Several days later, the crowd finally came to the Tianchu Peak of the Elton Empire. Among them, except for Xuan Zhan and Tianxiong who had been here before, the other seven people visited Tianchu Peak for the first time!

Looking at these huge icebergs, under the sunlight, the dazzling brilliance exudes a biting coldness!

The temperature is tens of degrees below zero, no wonder few ordinary people come here!Disciples from the Mingxin and Cold Qi Realm occasionally walk around the Elton Empire, leaving endless reputations!It is said by everyone that there are immortals and gods in the mountains, who occasionally descend to the world to benevolent to the world...

Tianxiong let out a long roar proudly, and said with a refreshing smile: "The Proud Qi Sect declares war, and together with the disciples of the sect, I come to pay respects to all the seniors from the Bright Heart and Cold Qi Realm!"

After a dozen or so breaths, dozens of streamers suddenly shot out from Tianchu Peak. Dozens of female monks, like descendants of the mortal world, were all dressed in white gauze, like the Nine Heavens Xuannv, floating in the sky. come...

The person in the front is Han Jue, the Great Elder of the Bright Heart and Cold Qi Realm, behind him are ten elders of the Bright Heart and Cold Qi Realm, and behind them, all the female disciples of the Bright Heart and Cold Qi Realm!

Dihui seemed to be among them, standing beside the elder sister Bingruo, with a blush on her solemn face...

"Sect Master Xuan!" Han Jue bowed slightly, said all blessings, and smiled lightly: "Sect Master Xuan, it is a great honor to visit our sect. Sect Master Xuan, please!"

A group of people, Xuan Zhan and Han Jue are slowly flying in front, but those who are careful can see that Han Jue slightly owes Xuan Zhan half of his body and falls slightly behind him!This is a kind of respect for status and strength!

When everyone came to the main hall of the Ice Palace, Xuan Zhan looked at the overlapping and undulating icebergs, and said with a soft smile: "I remember the last time I stood here was eight years ago!"

Han Jue chuckled lightly and said, "I didn't expect Master Xuan to remember it so clearly. Indeed, eight years have passed..."

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and said softly, "Palace Master Leng, haven't you left the customs yet?"

Han Jue slowly shook his head and said, "No!"

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, looked at Di Hui from the corner of his eyes, but saw Di Hui standing behind him with a look of embarrassment, Xuan Zhan nodded lightly and said: "I don't know... Can this sect take a look at Palace Master Leng outside?"

Han Jue was taken aback for a moment, and hesitated in his heart. A monk in seclusion must not be disturbed by others. If disturbed, his mind may be shaken, and his cultivation may suffer a great loss!But the identity of declaring war is there, the declaring war at this time is not the one declaring war last time, at this moment, he represents the proud sect, the master of a sect who is faintly becoming the largest sect in the cultivation world!

Xuan Zhan said indifferently: "Elder Han Jue, don't worry, this sect is just taking a look outside!"

Han Jue let go of his breath slowly in his heart, if Xuan Zhan really said so, he would definitely do it!Then he opened his mouth and said: "Bing Ruo, Di Hui!"

"The disciple is here!" Bing Ruo and Di Hui replied softly.

"You guys treat the fellow disciples of the Proud Qi Sect well, I have other matters with Xuanzong!" Han Jue said indifferently, "Xuanzong, please!"

Under the eyes of everyone, the two flew away from here in an instant...

On the back mountain of Tianchu Peak, there is an Ice Palace. Outside the Ice Palace, countless disciples shuttle back and forth to patrol. When they saw Han Jue and a strange man appearing here, they were all taken aback, and then slowly bowed to Wanfu and said: " Elder Han!"

"This one is the new suzerain of the Proud Qi Sect, who is as close as we are, declaring war!" Han Jue introduced.

Declare war!Dozens of disciples all looked at Xuan Zhan in surprise. The name of Zhan Zhan had already spread to their ears, but they had never met each other before. Today, they had the chance to meet each other. They immediately leaned over and said, "Sect Master Xuan!"

Xuan Zhan smiled casually, raised his right hand slightly, and a surging gentle breath immediately lifted their bodies upwards, and said slowly: "The disciples of Mingxin and Chilling Qi Realm are really extraordinary!" He could tell at a glance , the disciples guarding here are all monks in the late stage of Meridian...

