Looking indifferently at the departure of Daoist Changshan and other people, Xuanzhan smiled softly, turned around and walked into the mountain gate with Tianshangge and Mo Shaofeng!

Although Tianshangge and Mo Shaofeng didn't understand why Master Changshan made such a suggestion at the beginning, both of them are old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years. Years of honing are incomparable, and after deep thinking, I was shocked to find that... all this is still a trap designed by the new suzerain in front of me...

Without a trace, let a huge sect bow its head and surrender!

Such a method surprised and delighted them...

In the blink of an eye, several months have passed... The prestige of the Pride Sect is already at the top of the cultivation world!As a disciple of the Proud Qi Sect, walking on the Moli star, I heard that he was treated with great hospitality and courteousness!

When the declaration of war appeared on the mountain peak again, the three Old Demon brothers were lying on the ground like dead dogs, and their bodies had already shown a lifeless appearance due to the day and night erosion of the purple gold Lei Yuan. , like dilapidated ashes...

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, watched the three of them slowly send out a piece of true energy from their mouths, and said softly: "Have you considered it?"

Old Demon opened his eyes weakly, and seemed to see a white figure in a haze, the corners of his mouth slowly opened and closed, looking at the shape of his mouth, it seemed to be saying: "Save... life!"

With a wave of Xuan Zhan's right hand, the barrier several feet long disappeared in an instant, and under his control, the bubbling vitality of the world slowly flowed into the bodies of the three of them, helping them to upgrade and grow!

Seeing the three of them dying, with a look of helplessness and bitterness in their eyes, Xuan Zhan suddenly let out a long and heroic roar: "Hahahaha..."


In the middle of the night, Xuan Zhan looked at the real Luo Ye indifferently in front of him, and said slowly: "Did you find it?"

Master Luoye shook his head lightly and said: "I didn't find it, that person seems to have disappeared from the cultivation world..."

Xuan Zhan turned around and walked towards the entrance of the main hall, looked at the stars in the sky, and said softly: "He... can't disappear, a monk in the middle of the heart, it is absolutely impossible to escape from your palm alone! Unless... someone secretly agrees save!"

"Rescue in secret?" Daoist Luo Ye was slightly startled, he was able to escape from the search range of his spiritual sense, if someone really rescued him in secret, this person's cultivation level is so high that it is absolutely impossible for him to be inferior to him!

Xuan Zhan sighed, waved his hands and said, "Leave this matter aside for the time being, Elder Luoye, you have worked so hard for the proud Qizong for several months, and Xuan Zhan has already engraved it in your heart!"

Master Luo Ye smiled softly and said: "That's being polite, I don't have much effort to give you a spiritual weapon from the suzerain!"

Xuan Zhan smiled, looked at him and said, "Go back and rest first!"

Reverend Luo Ye slowly clasped his fists in respect, turned around and left the place, seeing Reverend Luo Ye leave, Xuan Zhan frowned instantly: Bai Li, where are you?

In this world of self-cultivation, being able to escape from the real fallen leaf with a spiritual weapon close by is already considered a super master, and in the whole world of self-cultivation, the so-called super masters are at most no more than the cultivation base of the imperishable stage!

"It seems that it is still necessary to take a trip to the world of bright heart and cold air..." Xuan Zhan said to himself.He is very concerned about Bai Li's life and death. This person is pregnant with Jade Guanyin, and he is angry with Leng Mei. If his life is in danger, then Leng Mei will definitely be in crisis!Only Baili's safety can keep Leng Mei from being between life and death...


On the mainland of China, on the open sea nearly a million kilometers away, two figures are slowly flying in the sky of the open sea!

"Bai Li, let's rest here today!" A gloomy voice said slowly!

"Yes! Master!" Bai Li clasped his fists and said respectfully.

It turns out...these two people turned out to be Wuming, the leader of the three sects of the Demon Sect, and Bai Li, a disciple of the Demon Sect, who declared war and was looking for everywhere!

With a pair of pale faces, Wu Ming and Bai Li landed on an isolated island. Looking at the vast sea, Bai Li asked curiously, "Master, why did we come to the open sea?"

