In the snow-covered world, goose feathers and heavy snow fell from the sky, accompanied by the turbulent and turbulent vitality of the heaven and earth, forming a blizzard one after another, constantly impacting everyone...

Wuming, Yanzhen, and Poyunzi looked at the person from the Proud Qi Sect on the opposite side, smiled coldly, and said viciously: "Declaration of war, I didn't expect that you would have guessed that our three sects would invade at this time!"

Xuan Zhan raised his right hand lightly, and the purple gold thunder and lightning twined between his fingers in an instant. Looking at the chaotic crowd below, he shook his head indifferently, his face turned slightly cold, and looked at Wu Ming and the others and snorted coldly: "Wu Ming , on the first day of my succession, you gave me such a great gift, how can I... how should I thank you?"

Wuming looked at Xuan Zhan gloomyly, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, and said gloomyly: "Xuan Zhan, don't blame us for attacking the Pride Sect, it is because the vitality of the world is thin, if we don't find other vitality of the world, our three sects will only Can be reduced to the lower class, so...hehe..."

Po Yunzi stood aside, looked at Xuan Zhan and the group of people who were at the point of war, and said indifferently: "Brother Xuan, Brother Tian, ​​fellow Taoists of the Proud School, your Spiritual Vessels of the Proud School are abundant, and the name of the Proud School is getting more and more prosperous. , if the spiritual sources of our three major sects have not dried up, we can resolve this battle, but... the way of heaven is boundless, and the luck of my three-star pavilion in Qingshu must not fall to the lower level!"

Yan Zhen looked at Xuan Zhan angrily, and said coldly: "Xuan Zhan, I, Xuyun Liubo Mountain, have a sworn feud with you. Since you have succeeded as the suzerain of the Arrogant Sect today, then the whole sect is my Xuyun Liubo Mountain's lord." Enemy!"

Xuan Zhan's face was cold for a while: "It's up to you? Where are the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect!"

"Boom!" Tianshang sang.Mo Shaofeng burst out the perfect cultivation base of the whirl wheel in an instant, Tie Shaoteng burst out with the cultivation base of the late whirl wheel, Chen Yun and Zhuxi burst out with the cultivation base of the late whirl wheel one after another, and the other four elders broke out one after another The initial cultivation base of the whirlpool!

"Three Jue Formation!" Tianxiong yelled angrily, and Dihui and Dikuang formed a triangle with Tianxiong and the three of them. The imposing manner - the whirl wheel is complete!

And the other young monks all burst out with the aura of the early stage of the whirlwind...

Countless outside cultivators below looked at the battle of the Proud Qi Sect in the sky, and they were all stunned. When did the Proud Qi Sect actually have three masters who had completed the whirl wheel, and... so many masters of the whirl round stage... …

Wuming, Yanzhen, and Poyunzi suddenly groaned in their hearts, Wuming glared at Tie Shaoteng with glaring eyes, and said gloomyly, "Tie Shaoteng!"

Tie Shaoteng looked at Wu Ming coldly, and said coldly: "Wu Ming, I have made countless mistakes, but... for this last step, I have to live and die with the Pride Sect!"

As soon as Tie Shaoteng said this, the people around him from the Proud Sect looked at Tie Shaoteng in shock...

Xuan Zhan looked at the faces of the people around him, and said calmly: "Elder Tie has his own difficulties, everyone, believe me, he will never work for the Demon Sect again!"

Everyone looked at Tie Shaoteng solemnly, looking at him so much that they felt ashamed to die...

Mo Shaofeng snorted coldly: "No wonder the suzerain didn't tell me the identity of Fan Gu. It turns out... so it's you! Why?"

Tianshangge also frowned and said: "Elder Tie, why on earth are you willing to become a running dog of the Demon Sect? Could it be... Is my Pride Sect treating you biased?"

Tianxiong shouted angrily: "Elder Tie, is this true or not?" Suddenly, Gu Fei called out sadly: ""

Tie Shaoteng's body trembled slightly, he looked at the crowd slowly, finally looked at Gu Fei, and said with a wry smile: "Yes, as a teacher... betrayed the Pride Sect!"

"Shut up!" Xuan Zhan said coldly, "If you still regard me as the suzerain, you should first look at the situation before attacking Elder Tie!" As soon as this remark came out, everyone suddenly regained consciousness and took a hard look at Tie Shaoteng , and then glared at Wuming and the others!

After pulling everyone's emotions back, Xuan Zhan looked coldly at the pale Wuming crowd, and said coldly:


boom! ! !The fierce murderous aura suddenly filled the space fiercely and crazily when the voice of the declaration of war fell, and the huge sword lights full of murderous aura smashed fiercely at Wuming and the others.

