
558 Suharto sent troops

Plagiarism - 550 eight Suharto sent troops

At nine o'clock the next day, Nixon and his wife visited the presidential suite of the Tang Dynasty Hotel where Tan Jiabao was staying.As a president-elect, it was difficult for Nixon to find a suitable place for secret talks with Tan Jiabao.So, he simply came to see Tan Jiabao himself in the name of a private visit.

Of course, people at the level of the president will not gossip.Audrey Hepburn played the role of the hostess frankly. She and Pat seemed to be friends for many years, and the topics were one after another.

The two women entered the back room and went to talk about topics of interest to them.In the big living room, Nixon and Tan Jiabao chatted about the international situation of their mutual concern, and they began to exchange views on some issues.

Nixon sipped his coffee and said, "Indonesia started to invade Timor Island and Papua New Guinea yesterday. Mr. Chu must know about this news, right?"

"I learned about this news at Camp David yesterday. President Johnson canceled the agenda for further talks with me and hurried back to the White House. Oh, I don't know how the situation in Southeast Asia is now. The enterprises under construction in the Bird of Paradise Peninsula." Tan Jiabao said lightly.

Of course Nixon knew about Johnson's invitation to Tan Jiabao to Camp David.Nixon said solemnly: "I haven't taken office yet, and the world is already in such a mess. Alas, that guy Suharto specially found this moment when the U.S. government is changing from old to new to launch a war of aggression. He is determined to Take those two places, this guy hasn't answered anyone's calls for the last 36 hours."

Tan Jiabao's expression became serious, and he asked with concern: "Mr. President, how far has the Indonesian army invaded so far?"

Nixon said with a solemn expression: "16 hours ago, the Indonesian army had completely controlled the entire Timor Island, and now their army controls more than half of the territory of Papua New Guinea, and now, the entire Papua New Guinea is under the control of this country. The navy surrounded the capital, Port Moresby, under their two-hour attack, and the resistance armed forces fell. The so-called king named Julian has fled to the mountains. With the support of the air force, the Indonesian army With a speed of 40 kilometers per hour heading towards the major cities of Papua New Guinea, I think the resistance in this area will soon be overwhelmed."

"Ah—" Tan Jiabao was amazed.He immediately had a new understanding of Suharto's military talents and strategic thinking, and he had seen the power of this smiling president.Tan Jiabao asked in amazement: "Is the Indonesian army so powerful? Their speed is not inferior to that of Germany during World War II."

Nixon said contemptuously: "Indonesia has a total of 18 troops. They dispatched 15 troops. The navy and air force are all dispatched. They only have [-] troops left in the country. Moreover, they attacked suddenly and attacked by lightning, and these two countries They are all interim governments, and the army is not only small, but also has too low combat capability. Therefore, Indonesia can drive straight in, like a broken bamboo."

"So the Australian army didn't respond?" Tan Jiabao was very concerned about this.

Nixon sneered: "Australia has not many troops, and their deployment in this area is also the weakest. And Suharto is too cunning, they first captured the Solomon Islands and the islands between Australia and Papua New Guinea, They put up barriers beforehand, and it was very difficult for Australian troops to enter Papua New Guinea. Now Australia and the British are looking to the US Pacific Fleet to intervene in this war. Oh, I think at this point, the resistance has surrendered."

"For such a thing, I don't think the United States will easily intervene? I know that although Britain is a friend of the United States, Indonesia is also an ally of the United States, and this country is too important in the South Pacific. At this critical moment, I think the United States will not easily offend Indonesia, right?" Tan Jiabao said what he meant, and he didn't want to see the Americans send troops to intervene in this matter.

Nixon sighed and said, "Yes, the situation over there is complicated and confusing. The Soviets were not reconciled to the unexpected failure last time, and they moved everywhere. After Gromyko's visit to India, he stayed in Indonesia for another day. Suharto met. We are worried that the Soviet Union intends to win over some countries this time, such as India and Indonesia. Indonesia has long wanted to occupy these two territories. In 1961, West Papua became independent, and Indonesia invaded the country more than 10 days later Finally, under the strong condemnation of the international community, Indonesia withdrew its troops. It was also from that time that West Papua was managed by Australia. But this place is too barren, and there are many tribes, so Australia has not really managed it. Several tribes united , A person named Julian was elected as the king, and the place is stable. East Timor still belongs to Portugal, but the residents are mainly Indonesians. These Indonesians have long wanted to get rid of Portugal, so it is very difficult for Portugal to take it back. East Timor."

Tan Jiabao pondered for a while. He was thinking about how this old man Suharto would deal with the public opinion and condemnation of the international community, and how he would deal with the pressure from Britain, Australia, Portugal and the United States.

"Mr. Chu, what do you think about this matter? After all, this matter happened on the eve of your founding, and Indonesia can be regarded as your neighbor across the Indian Ocean. Aren't you worried about the strength of this country?" Since it was an exchange of ideas, Nixon also wanted to see what this young man thought.

Tan Jiabao laughed and said: "Suharto is my good friend, I believe he will support me to build a country. I think East Timor is close to Indonesia, and most of the residents are Indonesians. Since this place is not the territory of Portugal, There is nothing wrong with Indonesia taking it over. West Papua in New Guinea has always been in a state of anarchy, and Australia has not actually shouldered the management responsibilities authorized by the United Nations. This piece of land is actually the first way to acquire territory in international law, that is 'Pre-occupation'. I think this time Indonesia is not aggression, they are 'pre-occupation'!"

In fact, Nixon also wanted to test the level of Tan Jiabao. After hearing his answer, he couldn't help but feel contemptuous in his heart. He thought that this person was actually too famous, and his political accomplishment was not good enough.So he also smiled and said: "You say that Indonesia's aggression this time is a 'pre-occupation'. Benefit?"

Tan Jiabao said solemnly: "I won't say much about the economic interests of the United States. I believe Mr. President knows how much we spent this time, and in the future, the United States will still be an important trading partner of Oceania. Militarily, I have negotiated with President Johnson that we will cooperate in a new way to defend against our common enemy - the Soviet Union. Politically, Oceania will, within the next 10 years, cooperate with The United States and other Western countries try to be consistent. In the new era, Oceania needs the West, and the West also needs Oceania. I am very much looking forward to the friendly relationship between Oceania and the United States under the joint establishment of us and President Johnson. During the term of President Nixon Keep consistent among them, and develop the friendly relations between the two countries to another peak."

Nixon was relieved.Johnson has done all the tricky things, he just needs to follow the charter formulated by Johnson, and he doesn't need to bear too much responsibility.He is very willing to do this kind of favor. He also laughed and said shamelessly: "I also believe that the friendship between the United States and Oceania will last as long as the sun. Our personal friendship will also be like Moutai. Same, more and more fragrant, more and more intoxicating..."

At this time, two women came out of the room smiling.Pat's smile is really as rich and long as Moutai.Only Tan Jiabao could see how fake Audrey Hepburn's smile was, how uncomfortable her smile was, and her smile was even uglier than crying.

It turned out that the acting skills of the two-time Oscar queen could not conceal the heartbreak and pain of losing one of her most beloved items.

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