Han Jue smiled softly, looked at the huge ice palace, and said slowly: "My Palace Master Leng, I will retreat here!"

Xuan Zhan nodded his head lightly, his mind was swept away immediately, a huge surging force suddenly came out from the ice palace, and a soft and cold aura vibrated crazily in the ice palace!Under the inspection of the mind, the Leng Mei inside is sitting calmly, the magic formula on the hands is constantly changing, and the cold and true essence is constantly surging from the magic formula...

Gently opening his eyes, the heartache of declaring war was completely let go. At this moment, Leng Mei is safe and sound, which means that Bai Li's life is definitely not in danger!

"Sect Master Xuan, are you relieved?" Han Jue smiled inexplicably.

Seeing this inexplicable smile, Xuan Zhan suddenly came to his senses. He came to Mingxin and Chilling Qi Realm twice in a row, all for the sake of being charming!Maybe, this Han Jue will have wild thoughts in his heart...

Forget it, let her go!Xuan Zhan thought about it, smiled slightly, and turned around casually: "Elder Han, if Palace Master Leng is out of the customs, please take a message, just say, this sect has something important to discuss with her!"

Han Jue followed Xuan Zhan and nodded, "Don't worry, Sect Master Xuan, I will definitely bring those words with me!"


Di Hui and Bing Ruo took the eight disciples of the Proud Qi Sect to browse the countless scenery of Tianchu Peak. It was the first time for everyone to come to Tianchu Peak. If they didn't appreciate it, they would be sorry for themselves!

As a senior sister, Bingruo should be more cautious, so as not to fall into the prestige of the disciples of the Mingxin and Cold Qi Realm, she is strict in every way, and behaves generously and decently!Dihui and them are old acquaintances, so they started laughing and arguing with everyone regardless of their appearance...

"You don't know, Qingya and Xiaojing had a good show on the way here, haha..." Gufei laughed and said to Dihui, Fang Qingya and Xu Jing beside him heard , Immediately pinched his waist!

"What's the matter?" Di Hui smiled curiously.

Xu Zhong continued to say with a smile: "They were deceived by the owner of a jade jewelry store, saying that a jade bracelet was something the suzerain carried with him in the rivers and lakes in the early years. When they arrived at their store, the two girls immediately became stupid. , I bought that ordinary jade bracelet..."

Di Hui was taken aback for a moment, looking at Fang Qingya and Xu Jing's rosy faces, suddenly burst into a "giggle...giggle..." laugh, and said while laughing: "You two are so stupid, Xuan Senior brother has never been out of Ningyun Kingdom at all, so how could he appear in Liju City!"

"You... how do you know?" Tianxiong asked curiously.

Di Hui chuckled lightly and said: "Senior Brother Xuan is very famous in Ningyun Country, there are countless legends about him in the common world, but there is not a single legend outside Ningyun!"

"Oh!" Tianxiong nodded as if understanding!


After half a month of playing in Tianchu Peak, they ended their trip this time under the watchful eyes of dozens of disciples from Mingxinhanqi Realm!

Seeing the nine streaks of light slowly disappearing into the sky, Dihui felt melancholy. For half a month, she had no chance to be alone with that person. Could it be that she blamed herself for not sending the words to her master?But...but this is not something I can decide! ! !

"Stingy ghost!" Di Hui quietly made a face at the nine streamers, turned around and entered the mountain gate!


Above the sky, a white figure slowly emerged from the clouds, with a pair of expressionless faces looking at Xuan Zhan and others who were going further and further away, then turned around and plunged into Tianchu Peak!

"The little guy is gone?"

"Well, let's go!"

"Are you sure that Bai Li is following that Wuming, and his life is not in danger?"

"There will be absolutely no danger to life. That Wuming and the lost dog will not be successful if they escape to the open sea!"

"Leng Mei... this time it is very hopeful that we will enter the stage of not falling. In the next few years, we must guard it carefully so that there will be no accidents. Otherwise, if the master is angry, we will all die without a burial!"

"Got it, don't worry!"

Then, there was silence...

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