
97 Warner and Disney future at the helm

97 Warner and Disney future at the helm

Michael Eisner whispered: "Hey, man, you just said that you met Mr. Tang Xiao, to be honest, I didn't believe it at the time. But now I finally believe you! Haha, you saw Tang Xiao that day Did you put in a lot of effort and get Tang Xiao's praise and appreciation? You're not a bad guy, so you recommended me by the way?"

Barry Diller swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Hehe, buddy, you are wrong again this time! I just made a little joke with you just now, hehe, it's a little... actually Well, I have never seen Tang Xiao. I don’t know whether he is male or female, old or young, tall or short, fat or thin. I only know that he wrote "The Godfather" The great author of "The Graduate" and "Run Lola Run" and the songwriter of "The Sound of Silence" are now known as the boss of Tang Chao-Warner, and that's it."

Barry Diller spread his hands, shrugged, and made a funny facial expression.

Michael Barry Diller Eisner sneered and said, "Oh, shit! Your lying skills have reached the point of perfection? Hehe, you have to admit it so soon, don't you?"

Barry Diller looked aggrieved, and he said: "How do I know that this guy named Tang Xiao will write us a letter suddenly? Why didn't he write sooner or later, but why did he write a letter like this at this time?" What about the inexplicable letter? Is this... just too coincidental?"

Michael Eisner put the envelope on his head, thinking too, "Yeah, why did he write to us? There must be a reason?"

Barry Diller beamed with joy at this time: "Didn't you read his letter? He said that we are talents, and he was introduced by his friends. Think about it, isn't our program very successful recently? We have already It has attracted the attention of big people. The film industry and the TV industry belong together. Tang Xiao also watched the programs we produced, and he also thought that the programs we produced were excellent. Also, I think we are already well-known in the entertainment industry It’s just that we don’t know it ourselves.”

Michael Eisner put on a "wow" look and said, "Damn! Dude! We're celebrities and we don't know it! Damn both of us! Dude, you said he gave us 'commission What does 'heavy duty' mean? Let us... let us..."

Barry Diller paced up and down with the letter and said, "Michael, you better take it easy and don't expect too much. Don't be too delusional about some managerial and above positions! But I still have a chance to get it." Go to the position of the manager of the production department or the distribution department, and you, at best... It would be good to give you an assistant manager of the logistics department. Haha, now that Warner Bros. and United Artists have merged, a company as big as this is Paramount, Columbia and MGM can't compare to it..."

Michael Eisner was not happy anymore. He said angrily: "Stop, stop, why should you be the manager, and I must be the deputy manager? And the damn logistics department? Are you better than me? "

Barry Diller smiled and said: "This question is a long story, let's discuss it again when we have a chance! What I have to consider now is that if we go to this company, the salary must be doubled. Many big companies are like this, haha, I In the future, I will have a salary of more than 800 a month, and there should be bonuses, so that I can buy a good car..."

Michael Eisner said bitterly: "What time do we go there at night? Huh, I don't believe that Mr. Tang Xiao will give you the position of manager, and give me the position of deputy manager. Just wait and see!"

Barry Diller shook his head and said: "Today is a big man summoned us, we should go there early. We can't let him wait for us, it makes sense for us to wait for him. By the way, man, dress up and don't be rude. Well, I Guess I should borrow Davis's new Ford..."

Michael Eisner said thoughtfully: "That guy Tang Xiao is from China, man, tell me quickly, are you familiar with China?"

Barry Diller looked serious, he shook his head and said, "You're right, we have to get ready."


Tan Jiabao and the others came here on the first flight.

As soon as he arrived at the Warner Company, Tan Xiaozhong, along with Cantona, Xu Guanwen and others who had been waiting here, went with Jack Warner to do the handover and other related matters.And Tan Jiabao and Deborah just wandered around and spent a whole morning looking at every corner of the entire company in detail.

In the afternoon, a meeting of all employees was held as usual, after Jack Warner gave a brief explanation.Tan Xiaozhong came to the stage and gave an ebullient speech. In his speech, he fully affirmed Warner Bros.'s outstanding contribution to the company and the world's films, and expressed his highest respect to Warner Bros. and its old employees.Then he briefly described the development direction and prospects of the company after the Tang Dynasty Company took over.And introduced the new company president Mr. Cantona to the staff.

Then, the serious Cantona walked up to the front desk, and his first words were: "Hello everyone! Maybe the elderly workers have heard of my name. By the way, when I was at Universal, everyone called me 'Iron Fist' Cantona', when I was in Paramount, this name was changed to 'Devil Cantona'. From these two nicknames, you can know that I am a very strict person. Maybe someone will I asked, now that you are in Tang Dynasty-Warner Company, will your name and nickname change again? I don’t know about this, but you should understand that my nickname will never become “慈祥” Cantona', 'Gentle Cantona' or 'Angel Cantona'!"

After hearing this sentence, Tan Jiabao, who was sitting in the corner, smiled.He remembered that when Evans recommended Cantona to him, he said: "He is a person with character and very interesting. But this is only Cantona on the surface. The real Cantona is a capable, A very courageous entrepreneur with management skills and courage!"

Evans introduced Cantona to him in detail.

Cantona began to enter the film industry at the age of 17, and has experienced secondary roles, small supporting roles, supporting roles and a leading role once.Then he turned to scene writing, screenwriting, photography and directing, but he found that none of these were suitable for her.So he turned completely behind the scenes and started all over again.Costumes, props, distribution, personnel, procurement, etc., and finally step by step to the position of vice president.It can be said that he is a "jack of all trades" in the film industry, who knows everything and knows everything.So he managed it with ease.

He himself later discovered that management is his own strong point.He was a master of management and relentless, a man whom all employees admired and feared.

Cantona continued to speak, and he promulgated Tang Chao-Warner's temporary work discipline, temporary rules and regulations, and reward and punishment regulations during the handover period.Finally, he said loudly: "My set of temporary work discipline, temporary rules and regulations, and reward and punishment regulations have now been promulgated. After the meeting was over, the personnel department worked overtime tonight to print out these three documents and distribute them to various units. Go. I am here to remind everyone that you must pay attention to these three documents. Hey, don’t try to challenge me, just give it a try if you are bold! If anyone violates it, I don’t care who he is, even if it is Chairman Tang Xi’s Wife and son, I will also be punished according to the law, without any ambiguity!"

Deborah, who was sitting next to Tan Jiabao, couldn't help but burst out laughing when she heard the last sentence "Tang mocked the chairman's wife and son".Although the voice was not loud, the entire audience was silent under Cantona's "iron fist". This chuckle was particularly harsh at this time, and it immediately attracted many eyes, including Cantona's fire-breathing Come on look!

Attached: Barry Diller Chronology:

Born in California in 1942

From 1966 to 1973, he worked in a series of departments of abc entertainment company

From 1974 to 1983, he served as the CEO and chairman of Paramount Pictures

Michael Eisner Chronology

Born 1942 in Mount Chisco, New York

Graduated from Denison University in 1964

1966 Hired by ABC Television as an assistant

In 1968, he became vice president of daytime programming for ABC Television.

1973 Appointed Senior Vice President of Prime Programming for ABC Television

In 1976, he became the president of Paramount Pictures.

Appointed chairman of Walt Disney Productions in 1984

Since Eisner's arrival in 1986, Disney's profits have grown significantly

In 1989, the Disney-MGM theme park opened and became the highest-paid CEO in the United States in the same year.

In 1990, Disney became the world's most valuable entertainment company; Eisner began planning Euro Disney

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