
534 Tang Xi is a friend of the head of state

Plagiarism - 530 Si Tang is a friend of the head of state

The remaining six went into another room with Martin Bormann and Heinrich Müller and sat down around a huge round table.

"You are the elite among the elites of the empire. In the future, the burden on your shoulders will be heavier, your tasks will be more arduous, and some of them will be more dangerous!" As soon as he sat down, Martin Borman said coldly Said.

The six stood up in unison: "For the revival of the empire, we will die!"

"Alfred Keller and Albert Kesselring, two lieutenant generals, one of you was the lieutenant general and deputy commander of the Imperial Navy, and the other was the deputy chief of staff of the Imperial Air Force. The current revival base is in The army is full of talents, not only has many generals, but also has two field marshals. Only the navy and air force lack senior talents, and you will shoulder this mission!" Martin Borman issued his first message Order: "According to the order of the head of state, I appointed Alfred Keller as the commander of the First Army of the Navy at the Restoration Base of the Third Reich of Germany, and was promoted to the rank of Admiral; Fuxing base air force deputy commander, promoted to the rank of general."

Alfred Keller and Albert Kesselring are both old generals who are over 70 years old. Facing the appointment, Alfred Keller beamed with joy, and Albert Kesselring Serin, on the other hand, had a sad face, appearing hesitant.

Heinrich Müller saw the truth in this, he knew that Alfred Keller was physically fit, optimistic and funny, while Alfred Keller, like most Germans, was serious Solemn, casual and casual.At the same time, his body does not seem to be healthy.

Sure enough, Alfred Keller said in a low voice: "Reporting Director, I am very grateful to the new head of state and the director for their trust in me. I also want to make contributions to the empire, but I am 73 years old now. My There are many problems with my body. I am afraid that my body...will embarrass the important task, and I am afraid that it will delay the great affairs of the empire and the new head of state..."

"Don't be afraid!" Martin Borman sneered and said, "The head of state has already made arrangements. How can he not know your age and physical condition? Besides, our revival base's navy and air force are very weak. Your The task is to build a powerful imperial navy and air force. How can such a difficult task be done without good physical fitness?"

Alfred Keller and Albert Kesselring looked at each other. They didn't seem to understand what Martin Borman meant. A relatively young man didn't seem to understand either, but they saw Martin Borman pull out two vials from his bag.

Two small medicine bottles were placed in front of two old men, Alfred Keller and Albert Kesselring, and they saw some small red pills contained in the small transparent medicine.

Several people's eyes were fixed on these two small medicines.

Martin Borman suddenly said excitedly: "Do you believe that people can rejuvenate? I believe, because I met our new head of state! Our head of state is an omnipotent man of God, he can make us rejuvenate, he can make us You rejuvenate and let you gallop on the battlefield again! You may not believe it now, but at the Fuxing Base, we have already taken this medicine to 9 generals, professors, researchers and doctors, and they all became younger within a month Yes. This drug comes from China, and it is also the core secret of the empire. The new head of state will personally meet those who can use this drug, and he will also give you physical therapy."

"I believe it! It is said that Audrey Hepburn became younger after taking this drug." Alfred Keller grabbed the small bottle on the table and danced with excitement.Albert Kesselring picked up the vial and finally smiled.

"This red pill can make you two 30 years younger, wait a minute, what you guys are going to get is the orange pill, they can make you a few years younger. Hehe, we are not going to be actors, the younger you are, the better you are." Well, our head of state said that the human body is in the best condition at the age of 30-45, so in the future there will be many elites of this age group in the empire, including me and the director, haha..." Heinrich Mi Seeing envious expressions from several of his subordinates, Le added.

"Long live the Führer!" The Nazis around the round table stood up solemnly, and made a standard Nazi military salute.Unknowingly, this new head of state is gradually replacing the former Hitler.

Martin Borman seemed to have finished speaking, and he picked up a cup of green tea on the table and sipped it leisurely.Hitler's habit of drinking tea back then was also learned by the shadow of the former head of state, and he has kept this hobby until now.

"Matt Gower is the leader of the National Socialist Workers Party in the New York area, and James Beaufort is the leader of the National Socialist Workers Party in the Chicago area. Human resources; Nicholas used his intelligence and ingenuity to train 10 outstanding Gestapo talents in New York in more than 336 years. It's a big deal." Apparently, Heinrich Müller was in charge of the Gestapo.

Several people listened very carefully, and Heinrich Miller said slowly: "The first big thing is that you have to send more than 300 young talents to the Empire Restoration Base within a month. They receive training and training at the Fuxing base for three months to a year, and then they will go to their posts."

"Yes, the task must be completed!" The four stood up again and saluted the Nazi military salute again.

"The second big thing is - you have to secretly help Tang Xiao, this matter is more complicated, this is not an action in one place, it may have to be carried out in multiple places, and our actions must not be known to anyone, including Tang Xiao. They did this because Tang Xiao is a friend of the Führer!" Heinrich Müller suddenly said something that surprised everyone.

Heinrich Müller continued: "You should know that the Soviet Union has already threatened to send troops to Tang Xiao to establish a state on the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean. The head of state believes that the Soviets will definitely not just speak intimidation this time. The probability of them sending troops must be more than 90%, because their defeat last time was also related to the Tang Dynasty. It is impossible for the Soviets not to retaliate against him. The head of state understands Tang Xiao's temper, and he will not give up this place easily. Therefore, what you have to do is to organize a group of smart and capable people to rush to the Middle East as soon as possible, causing chaos in the Middle East and conflicts in some countries in the Middle East. It is best to fight a war first, so that the American-led The West will pay attention to the Soviets entering the Red Sea. They will choose to help Tang Xiao or let the Soviet army stay on the island of Socotra not far from the Middle East. To add, the head of state wants to plot the whole of Africa. The plan of 'whitening Africa' was implemented before, and the head of state does not want the Soviets to stay here. I will explain the specific steps to Otto Reimer in detail."

Hearing this, several former Gestapo leaders couldn't bear it any longer.They are very good at doing this kind of thing, and they were present in Europe and Africa back then.

"The second place is Southeast Asia. This area is also a place where taunting activities are relatively active. Here, Timor Island, New Guinea Island and Aceh Peninsula have already established their own organizations. These armed forces have already There have been some armed conflicts with the Indonesian government, and the conflicts in some places are relatively serious. After our investigation and analysis by the head of state, the head of state believes that these conflicts are related to Tang Xi, and Tang Xi may still want to plot the country in these places. Therefore, in In these places, we also want to secretly create more chaos in this country as a government, put more pressure on the Indonesian government, and create a steady stream of troubles for Suharto. Suharto is called a smiling tiger, he will not Let these people go on like this. There is a civil war in Indonesia, Tang Xiao has a chance, and we have a chance."

Heinrich Müller said so much in one breath, he sighed and said: "The most difficult thing is the last task. You are also responsible for secretly protecting Tang Xiao. According to the deduction of the head of state, those who want to kill Tang Xiao now There are too many people, and the Japanese and Russians are terrible. Well, let the Gestapo fight the KGB again."

Martin Borman stood up and added: "Whether Tang Xiao is a good friend of the Fuhrer or not, his existence is of great benefit to the Third Reich, you must not take it lightly, you must not let him be People were killed early!"

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