
557 Farewell, Lyndon Johnson

Plagiarism - 550 Seven Farewell, Lyndon Johnson

Originally, the Johnsons wanted Tan Jiabao and Audrey Hepburn to stay overnight at Camp David, but after dinner, Johnson received a call and he wanted to rush back to the White House.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, two of our friends. I just had an emergency call and we should go back to the White House right away."

Audrey Hepburn felt a little regretful, she went into the back room with Claudia Taylor to change clothes without a word.She once told Tan Jiabao that she liked this place so much that she would ask him to go bowling together tonight.

Johnson spoke very sincerely, and Tan Jiabao believed in his sincerity.Because he believes that Johnson at this time, if it is not a very urgent situation, he will not pay attention.But poor Johnson, during the dozens of days he was about to leave office, his troubles came to him one after another.

Tan Jiabao knew that last night was the day when Indonesia sent troops to Timor Island and New Guinea, and Johnson was only nervous about this matter.

Sure enough, after Johnson put on his suit, he shook his head and cursed: "Damn Indonesia, damn Suharto, how dare you hide the truth from the United States, me, and the whole world by suddenly sending troops to occupy Timor Island, and now another A force is launching a general attack on New Guinea. Oh, I don't need to keep such things secret, my dear friend."

Tan Jiabao nodded movedly and said: "Mr. President, please don't get excited and take care of your body. For the past few months, Indonesia has been attacked by local armed forces and terrorists continuously. People in the country are panicking, and I think President Suharto can't bear it anymore."

Johnson stopped moving, he glanced at Tan Jiabao vigilantly, and then smiled slyly: "I see, this war in the Pacific is also related to you?"

Tan Jiabao knew that the world would know about his agreement with Suharto sooner or later, so he said frankly: "Suharto is my good friend. I met Suharto before I came to the United States. He told me He revealed a bit of information about this. He said he was very angry, he said he wanted to take revenge on the enemy, he said he wanted to gain power in Southeast Asia! Oh, you should be very clear about our relationship with Suharto, here Before, we leased a large piece of land in Indonesia, which we used to develop our industry. But I swear, this war has absolutely nothing to do with us, Mr. President, don’t worry too much.”

After thinking for a while, Johnson couldn't understand the general situation of the matter for a while, he shook his head helplessly and said: "This Suharto has caused me such a big trouble, I am busy again tonight."

Tan Jiabao and Johnson walked side by side to the two helicopters parked on the lawn. Tan Jiabao comforted Johnson and said: "My friend, don't be too anxious. There is a saying in China that goes, 'When it rains, my mother wants to get married. ', we have nothing to do, let them go, maybe after a few days, everything will be calm again?"

"Thank you for your comfort. Let's see you again. If you have time in the future, go to Texas to find me, haha..." After shaking hands with Tan Jiabao, Johnson boarded the helicopter by himself.Tan Jiabao was also moved by the true feelings they showed in a paradoxical manner. He knew that he had almost bid farewell to the old man, because two years later, Johnson would become a president who experienced the shortest period of "former president" in American history. , he will leave this stage forever.

"Farewell, Leighton Stuart. Farewell, Lyndon Johnson!" Tan Jiabao and Audrey Hepburn bid farewell to the Johnson couple who were smiling and waving their hands on the plane, and then they boarded another helicopter.

After half an hour's flight, Tan Jiabao's helicopter landed on a roof platform of the Tang Dynasty Hotel in Washington, and the general manager personally led Tan Jiabao and Audrey Hepburn into the presidential suite.

As soon as she entered the room, Audrey Hepburn immediately hooked Tan Jiabao's neck and acted coquettishly. She asked Tan Jiabao to pick her up and visit the presidential suite.Tan Jiabao could only lovingly hug this ancient beauty and inspect the room, and then the two of them snuggled up on the sofa like a couple in love, enjoying their love tightly.

"Honey, today I took a good tour of Camp David under the leadership of Claudia. I have to say that the scenery and facilities there are really great. This is the most pleasing place I have visited in my life. One of the places. Hee hee, you and the president were talking about big things and missed the visit to Camp David." Audrey Hepburn was still reminiscing about her comfortable mood today.

Tan Jiabao stroked her ponytail, and said softly: "Baby, if you like it so much, I will build you a big villa that belongs to you, and we will also design and decorate it according to the style of Camp David, plus what you want , the land area can be larger, and a golf course can be built. Well, I have already thought of the name of this villa, it is called 'Hepburn Villa', what do you think? Baby?"

In the previous life, Tan Jiabao was particularly displeased with those local tyrants and nouveau riche.Relying on their own wealth, they willfully show off their enviable possessions in front of everyone.At that time, flaunting one's wealth was already a kind of pleasure for some local tyrants. Tan Jiabao thought it was a vulgar taste and scoffed at it in his heart.

However, in this life, he also became a local tyrant, and his state of mind gradually changed.He secretly exclaimed, money is such a good thing, it can do almost anything.There is almost nothing that can't be settled with money.So, unnaturally, he sometimes becomes a local tyrant with vulgar tastes.

He actually knew that the difference between a local tyrant and an aristocrat is this: what a local tyrant shows off is wealth, while what a nobleman shows off is self-cultivation; the local tyrant is actually a poor person, and they are so poor that they only have money left.Aristocrats are always high above them. In addition to having a lot of wealth, they also have status, prestige and reputation.

"Hee hee, Xiao Bao, look at the moon in the sky outside, it's so beautiful..." Audrey Hepburn looked at Tan Jiabao mischievously, and said with a playful smile.

Tan Jiabao's face turned red, he knew that he was a rich man again.And he was a local tyrant in front of a woman of noble descent, so embarrassing!

"Okay, you girl dare to tease me, look at Bian!" Tan Jiabao stretched out his big hand, fondling the sensitive part of her inner thigh wantonly.

** After a while, Tan Jiabao knew that Audrey Hepburn was very ticklish. Her most sensitive area was the inner thigh, and when Tan Jiabao rubbed her hand there, she would get very itchy.

"Gegege..." Audrey Hepburn laughed loudly, twisting her whole body, struggling with her hands and feet, and began to beg for mercy: "Xiaobao...forgive me...the little girl will never dare again, hee Hee...Gege...cough cough..."

Tan Jiabao was worried that she might lose her temper from laughing, so she stopped her movements. At this time, Audrey Hepburn's eyes were as soft as silk, and her whole body was soft and soft as if she had no bones.Tan Jiabao couldn't help but began to kiss her, began to cherish her...

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