Wuming looked in the direction of the Shenzhou Continent gloomyly, and said coldly: "Bai Li, do you know the origin of my holy religion?"

Bai Li looked bewildered, and said with a wry smile: "Sect Master, the disciple has only stayed in the Holy Cult for a short time, and his status is low, so I don't know!"

Wuming said lightly: "Not only you don't know, but apart from the two patriarchs, there is no fourth person in the world who knows about it!"

Bai Li was taken aback for a moment, he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart: only the three of you know about this matter, why do you still ask me!

"Moli star, there is a treasure hidden, this treasure is a treasure that cannot be found in the world of cultivation, Bai Li, do you know the world of cultivation?" Wu Ming asked coldly looking into the distance.

"The world of comprehension...isn't it the world of us cultivators?" Bai Li replied curiously.

"Hmph..." Wuming sneered, "The cultivation world we are in is just a drop in the bucket in the real cultivation world, and even...not even Mao!!!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Li was shocked!

"The realm of comprehension...is very, very big!" Wuming said softly, "It's so big that I don't know how common it is. The so-called imperishable period is nothing but ants in front of real monks...hehe..."

Bai Li silently listened to Wu Ming's words, as if he was listening to a scripture from heaven.

"It is said that in ancient times, Moli Xing was the center of Buddhism and Taoism. On our planet, Buddhist disciples accounted for 90.00% nine!"

"Buddhism...disciple..." Bai Li muttered to himself in a daze. Buddhism, the impression in his heart... was only in the ordinary age. In the ordinary world, there are many monks and Buddhist believers abound. But since he After entering the world of comprehension, he didn't find a monk who was a disciple of Buddhism. When Wu Ming mentioned this, Bai Li immediately thought of it!

"In ancient times, Buddhism did not know why, but it disappeared overnight. Since then, this planet has become a middle-level spiritual source in the cultivation world, and only a small number of cultivators survived. From then on, these cultivators lived in Mo Branches and leaves spread out from the stars!"

"The real realm of self-cultivation is so large that it can be counted by the star fields of the universe, and there are so many star fields that I don't know how many. The Moli star is a barren place, so all successful people leave here..."

"Thousands of years ago, it was suddenly reported in the cultivation world that there was a Buddhist treasure on the Moli star. This treasure is the essence of the cultivation of countless Buddhist disciples.

"All the sects in the comprehension world sent monks to my Moli star to fight for this treasure. That battle caused countless losses of Moli star's spiritual veins, landslides and ground cracks, and even the star structure of Moli star was poor. Everything was destroyed in the hands of those fighting for it! In that battle... the Yuanmai was destroyed, the teleportation array was destroyed, and the powerful monks died, leaving only the remaining weak monks to survive. Under the circumstances, let go of grievances and enmity to recuperate!"

Bai Li came to his senses in an instant, and said in surprise, "Master, then our three demon schools..."

Wuming said coldly: "Our three sects of the holy religion are formed by the merger of three remaining sect monks!"

Bai Li suddenly nodded his head, then asked curiously, "What is the treasure of Buddhism?"

Wuming glanced at him expressionlessly, and said with a sneer: "I don't know what that thing is that the ancient monks couldn't find!"

Bai Li suddenly smiled awkwardly, and then asked: "Then let's come here..."

Wuming said lightly: "It is said that the ancestors of our three sects have a hidden treasure above this open sea. That treasure contains countless panacea, geniuses and treasures!"

"Really?" Bai Li suddenly asked in surprise.

Wuming said coldly: "It's just a rumor, whether it's true or not... I don't know! But, I'd rather believe it's true!" After a slight pause in his tone, Wuming looked into the distance coldly, and suddenly appeared on both faces. With a frenzied and ferocious look, he said angrily, "Declare war on this thief, steal my most precious blood pool, destroy my sect disciples, destroy the foundation of my sect... I... If I don't take revenge in this life... I will be a saint in vain!" Teach the leader!"

Seeing Wuming who had fallen into madness, Baili was suddenly terrified, and said tremblingly: "The leader, Shenwei, must take revenge for this!"

"As long as... as long as I find this treasure, I will definitely be able to regain my previous reputation!" Wuming looked ferociously into the distance and roared fiercely.

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