Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 115 The suzerain said the wrong chapter

Winter goes to spring, and the earth recovers!

Above the sky, nine streams of light flew out of the sky, dragging out a bright stream nearly a hundred feet long!

"I don't know why the suzerain is taking us to the bright heart and cold air world?" Gu Fei muttered in his heart as he looked at the white back that was as tall and straight as a green pine in front of him.

Fang Qingya said softly: "Could it be that something happened in the world of bright heart and cold air?"

"Probably not. If something really happened, the Suzerain would definitely rush on his way, instead of being carefree like he is now!" Tianxiong said with a smile.

Xuan Zhan turned around and looked at them with a slight smile, "What are you guys talking about?"

The few people were suddenly speechless, and they were serious!

Xuan Zhan smiled wryly in his heart, turned around slowly and walked forward, and said lightly: "Our Proud Qi Sect and Mingxin Cold Qi Realm are connected with each other, but how many of you have really come into contact with Mingxin Cold Qi Realm?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized, saying... Except for Tianxiong who understands Mingxin Chilling Qi Realm better, the other seven people can be said to be completely ignorant...

Originally, at the speed of everyone, it took only a few days to reach the Bright Heart and Cold Qi Realm, but with such a slow flight, it took ten days to enter the Limu Kingdom!

Xuan Zhan looked at the vast land below indifferently, a bunch of white hair flew past his eyes, and smiled lightly: "Go, let's go down!" Then he turned around and flew down!

Everyone followed Xuan Zhan speechlessly, smiling wryly...

The nine people landed in a forest, Xuan Zhan shook his body slightly, and instantly changed into another appearance. He led a few people out of the woods, but saw a large city in front of him, with the words "Liju City" written on the wall. big characters!

Chen Dian said with a smile: "Sovereign, this Liju City is the capital of Limu Kingdom, I didn't expect us to come here!"

Several people have a free and easy temperament, a look of dust, handsome men and women!Walking on the road, they were looked back by passers-by one after another, and they didn't care. After collecting their breath, in the eyes of these ordinary people, they looked like ordinary people, but their temperament was quite outstanding!

When I came to the city, I saw the golden-scale soldiers guarding the gate strictly, with sharp eyes!In the city, the street market hawkers, street vendors, and the voices of shouting and shouting overlapped!

A few people watched excitedly, looked here for a while, walked there for a while, declared the war and saw that they were having fun, so he let a few people separate, and gathered in the west of the city at noon!Then Cumin walked towards the city!

As cultivators, Tianxiong and the others seldom come into contact with the mundane world. When they suddenly came to the mundane world, they felt very curious, and all kinds of tricks kept lingering in the eyes of everyone!

Fang Qingya and Xu Jing walked into a jewelry store one by one!

"Hey, please come to the two ladies!" The shopkeeper saw the clothes of the two women and the temperament like a fairy in the sky, and immediately knew that they were not ordinary people, so he hurried forward and greeted, "I don't know, the two ladies want to see What is it? This shop is a century-old jade, gold and silver shop, and the jewelry in it is as good as it gets!"

Fang Qingya and Xu Jing walked quietly and looked at the things in this store. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she pointed to a jade bracelet that was auspicious as a dragon and a phoenix and said, "Boss, take this out and let me have a look!"

The shopkeeper looked at it, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "The two young ladies have good eyesight. This bracelet of dragon and phoenix is ​​a portable jade ornament shared by Xuan Zhan, the number one talent in the world, and his wife Yanzhi 30 years ago!"

Fang Qingya and Xu Jing were stunned for a moment, Xu Jing hurriedly asked: "Boss, please repeat what you just said!"

The shopkeeper picked up the jade bracelet, looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "Have you ever heard of the person who declared war? Judging by the age of the two ladies, they are only two decades old, how would you know the person who declared war?"

Fang Qingya smiled softly and remained silent, Xu Jing said with a pretty smile: "Boss, do you still have to ask questions about the business?"

When the shopkeeper heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "I'm just a little curious. Well, ladies, I'll tell you about the origin of this jade bracelet!"

The two immediately became curious, and listened carefully to the boss's story about that person!

"In other words, 30 years ago, there was a scholar who possessed thousands of ways of governing the country and governing the world, and he was a talented man of the Ningyun Kingdom!" The shopkeeper said eloquently. The jade bracelet is of high quality, moreover, it is a jade bracelet polished by the craftsmen themselves, but as long as some legends are attached, the value of this jade bracelet will rise exponentially!

"The person who declared the war was so blinded that he couldn't enter the examination room... Then he wandered in the Ningyun Kingdom... The person who declared the war and that Yanzhi wandered the rivers and lakes because they were carrying the treasure..."

