After a ferocious beast roar, Xuan Zhan and the others immediately stopped attacking with sharp eyes!

However, in just half an hour, there were nearly twenty or so Huanlun cultivators from the three major sects, but at this moment, there were only a handful of people standing in the air with injuries all over their bodies, Poyunzi, Yanzhen, and the three sects of the magic sect. Vice suzerain!As for Wuming, I don't know where he was blasted by Xuanzhan's move...

These five people were covered in blood, but they felt a pang of misery in their hearts. They thought that relying on the previous team of twenty or so people, they could at least fight for the upper hand with the Pride Sect, but... they didn't expect that there would be three great whirlpools consummated master!

The person who declares war is even more unfathomable, and he has killed the most lives of the monks under him...

Xuan Zhan guarded everyone under Lei Yi, and looked at the sky coldly!

Suddenly, the three of Tianxiong burst into dazzling brilliance, and the three looked at each other in surprise at the same time: "This feeling..."

Several people around Xuan Zhan immediately looked at the three of them, but Tianxiong said in surprise: "This feeling is exactly the same as when I met you..."

Everyone immediately frowned and looked at them...

Suddenly, there was a howling sound from the sky: "Who is down here that makes my three old demon brothers feel so connected?"

The voice approached instantly, and a group of black light suddenly shot towards it!At the same time, the three of Tianxiong's streamers soared crazily!

Subconsciously, the three of Tianxiong rushed towards the black light in the sky...

Xuan Zhan's heart trembled, and he immediately thought of the key point, then frowned and said, "Why did this happen?"

"Boom..." I saw these two rays of light colliding madly together...

"Three old demon brothers, what's wrong with you?" An old voice suddenly came from the sky...

Then, under the cautious expressions of everyone, Xuyunliubo Mountain Fengchi, Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion's unfallen patriarch Liu Qingfeng, and a three-foot-long and one-foot-tall blood lion beside him; , Yejiu, four immortal masters, and a mysterious spirit beast appeared in front of everyone!Behind them, thirty monks with whirlwind breath appeared unexpectedly...

Feng Chi frowned and looked at the fused black light. When he probed his consciousness, his face suddenly became surprised. His own consciousness couldn't get into the ray of light. After shouting a few times, there was no response at all!

Declaring war, he stood casually, looked at those imperishable masters, and said softly: "You... finally appeared!"

All the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect looked at the unfallen cultivators with ashen faces. One unfallen cultivator was no longer something they could compete with. All of a sudden... four of them appeared, plus a mysterious spirit beast, and, And they even brought thirty whirl wheel masters... This kind of battle is not something they can contend with...

"You...are you declaring war?" Xuyun Liuboshan Fengchi glanced at the declaration of war, and said coldly.

Xuan Zhan smiled softly: "Junior, it is Xuan Zhan!"

Feng Chi snorted coldly and said: "There is a sense of arrogance, anyway, the old man sees your arrogance, spare your life, leave Lanxi Cangshan, don't kill you, otherwise..."

"Haha...haha..." Two voices of long laughter suddenly appeared on the back mountain of the Proud Qi Sect, one of the voices laughed proudly: "Brother Fengchi, otherwise, what will happen?"

"Hmph, Xuanhen, Liao Lang!" Fengchi snorted coldly, and smiled slowly, "Do you think that with your current strength, you are qualified to ask this question?"

Xuan Hen and Liao Lang came to Xuan Zhan's side in an instant, and nodded to Xuan Zhan with a smile on their faces!

Liao Lang said coldly: "Why, with my current strength of the Pride Sect, why am I not qualified?"

Feng Chi glanced at Tie Shaoteng indifferently, and chuckled lightly: "Your sect has a good elder, Tie Shaoteng, don't you think so?"

The faces of the people turned ashen, looking at Tie Shaoteng's figure, they wished to cut him into pieces. If it wasn't for his secret tip-off and collusion with the people from the Outer Sect, how could the Pride Sect come to this point today...

