
607 Training Zulu Soldiers

Plagiarism - [-] Training Zulu Soldiers

On this day, Tan Jiabao also received two heroes, Khomeini and Gaddafi.

Khomeini has used the "Bleaching Africa" ​​incident of poisoned rice in South Africa to vigorously criticize the Pahlavi Dynasty of Iran's Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and criticized the "White Revolution" proposed by Pahlavi is actually related to "Bleaching Africa". It has the same connection, calling on the Iranian people to resist Pahlavi's "white revolution", and then calling on the Iranian people to overthrow the Pahlavi dynasty and establish their own Islamic country.

In the Islamic world, Khomeini is already a god, so many Iranian people responded to his call, and Iran immediately fell into domestic struggle.

Khomeini came this time because he wanted Oceania to support him, help him return to Iran, and help him personally lead a vigorous Islamic revolution.

Looking at the younger and more handsome Khomeini, Tan Jiabao was secretly proud.However, Yemen's actions are taking place first, and it is difficult for Tan Jiabao to agree to Khomeini's actions at this time, because the Pahlavi Dynasty is under the cover of the Americans, and he does not want to give the United States a reason to send troops to the Persian Gulf at this time.

Therefore, Tan Jiabao rejected Khomeini's plan.However, Tan Jiabao gave Khomeini a sum of money and a batch of weapons, and asked him to secretly recruit a group of Islamic militants, ready to fight at any time.

At this time, Khomeini was still very obedient. With funds and weapons, he followed Tan Jiabao's request.

Qi Siming was also present at the last meeting with Gaddafi, because Qi Siming was also one of his classmates when Gaddafi was trained in Taiwan's "Far Friends Class".

At this time, Gaddafi still looked very young, he was only 'years old, and there was an unrestrained expression in his expression.

Tan Jiabao knew that in the last life, Gaddafi was under the cover of Allah, and he just obtained the political power in Libya in a daze.But this time, he was covered by Tan Jiabao, did he have that kind of unimaginable good luck again?

Gaddafi reported that the old Libyan King Idris I was getting worse and worse. He was hospitalized again a few days ago. Chief of Staff Sheri is going to take over full power in September.Gaddafi wants to launch a military coup in the recent period.

Different from the previous life, with the training and support of Qianniuwei, Gaddafi is no longer a captain communications platoon leader.Now, he is already a lieutenant tank battalion commander, and the strength of his subordinates and the subordinates of several of his friends is no longer only 600, but more than 00.Perhaps Gaddafi thought he had enough troops that he could stage a coup and overthrow a dynasty.

Like Khomeini, Tan Jiabao still believes that Gaddafi's actions are still a little premature, and he still wants to give way to Shabi's invasion of the Persian Gulf.

Lieutenant Gaddafi's enthusiasm seemed to have been poured with cold water. He left Socotra Island with a batch of Oceania's "Stinger" individual shoulder-fired air defense missiles.

Tan Jiabao also left Socotra Island, and he immediately went to Seychelles, which is located in the center of the Indian Ocean, for investigation.

The current name of the Seychelles Islands has been changed to Xu Xiake Islands, Xu Xiake City, Oceania has moved a total of 35 people, plus the original residents, the population here has exceeded 35000.In addition, Oceania has deployed a division-level aviation fleet here, as well as two army divisions.Recently, [-] young and strong soldiers from the Zulu Kingdom arrived here one after another to receive training from the Oceanic Army.

The arrival of Oceania immigrants and the Oceanic Army made this quiet island in the Indian Ocean suddenly lively and full of vitality.

In addition to inspecting the construction, Tan Jiabao is mainly concerned about the training of Zulu officers and soldiers.According to the agreement signed with the current Zulu King Karizab, the Oceanic Army will be divided into three batches to train a modern army of 12 people for the Zulu Kingdom, including the three services of sea, land and air.

And today, the Zulu King Karizab and his entourage will come to Xu Xiake City for the first time to inspect their own army, and at the same time, they will also come here to meet the President of Oceania, Tan Jiabao, who has been away for more than a month.

In a simple military officer's inn, Tan Jiabao cordially met with Karizab and his party.

After being separated from Karizab for more than a month, Tan Jiabao found that Karizab was obviously much thinner.This may be related to worrying about state affairs and the disappearance of his most beloved wife, and he is in a bad mood.

In front of this black African, Tan Jiabao couldn't help feeling a little guilty when he thought that he had not only married someone else's daughter, but also abducted someone else's wife.

Although Karizab is thin, he is in good spirits.

After exchanging pleasantries, Tan Jiabao handed a map to Karizab, and said: "This is what we got, the current military deployment map of Madagascar. The current total strength of Madagascar is 1 people, plus reserve Team, their strength is less than 00 people. Their equipment is backward and scarce. Their main equipment includes 000 tanks, 12 armored vehicles and 65 various artillery pieces; 72 people in the navy, including 500 marine company, equipped with 1 patrol boat and 1 amphibious ship; the air force has 1 personnel and is equipped with more than 500 aircraft of various types, including 30 combat aircraft and 12 helicopters. More than half of the troops and military facilities are deployed in Antananarivo and Around the city of Antananarivo. Therefore, the possibility of attacking this country is still very high.”

Karizab and his subordinates were very happy to get this map.They have inspected their army, and they found that the Zulu soldiers who had been trained in Oceania for less than 10 days had just changed their appearance. They believed that the combat effectiveness of their army had been significantly improved. After a month, this team will surely surprise them.

Tan Jiabao continued: "So, we have to set a longer-term goal. We took advantage of the fact that Britain, France and other countries suffered heavy losses in the past two months. We not only want to take Madagascar, but also Take the surrounding Reunion Island, Mauritius and Comoros."

"It's okay to say that Comoros is still in a state of anarchy. It's not a big problem to take these islands. But Reunion Island is stationed by the French army, and Mauritius is also stationed by the British army. We Can the newly established Zulu army beat the British and the French?" A young Zulu man asked worriedly.

This young man is the son of Derek East, his name is Cetshwayo, and he is one of the few young people among the Zulu who are studying in the West.Cetshwayo was originally studying in the Department of Architecture of the University of Paris, France, and Derek East called him back.It can also be seen from this that the high-level Zulu people also have high hopes for this operation.

Tan Jiabao stared at the young man, and then slowly explained: "Yes, Réunion is an overseas province of France. There are 3000 French soldiers stationed on this island. Mauritius is a British colony and belongs to the Commonwealth. There are 3500 British garrisons in the country. However, we learned that there is an unwritten rule in Britain and France, that is, all unqualified soldiers and soldiers who do not obey discipline will be sent to remote Africa or Pacific islands Above. Therefore, their garrisons are actually just a banner, but their real combat effectiveness is hard to praise."

This young man named Cetshwayo was so serious that he took notes carefully.Tan Jiabao frowned, and a question came to his mind, that is, will this young man become Monica's right-hand man or a competitor in the future?

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