looked at Nicholas and said: "I see that there are so many imperial elites as young as you, I am really happy in my heart, the rise of the Third Reich is hopeful!"

Nicholas' status was relatively low, he didn't know this fat man, but when he saw that this man was sitting on the left of Heinrich Müller, he knew that this person's status must be no higher than that of Heinrich Müller. Stretched.Suddenly, he remembered who this person was. He immediately stood at attention and solemnly saluted this person: "Director Martin, seeing you makes me really... so excited!"

This person is the "Shadow of the Head of State" Martin Borman!

After the end of World War II, almost all the traces of Class A war criminals were quickly found out; there was only one exception, that was Martin Bo, who held the high position of Secretary-General of the Nazi Party Central Committee and was called "Hitler's shadow" by many Nazi dignitaries. Elman.Until now, neither judicial officials nor historians can tell his exact whereabouts, nor even be sure whether he has followed the head of state or is still living in a little-known corner of South America.

And now, Martin Bormann appears here, Heinrich Müller is also here, the two top figures of the Third Reich who successfully escaped are here, and there are so many backbone figures of the Empire here, This shows that the Nazi Party will have a major move.

The day Nicholas had been looking forward to every day finally arrived.

Soon, Nicholas found several long-lost comrades in arms, some from the Gestapo and some from the SS. After shaking hands, they all sighed.

At this time, the long-lost "Party Anthem" and "National Anthem" - "Wessel Has Fallen" sounded from the old-fashioned gramophone on the rostrum.All stood up in awe, facing the party flag on the podium at the same time, stretched out their right hands straight at an angle of 30 degrees, and sang the national anthem of the Third Reich in a low voice.

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