Tie Shaoteng looked at Fengchi with a livid face, then sighed, bowed and said sadly to the people present at the Pride Sect: "Patriarch, this disciple is guilty!"

Xuan Hen smiled softly, patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Where is your crime?"

"Looking for skin with a tiger, and telling the secrets of my Pride Sect to the people of the Demon Sect several times! So much... so that my Pride Sect has fallen to this point!"

Xuan Hen smiled lightly, but Feng Chi said with a sarcasm: "Xuan Hen, Liao Lang, you two, don't hold back, your heart is damaged by Qi, and you still insist on a normal and indifferent look. The old man admires it!"

Xuan Hen said blankly: "The old man and the younger brother are both in good health, where is the heart pulse damaged? Being angry...who is it?"

Feng Chi was taken aback for a moment, and a bad look suddenly flashed in his heart!

"Old man in Fengchi!" The voice of an old man suddenly appeared in the Wanshan cluster.

Feng Chi was slightly taken aback, looked into the mountains of the Proud Qi Sect, and said coldly: "Which old friend, come out and meet the old man!"

A stream of light suddenly shot out from the mountains, slowly came to Xuan Zhan, looked at Feng Chi and said: "Old man, do you still remember me?"

Feng Chi looked at the person who came and snorted coldly: "So it's you, why, the Proud Qi Sect and the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect formed an alliance in secret?"

The person who came was none other than the Patriarch of the True Jade and Illusory Heart Sect hidden in the Cangshan Mountains of Lanxi—Changshan Daoist!

"Are the three of you only allowed to work together?" Master Changshan straightened his thin body slightly, and smiled casually.

Liu Qingfeng, the patriarch of Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion, snorted and said, "Even if it's the three of you, what can I do? I guess... it's not enough for senior blood lions to stuff their teeth!" He raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, the ferocious sound shook his soul, and the disciple with a low cultivation level even vomited blood from the shock!

After the blood lion roared, a pair of blood-red eyes sized up the people of the Pride Sect, then looked at the declaration of war, and suddenly said: "Little guy, you were the one who invaded my three-star pavilion in Qingshu last time, but you escaped in the end." Let's do it!"

Xuan Zhan smiled, looked at the blood lion and said softly, "You bastard has a good memory!"

"Roar!!!" The blood lion suddenly raised its head and roared, angrily said: "This time, let me see where you are running!"

Ye Yong looked at the Pride Sect member coldly and said coldly: "Don't let us do it, you should leave the Pride Sect automatically!"

"Whoever leaves the Pride Sect is uncertain!" Suddenly, a shocking sound came from the sky, and everyone immediately looked up at the sky, only to see six dazzling streamers of light shooting madly from the sky in the distance, In a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of everyone like a divine soldier from heaven!

"Haha...Old man Fengchi, I'll meet you, Fallen Leaf!" A clear howl suddenly sounded from the flowing light!

"What?" Feng Chi suddenly looked furiously at the six streamers in the distance...

"Oh my god, it''s them!" Bi Ling suddenly exclaimed in surprise, and Fang Qingya, Gu Fei, Xu Zhong and the rest of the seven swords of arrogance around her immediately looked at the six dazzing streamers in surprise!

Tianshangge, Mo Shaofeng and several other elders looked at each other, confused in their hearts, and said: This... what is going on here?

The person who came appeared in the back of Fengchi in an instant, and when the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect saw the face of the person clearly, they were stunned immediately...

They...they were the six immortal elders who left in grief and indignation after the Pride Sect battle. Behind them, six young monks stood casually, but it was Diaoyu, Xu Shifei and other six young monks... …

"What... what's going on here?" Countless disciples of the Pride Sect asked themselves in a daze.

Feng Chi looked at the six non-falling stage masters who came with great shock, and said in shock: "", Liu Qingfeng, Ye Yong and Yejiu beside him looked at the coming people in a daze at the same time. , but my heart was confused: Didn't the news say...these six people have gone away in anger!Why are you back again...

Master Luo Ye smiled indifferently: "Didn't we leave after fighting each other?"

