
535 Shocking

Plagiarism World - 530 five jitters

In the early morning of this day, Tan Jiabao received an overseas call from Brigitte Lin in his study.On the other end of the phone, the little girl looked very nervous, and she asked anxiously, "Xiaobao, you... you didn't have anything... did you?"

A sweet tenderness rose from Tan Jiabao's heart, and he said softly: "Am I okay? Little fool, why haven't you slept so late?"

"I... I had a nightmare just now. In the dream, you were...killed by someone. I saw you lying in a pool of blood. I was so scared...that I woke up. Xiaobao, I read today's newspaper Well, there is a Japanese company called "Sankou Co., Ltd." that even published a reward announcement in a tabloid newspaper. They said, whoever kills you, they will reward the killer with $0... Also, many newspapers and TV shows With your report, they said that the Soviets, the Japanese, and several Eastern European countries will not let you go, I am so afraid. Xiaobao, why don’t you make it clear that you did not do those things, you How could you do such a bad thing?... You must not go out these few days, close the windows, you... if... if... woo... wow..." On the other end of the phone, the little girl said incoherently Out of her worries, she cried and expressed the deep love for him in her heart.

The most difficult to accept the beauty of grace!

Tan Jiabao felt that his eye sockets were also moist, he was very moved, and he was also very distressed.He always felt that it was a great sin for him to worry and worry about a distant girl.He began to rack his brains to search for all those comforting words and phrases in his mind, until Brigitte Lin regained his composure and smiled through tears, then he put down the phone with peace of mind.

He sat on the sofa, lost in thought...

These days, he is once again the most watched person in the world.

With the bizarre event of "money falling from the sky", with NATO's unbelievable victory in Czechoslovakia, with the opening of the prelude to his "founding of the country", with the American press conference, Johnson and Hoover's double-reed answer was made public, and with the most serious warnings and threats from the Soviets, almost all the media in the world were attracted to this "Mr. Tang Xi".At this time, the Japanese Sankouhui and other underworld organizations also suffered heavy losses due to a large-scale sweep by the Sato Eisaku government.After thinking about it, they felt that the main reason for this result was the mysterious Mr. Tang Xi, so they published the "reward offer" announcement on several tabloids in the United States, Europe and Japan, and their price directly reached 0 The US dollar, which once again caused waves in the world, and rumors about "Tang mockery" are flying all over the sky, making people dazzled.

The whole world is talking about Tang Xi, the whole world is analyzing and speculating on Tang Xi's response method, and the whole world is also predicting the final outcome of this Tang Xi.

Tan Jiabao, who was in the vortex of the whole incident, was calm. He didn't publish a word in the media to defend himself. He understood that some things cannot be justified, and the darker and darker the description is, the final result.He simply adopted the strategy of "constant response to all changes" to deal with those rumors flying all over the sky, and deal with the aggressive threats of the Soviets and the Japanese underworld.However, some people around him could no longer calm down.

Not to mention the care of the relatives and brothers in his company, and the friends of Jin Yong and Gu Long.His confidante may be the most worrying group in the world.

Lin Qingxia and Hu Yinmeng in the United States call every day. From their anxious words, Tan Jiabao can feel their inner suffering and worry every day; Audrey Hepburn, who was filming in Europe, disregarded her own safety. Resolutely came to Hong Kong and stayed with Tan Jiabao for five days; Teresa Teng originally arranged for next year's 10 Hong Kong concerts to be brought forward to this period of time. Tan Jiabao knew that the little girl just wanted to accompany Tan Jiabao in the most critical moment; During this period, Deborah and Yi Huisi became extremely gentle. The two of them changed their ways to warm Tan Jiabao with their whole hearts.

In addition, some politicians also expressed their concern to Tan Jiabao.Hong Kong Governor Dai Linzhi personally visited the door, conveyed the condolences of the Queen of England and the Prime Minister, and sent a large number of police and plainclothes to the area where Tan Jiabao’s residence was located to protect Tan Jiabao’s safety; Jiang Jingguo personally called Tan Xiaozhong to express condolences to Tan Jiabao , Condolences to the Tang Dynasty Group, and suggested that Tan Jiabao go to Taipei for a period of time to visit and investigate. Obviously, Taiwan still attaches great importance to Tan Jiabao's safety.

Just the day before yesterday, Liang Weilin, director of the Xinhua News Agency's Hong Kong office, visited Tan Jiabao in person. After consulting Tan Jiabao's consent, he immediately dialed the phone number of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council. Tan Jiabao immediately heard Zhou Gong's high-pitched voice Voice: "Tang Xiao, you should go back to your motherland to have a look. The motherland has your relatives and friends, and they care about you very much. After wandering outside for so long, it's time to come back to see them. If you go back to the motherland, No reactionaries can threaten you...well, Comrade Tan Xiaojian wants to speak to you."

Holding the phone in his hand, Tan Jiabao's tears kept streaming down.This day was the day he shed the most tears since his rebirth.On the other end of the phone, Tan Xiaojian's words were very brief: "Xiaobao, if you encounter a hurdle that you can't get over, you can come back. Your grandma and your mother miss you very much..."

Hearing grandpa's voice suddenly, Tan Jiabao's chest was already overwhelmed.He paused for more than two minutes before trying to calm down his emotions. He wiped away his tears and said, "Grandpa, I miss you too, take care of yourself! I just encountered temporary difficulties on this side, it's nothing It's a big deal, please rest assured. Grandpa, since the central government already knows everything about me, I might as well ask the central government to do me a favor, so I want to continue talking to the prime minister."

After Zhou Gong answered the phone, Tan Jiabao said: "Prime Minister, I'm sorry, I was so excited to hear your voice just now... I want to ask the central government to do me a favor. Well, that is to ask the central government to get in touch with the Pakistani government Please, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy and the Pakistani Navy will conduct a joint military exercise in the Arabian Sea. I don't need you to fight the Soviet revisionists. I just want to fake your prestige to deter the Soviets and India. Of course, There is still such a long time, and I will persuade other countries to support me, such as the US and British emperors, my thoughts are like this..."

After the Soviet Union suffered the last disastrous defeat, Tan Jiabao estimated that the Soviets would not dare to go to war with China in the coming year. He estimated that the Battle of Zhenbao Island would most likely be postponed, or even no longer have that Battle of Zhenbao Island.However, the Soviets will definitely send troops to interfere with the establishment of their own country. In a sense, this is a great opportunity for the Soviets to re-establish their prestige in the world. At the same time, they can also openly enter the Red Sea and interfere in Middle East affairs.Therefore, it is of great significance that Tan Jiabao requested the PLA to conduct military exercises with Pakistan in the Arabian Sea of ​​the Indian Ocean.

For this military exercise, the Soviets will have more or less scruples, while the United States, Britain, and even India will become nervous.In this sensitive area, at this sensitive moment, maybe a world war could be on the verge of breaking out...

There was a girl's chirping voice outside, and Tan Jiabao, who was in deep thought, knew that Deborah and Yi Huisi had returned, so he opened the door.

"Little Treasure, all the things you need have been bought, and the big house has been tidied up according to your requirements. What are you using these things for?" Deborah saw Tan Jiabao, and immediately went up to them to buy them. An avenue robe was handed over to Tan Jiabao.

Tan Jiabao looked at these things, and then said to the two girls with a smile: "Since everything is ready, starting from tomorrow, I will go to retreat to practice! You two remember, in the next 49 [-] days In time, even if the sky falls, don't bother me..."

"Ah..." The two girls were stunned. They didn't know why Tan Jiabao would spend 49 days practicing martial arts at such a critical moment.

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