
606 Yemen Yemen

Plagiarism - [-] Yemeni Men

The Democratic Republic of Yemen was the first country to benefit from cooperation with Oceania. In the Indian Ocean War that ended not long ago, Oceania not only won a brilliant victory, but also helped the Democratic Republic of Yemen to wipe out the North in one fell swoop. Yemen, the current Yemen has been unified nearly 0 years earlier than the previous generation.

Now, President Katan Muhammad Shabi, who is less than 40 years old, is sitting beside Tan Jiabao with a smile. He admires Tan Jiabao like a river or something.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions. The young Saby won the battle and unified his country. Naturally, he is full of pride. This time, he has a deeper plan, and he still needs the help of Oceania.

After thanking Tan Jiabao for a while, Shabi restrained his smile and said to Tan Jiabao seriously: "Mr. President, you should know that Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East. Yemen's oil is far more than that of neighboring Saudi Arabia. Arabia and Oman are much less. The oil in Yemen may be exhausted within 100 years. Therefore, for the long-term development of Yemen, we have made a careful plan, that is, our army will, in the next two weeks, into Oman, and then into the United Arab Emirates and Qatar."

Tan Jiabao was taken aback, he didn't expect this young man's ambition to expand so quickly.A year ago, he was still struggling to secure the throne of South Yemen's president. Only a few months after the unification of Yemen this year, he began to think about neighboring countries.

Seeing Tan Jiabao thinking, Shabi further explained: "For this plan, we have gone through various considerations and certifications. We believe that with our current strength, we can solve the problem of the Japanese army and 6000 Italian troops in Oman. It is not a problem with more than 4000 British troops in the United Arab Emirates and 3000 French troops in Qatar. First, because we are attacking suddenly, and the three armies of the sea, land and air are dispatched at the same time, we can quickly occupy Oman , drive the Italians away, and then we quickly occupy the UAE and Qatar, and if it is still possible, we are occupying Bahrain. Second, our army has gone through the baptism of war, and they all have the experience of fighting the Soviets Third, we have purchased a large number of new weapons from China this time, making it impossible for the enemy to defend against them; fourth, the poisonous rice in South Africa has already eroded the above-mentioned countries, but unfortunately, our poisonous rice from Yemen arrived last, Yemen No one has ever eaten poisoned rice. Now, our morale is high, but the enemy is downcast and has no fighting spirit. Fifth, this Middle East war is not over yet, and the countries around them, such as Saudi Arabia, dare not send troops against these country to the rescue."

Tan Jiabao smiled and said: "Your Excellency, you should know that oil is a strategic material. How important these places are to the West, they will never let it go. Also, you have not considered the Americans. The Americans are here There are very strong troops in the whole area, and they can wipe you out in one fell swoop!"

Shabi seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he said with a smile: "Yes, this is exactly our concern. If Oceania can secretly send troops to help us, and then support us with Oceania's prestige in the sky, I think Britain, France, and Italy will also Don’t dare to act rashly, because they just suffered heavy losses in the Atlantic War. And the Americans are now doing their best to solve the Vietnam issue, and they are unwilling to come here to be an enemy of Oceania at this time.”

Tan Jiabao laughed and said: "Haha, you're just pretending to be a tiger! However, you haven't convinced me yet. You are obviously invading neighboring countries. This is an unjust war. And Oceania has just entered the United Nations, so we also have some scruples. Under such circumstances, how can Oceania support you Yemen?"

At such a young age, Shabby has already sat on the throne of the president, which in itself shows that he is not a simple person. He said calmly: "We don't need Oceania to publicly express support for us. Oceania only needs to be vague. Just resign, and we will do the rest. Also, if Oceania lends us 000-30000 troops to let these Oceania warriors secretly fight, we will be grateful to Oceania. We only need Oman, if we capture the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, or even Bahrain, then we will sell it to Oceania at a relatively cheap price. I think this is actually a very good deal for Oceania.”

This is the plan that Shabi and the others had planned long ago.They know that they have the ability and strength to be able to defend Oman, but they will definitely not be able to defend Persian Gulf countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Qatar in the future.Instead of this, they might as well give Oceania these countries in the Persian Gulf.

However, Tan Jiabao was thinking that if the United Arab Emirates and Qatar belonged to Oceania, then Oceania would have its own territory in the Persian Gulf and its own steady stream of oil resources.This is not to say that it is not a huge temptation.However, Tan Jiabao still has some concerns. He doesn't want to show his sharpness at this time and offend many western countries.Besides, the most urgent task in Oceania at present is to build up the country, to store up energy, and to lay a good foundation.

After Tan Jiabao walked around the room several times, he finally adopted a compromise method. He said: "Oceania can secretly send [-] troops as the Yemeni army to attack the countries you mentioned. However, Oceania They will not publicly support this kind of behavior in Yemen, and sometimes they may condemn this kind of aggression in Yemen. If Britain, France and Italy really send troops, or if the United States sends troops, then Yemen can get a little benefit, and the troops must be withdrawn immediately , I don’t want to go against the West at this time.”

Although Shabi was a little disappointed, he still agreed to Tan Jiabao's conditions.

Two weeks later, Yemen dispatched 10 divisions, plus three divisions from Oceania, a total of 13 troops suddenly attacked the Italian army stationed in Oman, and the troops were divided into five groups, announcing that they had occupied Oman within 48 hours .

When the whole world was shocked and condemned Yemen, Yemen captured the United Arab Emirates and Qatar with lightning speed, and then, after a short rest, their army took Bahrain.

Places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait and Iraq are full of refugees.

There was an uproar in the Middle East, and they began to panic. They were afraid that their country would be the next to be captured.

After talking with Tan Jiabao on the phone, the three countries of Britain, France and Italy learned that Oceania did not know about it, so they announced that they were going to send troops to take back their interests in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf.

However, for some reason, everyone couldn't find Tan Jiabao for a long time to come.Who would have thought that such a world-renowned figure would fall drunk in the tender village under the warmth of a black and white mother and daughter at that time, not knowing what year it has been.

The two generals of Oceania were militants. After they learned about the situation, they announced to the outside world that the hundreds of thousands of troops of Oceania would conduct actual military exercises in the Gulf of Aden when Tan Jiabao could not be found. , And inform the world that Oceania will invest 16 new types of weapons at that time, and invite merchant ships and passenger ships from various countries to detour.

The three countries of Britain, France and Italy were dumbfounded. The Americans who were considering whether to send troops together with Britain, France and Italy also stopped the discussion. They also did not want to fight to the death with countries like Oceania at this time.

Finally, under the mediation of Oceania, Yemen finally agreed to withdraw its troops from Bahrain, but Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar declared that Yemen would never let go.Britain, France and Italy had no choice but to find another opportunity.

Afterwards, after Tan Jiabao, who had been romantic for a long time, came out, although he was thick-skinned, he was embarrassed to take over the two countries of the United Arab Emirates and Qatar immediately.Oceania only entrusted Yemen to temporarily manage these places in the Persian Gulf, but secretly began to gradually carry out immigration work with Oceania characteristics, and began to build these two places. It was not until five years later that they bought them at a low price of 5 million U.S. dollars. The United Arab Emirates and Qatar, as well as Oman's part of the Persian Gulf, can continue to produce golden eggs.

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