Xuan Zhan and Xuan Hen and Liao Lang beside them looked at the six of them with a smile, and nodded slightly to them.

Tanyue Daoist sighed and said, "The fight we fought back then was already a life-and-death battle, how could we be so close together?"

Master Xuyu smiled helplessly and said: "In that battle, the old man was really injured, and the injury was not serious!" After finishing speaking, everyone turned their eyes to Xuanzhan...

The faces of Feng Chi and the others turned blue and red, and suddenly, Feng Chi roared angrily: "Tie Shaoteng, you... you actually sent us fake news!"

Tie Shaoteng looked blankly at the six people who suddenly appeared, speechless for a long time...

"It's saved, our Pride Sect is saved, haha..." Countless disciples of the Pride Sect shouted in surprise, "Although I don't know what happened, but... but our Pride Sect is really saved, haha... "

Hearing the cheers from below, Xuan Zhan looked at Feng Chi coldly and said softly: "The news is true, the fake is just on the surface!"

Xuan Hen smiled lightly and said, "We're just doing a fake show for real. We just want Shao Teng to send you the news that my Pride Sect's vitality has been seriously injured!"

Feng Chi looked at them coldly, and said coldly: " are so despicable!"

"Despicable?" Xuan Zhan looked coldly at Feng Chi and the others with his hands behind his back, "You actually have the face to say these two words!"

Feng Chi and the others froze for a moment... Indeed, they are aggressively attacking other sects at this moment. If you want to say despicable, they are the most despicable people!

"Don't think you have the upper hand just because you have a few undead little bastards coming!" The blood lion beside Liu Qingfeng roared angrily.

Xuan Zhan looked at the blood lion amusedly, and suddenly, his right hand turned slightly, and a magic weapon of flowing halo surrounded by golden light appeared in the palm of his hand, and this mysterious halo was slowly jumping happily in his palm!As soon as this ring came out, the heaven and earth were suddenly filled with a surge of vitality...

Feng Chi and the others looked at the magic weapon of halo, and immediately froze. Feng Chi was stunned for a moment, and muttered to himself: "Its body has abundant energy fluctuations, and its objects are extremely agile. This... this... ..."

Xuan Zhan looked at Feng Chi in surprise, and said slowly: "Senior Feng Chi, you actually know the rank of this magic weapon!"

Feng Chi's throat dried up hoarsely and said: "This... this is... this is a spiritual weapon!"

When Fengchi said these two words, all the monks around the Xuanlun stage stared blankly at the magic weapon in Xuanzhan's hand, and Tianshangge said blankly: "It was recorded in the ancient scrolls of the Proud Qi Sect that above the treasure, There is a spiritual weapon... But, but I, Moli Xingtiandi, lack vitality, it is impossible for a master craftsman to refine a spiritual weapon. I didn't expect... to declare war, no... the suzerain actually has a spiritual weapon in his hand..."

Xuan Hen and Liao Lang looked at the spiritual weapon in Xuan Zhan's hand and smiled indifferently. They saw the magic formula of the two of them moving slowly, and the surging and abundant vitality of heaven and earth burst out from their bodies in an instant, and the two radiant flying sword magic weapons slowly moved. Slowly coming out of the body, swimming gently beside the two of them...

Feng Chi suddenly looked at Xuan Hen and Liao Lang with a dazed expression, and muttered to himself: "Impossible...impossible...", Ye Yong, Yejiu, Liu Qingfeng and others beside him The person is also stunned, with a look of great shock, and bursts of inconceivable expressions appear from his eyes!

Seeing the appearance of the four of them at this moment, Luo Ye and the other six people all burst into laughter, but the six disciples beside them looked like they didn't know what was going on!

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and said calmly: "Elder Keqing, what are you... are you waiting for?"

As soon as the words fell, Luoye and Xuyu's magic formulas moved together, and six various magic weapons overflowing with the vitality of heaven and earth slowly appeared from within their bodies...

The entire world, because of the appearance of these nine magic weapons, suddenly became violent...

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