
96 Warner and Disney future at the helm

96 Warner and Disney future at the helm

In the movie library at ABC's production headquarters in Burbank, a small, thin young man is bending over, carefully picking through programming material for this evening's prime-time show.

"Hey man, what's the matter, haven't you got the night show out yet?" At this moment another young man about his age walked in, but he was much taller.

"Oh, damn it, I forgot where I counted!" The skinny young man complained, and then continued: "Diller, don't mention it, we have so little information, it's hard to find what I need! By the way , where have you been all morning? Don't think that you are a great assistant manager. "

"Michael, Mary and I went to a midnight movie last night, the very popular Run Lola Run these days. Oh boy, that movie was so good it made me sleepy. I really didn’t know that movies could be shot like this! That Chinese man named Tang Xiao is really amazing! Oh, I have to say, I admire him more and more.” The young man named Diller had a cheerful personality, He was eloquent when he spoke.

Speaking of the topic he was interested in, the young man named Michael put down his work and said with a sneer, "Cut! You just watched it yesterday, but I watched it the day before yesterday. Hehe, guess what I like the most in the movie What is it? It's the two pulsating waves on Jane Fonda's chest, haha, that swaying wave made me dazed, made my heart beat faster, made me..."

Michael became more and more intoxicated as he talked. He closed his eyes and revisited the scenes in his mind.

Diller approached Michael and whispered with a lewd smile: "Hehe, don't tell me, this Jane Fonda must be popular this time! You see, all the girls on the street dyed their hair red now, and tied a dog like her. Such a ponytail! This chick has finally become popular. But she is not the hottest one, guess who is it?"

"Oh, I know this, it must be Elizabeth Taylor, haha..." Michael also laughed softly and softly.

Diller laughed, and said triumphantly: "Wrong! You must not have imagined it, I think it's Audrey Hepburn. You didn't pay attention to her eyes, they are full of spring, I think she is the kind of stuffy type , but the more it is like this, the more it makes people dream, haha..."

Michael's face darkened and said: "Diller, I warn you! If you dare to insult my idol again, I will turn against you! You know, she has been the object of my admiration since childhood!"

Still grinning, Diller said, "Come on, she's almost 40 now. Even if she takes good care of herself, she can't be the Princess Anne of your dreams again, can she, buddy!"

"Diller, you won't understand! I won't argue with you, anyway, in my mind, she is an angel sent by God. By the way, since this movie is so popular, how about we do a few episodes? "Michael's eyes lit up, and a brilliant idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

"I know, you're thinking fast, and you've come up with some bad idea! Let me know your idea." Diller knew this friend who he didn't know very well. He sat down with a serious expression on his face.

"In this way, we set up a relatively extreme distance in the place where Lola ran, that is to say, the distance that can be reached by running desperately every minute. We live broadcast the whole process and encourage the audience to participate. Of course, it is female audience. We want them to run hard. Stairs, downstairs, elevator..." Michael spoke his mind.

"Haha, yes, some obstacles can be added, and we will list a considerable bonus. Well, we will also provide Lola's outfit, and they can also flicker like this... Haha..." Diller was inspired, Think this idea is very good.

"What's the name of our show? I haven't thought of it yet." Michael frowned.

"Let's think about it, yes, it's called "Run Lola Run"! At that time, we will invite the crew of this movie to come over to add to the fun..." Diller's head also turned quickly.

"Isn't this going to be negotiated with Paramount and Tang Dynasty? The copyright belongs to them." Michael looked a little frustrated.

But Diller said happily: "This is not a problem. With my handsome appearance, my excellent eloquence, and my unparalleled wisdom, I will definitely be able to convince that guy Evans! Haha..."

"Also, relying on your bragging skills! Shit! Even if you persuaded Evans, what about Tang Dynasty Company? You are not familiar with this company, are you?" Michael said disdainfully.

"Hehe, I'm not familiar with this newly established Tang Dynasty company, but recently I met that guy named Tang Xiao at Paramount by chance!" Diller lit a Marlboro, Said triumphantly: "That guy Tang Xiao is very polite to me, and he doesn't have any airs."

Michael looked at him with feigned admiration and said, "What does Tang Xiao look like? Didn't you bring a copy of "The Godfather" for him to sign? Did you take a photo with him? Didn't you say that you like the Godfather the most?"

"Hey! That's my regret. The situation was like this..."

When Diller was concentrating and preparing to weave lies, someone called at the door: "Mr. Barry Diller and Mr. Michael Eisner are there? You two have registered mail! Urgent mail!"

Barry Diller and Michael Eisner were taken aback at the same time, laughed, and walked out of the room side by side.

These two people are Barry Diller and Michael Eisner who were still in the abc period.

When they received the mail, they found two identical envelopes, with the same handwriting, both from New York.Open the envelope, there is a short message inside, the content is almost the same.

Dear Mr. Barry Diller Mr. Michael Eisner:

My name is Tang Xiao, and I'm from China.

I recently acquired Warner Bros. and United Artists, and I'm in dire need of someone like you!Introduced by a friend, you are a great talent in the film and television industry. I have also watched the abc TV program you lead, and I admire your talent very much.Therefore, I specially invite you to join our Tang Dynasty-Warner Film Company. I will entrust you with a heavy responsibility and give you a broad platform for you to fully display your talents...

If you are interested in joining Tang Dynasty-Warner Films, sir, please go to the chairman's office on the sixth floor of the former Warner Bros. office building in Burbank tonight or tomorrow.I will warmly welcome your arrival!


After reading the letter, Barry Diller and Michael Eisner looked at each other suspiciously, and then they hugged each other tightly and laughed at the same time.

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