Fang Qingya and Xu Jing were stunned when they heard it. Although they had heard something about that person, it was the first time they could hear it in such detail...

"Xuan Zhan and Yan Zhi later fled to our Liju City, and because they didn't have that kind of burden on their bodies, they took this jade bracelet into my jewelry shop!" The apprentice actually passed by that peerless talent, this matter, every time I think about it, I will regret it forever." Fu sighed again, shook his head helplessly, but said secretly in his heart: "It's just two little girls. I don't believe they don't believe it!

Xu Jing gently picked up the jade bracelet, and whispered to Fang Qingya: "Senior sister, let's buy it!"

Fang Qingya nodded slowly and said, "Boss, how much is this jade bracelet?"

The shopkeeper sighed, looked at the jade bracelet complicatedly, as if he was very reluctant, and said cruelly: "500 taels of gold!"

Fang Qingya casually took it out of her sleeve, quietly transformed a piece of metal, and said flatly: "Boss, how much do you think this stone is worth?"

The shopkeeper immediately picked up the stone, looked at it carefully, and suddenly froze, tremblingly said: "This... this is..."

A trace of confusion flashed in Xu Jing's eyes. This stone is just an ordinary iron crystal. Why is the boss's face so surprised?

The shopkeeper held the piece of metal cautiously, and sighed slowly: "I didn't expect that I would see the iron heart drill in my lifetime! Miss, enough!"

Fang Qingya nodded lightly, put away the jade bracelet and Xu Jing walked out of the shop calmly, leaving the shopkeeper alone to stare blankly at a piece of iron crystal that was quite ordinary to them...

As soon as noon arrived, Xuan Zhan and the Eight Swords of Pride appeared at the west gate of the city on time. The figures of a few people flashed, and before the surrounding crowd could react, they suddenly disappeared!

Flying slowly above the sky, Fang Qingya took out the jade bracelet, looked at Xuan Zhan and said softly, "Sect Master!"

Xuan Zhan turned his head and glanced at Fang Qingya indifferently, then at the jade bracelet in her hand, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Fang Qingya was taken aback, pointed to the jade bracelet in her hand and said, "Sect Master, don't tell me... don't you feel familiar with this jade bracelet?"

Xuan Zhan said softly: "I have never seen this jade bracelet, what's wrong?"

Fang Qingya and Xu Jing were stunned for a moment, everyone looked at them with strange expressions: why did they show Xuan Zhan an ordinary jade bracelet?

Xu Jing said softly: "Sovereign, the two of us passed by a jewelry store, and the owner said..."

Xuan Zhan glanced at her indifferently, motioning for her to continue talking...

"He said..." Xu Jing suddenly reacted, a blush immediately appeared on her face, and she said slowly, "He said, this is when you were the most talented person in the world, when you came to their shop..."

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Fang Qingya and nodded when she saw Fang Qingya blushing on her face, a strange feeling surged in her heart, and she said curiously: "You mean, that store used my story to sell their store? s things?"

Everyone suddenly realized, several big men immediately burst into laughter, looking at Fang Qingya and Xu Jing's flushed faces because of embarrassment, Xuan Zhan smiled, and with a right hand move, he held the jade bracelet in his hand and looked at it. After looking at it, he said softly: "Because the boss said that I should give it to them, so you two bought it, right?"

Fang Qingya and Xu Jing nodded with blushing faces, then glared at the group of men around them...

"Thank you!" Xuan Zhan said softly, and then carefully put the jade bracelet into the storage ring.

Everyone froze for a moment, staring dumbfounded at the declaration of war at this moment...

Xuan Zhan turned around casually, and said lightly: "Keep going!"

"Ah... oh, hurry up! Hurry up!" Everyone regained their composure instantly and muttered to themselves.

Tianxiong slapped Gufei hard.

"Damn, what are you doing, senior brother..." Gu Fei said angrily.

"Does it hurt?" Tianxiong asked in a daze.

Therefore: "..."

Xu Zhong secretly asked Chen Dian from behind the crowd: "Did I hear it wrong just now, the suzerain actually said thank you to Qingya and Xiaojing!!!"

Chen Dian said in a daze: "No, you heard it right, the suzerain made the wrong words..."

Xu Zhongming nodded clearly: "Yes, the suzerain must have said something wrong!"

Suddenly, a tiny purple-gold lightning zizzzz...slowly wrapped around Xu Zhong and Chen Dian, and then tightened instantly...

"Ah..." Two shrill screams suddenly spread across the sky...

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