Wuming and others looked at the majestic breath, and their hearts trembled suddenly. Among them, only they belonged to the perfect state of Xuanlun, and only Poyunzi and Yanzhen belonged to the late stage of Xuanlun. , under the hands of the three major vortex wheels, still unable to resist, he stared at Tie Shaoteng fiercely!In fact, one cannot resent Tie Shaoteng. Mo Shaofeng is quite low-key within the Pride School. As a monk with a perfect whirl wheel, in the past, only Tianshangge and Xuanzhan knew about him, and the others didn't know it at all!However, Tianxiong, Dihui, and Dikuang's joint attack strength has only recently increased. It can be said that without the intervention of the immortal, they are completely one-sided!

Xuan Zhan took a step first, and one step away, he had already appeared beside Wu Ming, and the purple gold gods thundered furiously, blasting at Wu Ming fiercely, and angrily said: "Wu Ming, go die!"

Half a year ago, Wuming was caught off guard by the declaration of war without preparation, but with the power of the thunder and the unpredictability of the declaration of war, under the completely reborn "Golden Carp Walking Wave Step", it can be said that even the reaction time None, was blasted into the body by dozens of purple-gold divine thunders...

With one blow, Wu Ming immediately vomited blood, and was sent flying ten thousand meters backwards!

Mo Shaofeng and Tianshangge fought directly against Yanzhen and Poyunzi. The latter two were no match for Mo Shaofeng and Tianshangge in their own cultivation. Startled at every step, without the power to fight back, huge and fierce sword lights filled the surroundings of the two of them, frantically suppressing Yan Zhen and Po Yunzi...

Under the combined attack of the three of Tianxiong, there was almost no single enemy. Under the control of Tianxiong's master, the three rampaged among the three sects, especially the deputy masters of the three demon sects. Other than the three heads, they are already the highest, and their primary target is the deputy head of the three sects of the Demon Sect!

All of a sudden, the vitality of heaven and earth fluctuated wildly above Jinyang Peak, and the people below fled in all directions in shock, avoiding far away, and the entire Jinyang Peak was already on the verge of falling under the crazy battle of all the masters of the whirl cycle stage. turned upside down...

"Boom!" A purple-gold divine thunder suddenly bombarded the head of a Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion monk. The monk was instantly dizzy and vomited blood. The next moment, a flying sword passed through his chest!

Under the joint attack of Tianxiong and the other three, the deputy lords of the three sects of the Demon Sect retreated after losing consecutive defeats...

The other swirl wheel monks of the Proud Qi School filled the entire space with a murderous aura, killing people from the three sects...

In just a split second, the monks from the Three Sects of the Demon Sect, the Three-Star Pavilion of Qingshu, and the Xuyun Liubo Mountain were completely overwhelmed by the frenzied bombardment of the monks of the Pride Sect!

The two Ke Qing elders, Chenyun and Zhuxi, were not to be outdone at all, their cultivation in the late stage of Xuanlun was surging, and rays of light shot out from their bodies!

It cannot be said that the monks of the three sects are weak. It can only be said that the deployment of the Pride Sect this time has already exceeded their imagination. Needless to say, the declaration of war, the perfect breath of the three vortexes, the power of the three late vortexes, plus Compared with other elders of the Proud Qi Sect, as well as Bi Ling and other young people with the initial cultivation of Xuanlun, in this battle, they are completely on the upper hand!

"Void Sword—Heavenly Strike!" As soon as the declaration of war swordsmanship was activated, thousands of divine thunders instantly turned into streams of thunder, and then divided into more than 20 batches. Under the control of a powerful mind, they helped everyone around attack the three major sects...

"The power of a single sect of the Pride Sect surpasses the power of the three major sects..." The thousands of monks dodging below stared blankly at the frightening and crazy battle above the sky!

And the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect were even more excited. The Proud Qi Sect had completely gained the upper hand, which meant that their victory was within easy reach!

"Boom..." Within the range of the Twelve Peaks of the Proud Qi Sect, countless mountain ranges were affected, and there were waves of rolling stones colliding, as if the earth was angry...

At this moment, a roaring sound suddenly exploded in everyone's ears: "The proud sect, you are too arrogant!"

"Boom!" Several invisible forces rushed from the sky in an instant, and three words suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone: No Fall!

"Huh!" Xuan Zhan snorted angrily, and stepped forward first, the three reverse-swirling vortex wheels in his body suddenly burst out with unparalleled thunder power, and the thunder wings on his shoulders instantly swelled to a hundred feet long, and his body suddenly spun wildly. The surroundings of the people cut and wiped out those invisible forces...

"What a declaration of war!" A thunderous old voice sounded slowly...

"Roar!!!" Suddenly, the roar of ferocious beasts resounded across the entire Lanxi Cangshan Mountain, and the stern roar went straight into the hearts and lungs of everyone...

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