
533 The Nazis Have a New Führer

Plagiarism - 530 Three Nazis have a new head of state

After a few minutes, the participants were seated one after another.The host of the meeting was Matt Gower, the second leader of the American Nazi Party. After he gave a brief welcome speech, he began to state the main purpose of today's meeting.

Matt Gower is 43 years old this year. He used to be the middle-level backbone of the 12th SS Armored Division "Hitler Youth".After World War II, he fled to the United States to form the American Nazi Party in 1959 with his predecessor, George Lincoln Rockwell, of whom he took over as chairman after his death.

"As we all know, in the past year or so, a Chinese named Tang Xiao has disrupted the world, especially in the past few days, several major events related to him have happened one after another. Haha, this guy is going to establish a country! Middle East The region is tense, the Americans and the British can't sit still, and the Soviets have jumped out! Our opportunity has come, and the moment for the revival of the Third Reich is coming soon! Everyone here may put on their shirts again , galloping on the battlefield again!" Matt Gower's eloquence was very good, he briefly explained the purpose of today's meeting in sonorous and forceful German, and at the same time aroused the ambitions of the participants.

"Papa..." There was warm applause from below.

Today's participants are all die-hard Hitler followers. They want to restore the Third Reich all the time, even in their dreams, they long for this wish to be realized.However, as time went by and they got older, they already knew in their hearts that the dream of revival of the Third Reich was getting farther and farther away.But at this moment, when they heard that the revival of the Third Reich was expected, and their dreams for many years were expected to come true, they could imagine the excitement in their hearts.

Matt Gower made a pressing gesture, and he continued: "I am not worthy to be the protagonist today, and the respected Marshal Heinrich Müller is invited to speak!"

"Papa..." There was another warm applause from below.

Heinrich Müller, the top leader of the Gestapo at that time, strode towards the rostrum. He scanned the survivors of the Nazi Party with his aggressive eyes, and said in a low voice: "Matt Gau What I said is right, the Third Reich of Germany is about to be revived! It’s time for everyone to contribute to Germany again!”

"Clap clap clap..."

"First of all, I want to tell you a piece of good news. As early as a year ago, we opened up a vast revival base in Africa, which is larger than our motherland! Since then, we have opened up Search for the survivors of our German National Socialist Workers Party. Maybe God has mercy on us, maybe the Führer is guiding us in heaven, and we quickly found a large number of excellent sons and daughters of the Third Reich, including those present here You—the surviving elite of the Third Reich!"

"Papa..." Nicholas, who was sitting in the back row, had tears in his eyes, and he also saw many generals in front of him wiping their tears, and some even trembling.

Heinrich Müller continued: "Before you, we have sent several elite groups to our revival base, including nine army generals, 126 army lieutenant generals, major generals and colonels; We also sent five generals, 67 vice-admirals, major generals and colonels, etc.; for the air force, we also had three generals, [-] air force vice-generals, major generals and colonels, etc. In addition, there were thousands of our former No. Excellent fighters from the Three Reichs have rushed to our revival base, and the stream continues!"

"I also need to go!"

"I also need to go!"

"Where is the revival base in Africa?"

The excitement of the participants below was already uncontrollable, and many generals of the past stood up one after another, eager to go to their revival base.

"Since you have been summoned, it means that the empire will use you. However, we do not plan to flock all of us to the revival base. Currently, the revival base lacks the most talents for training soldiers and propaganda talents of the three armed forces. Diplomatic talents and technical talents. Among these talents, the most urgent need of the empire is technical talents, especially military industry talents. Before this, we spent a lot of effort, but only found 210 Many of the original upper and lower technical officers of the empire. But we know that the number of surviving people of this type is the largest, and the empire desperately needs them now. So, what you are doing, if you have contact with them, is to Please convey our intentions, this is considered a contribution to the empire!"

An old man in his 60s who was sitting in the back stood up excitedly and said: "Marshal of the report, my name is Felix. I was in charge of researching stealth fighters. After the war, I was forced to work in an American military company. Been studying this business for almost [-] years, just [-] years ago, I retired and live in Canada now. I already know a lot about the design and manufacture of stealth aircraft, and I can also find a few talents from this American company In the past, it was believed that we would soon be able to create our stealth aircraft."

Heinrich Müller on the stage applauded first, followed by thunderous applause from below.

"So, there won't be many people going to revive the base, but you will go to the base sooner or later. You can't stay idle any longer when you stay in the world. You have to do the following things for the empire outside the base Things. First, continue to search for our surviving excellent National Socialist Workers Party members around the world and let them return to the organization. Second, vigorously absorb new National Socialist Workers Party members, we must have a reserve force, This is also an important step in our "Bleaching Africa" ​​plan; third, we secretly cooperate with Tang Xiao's power to continue to disrupt the world. Only when the world is in chaos, our chances will increase; fourth..." Hai Inrich Müller enthusiastically assigned tasks to these loyal, hardcore surviving elites of the Third Reich.

After Heinrich Müller's provocative speech, Martin Bormann, the "shadow of the Führer", appeared on stage, with his increasingly fat body and his huge head, combined with his eternal seriousness. The expression made people feel unspeakably uncomfortable, but he was the most trusted secretary of the head of state. He was the person who followed the head of state the longest and had the most contact with the head of state.The secrets of the Third Reich, the resumes of important party members, the private affairs of the head of state, and even the huge secret property of the Third Reich are all hidden in his huge head. With fear.

Martin Borman actually smiled on the stage, and he said slowly: "The marshal just said so well! It is also a miracle that so many of our imperial elites can gather here today. Also, we It is an even more remarkable achievement to establish a strong revival base in Africa. And all of this is because - we have a new head of state! The ability of this new head of state is comparable to that of Tang Xiao. Yes, his wisdom, his power, his status and his wealth are enough to make the Third Reich rise again in the world, and of course, all of this is inseparable from everyone here."

"The new head of state? Who is he?" A general sitting in the front row couldn't help asking.

Martin Borman stared at the general and said: "This is still a secret, and no more than eight people in the world will know it. General Julian, do you want to know the answer too?"

The general named Julian was already gray-haired, and he trembled all over when Martin Borman asked him this question.He stood up and bowed, "I'm sorry, Director!"

Finally, Martin Borman announced: "Today's meeting is here, and everyone should know what to do when they go back. Matt Gower, Otto Reimer, Nicholas, James Befort, Alfred Keller, Albert Kesselring remain, and the others dismiss."

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