The years of cultivation are boundless, and in the blink of an eye, five years have passed... Five years, to everyone, is just a quick glance, just a snap of the fingers...

During the five years, nothing major happened in the cultivation world, and everything was as usual. The end of the Proud Sect War back then slowly dissipated in everyone's hearts along with the traces of time!

Since Xuan Zhan succeeded the suzerain of the Proud Qi Sect, he took over the important task of Tianshangge and began to carry forward the Proud Qi Sect!In the past five years, the Pride Sect had the power to make Ming Xin Han Qi Realm bow its head!Although she didn't bow her head, it's just because... Leng Mei has entered the stage of not falling! ! !

On the huge arena of Jianzhong Peak, six figures stood quietly with their eyes closed, surrounded by a group of disciples from the Pride Sect, and disciples from the Mingxin Cold Qi Realm!In the distance of the six people, two lonely figures stood indifferently in the void, they were Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei!

On the arena, it looks like the three brothers, Tianxiong, Dihui, and Dikuang!

Xuan Zhan looked at the six people in the field silently, and said softly, "I...have seen Bai Li!"

Leng Mei's body trembled slightly, her cold and charming eyes looked at Xuan Zhan with a hint of complexity, and said softly: "My know all about it?"

"Yeah!" Xuan Zhan nodded silently, "At the beginning, after you vomited blood inexplicably that night, I thought it was a mistake in your practice, but I didn't expect that it was the Jade Guanyin who prevented you from revealing your secret !"

Leng Mei slowly closed her eyes...

Xuan Zhan looked at Leng Mei with a wry smile: "I don't know who you are, my heart, you are Leng Mei, the one who is always lonely and proud like a snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain, that cold and charming, peerless Leng Mei!"

Leng Mei opened her eyes silently, smiled lightly, and watched Xuan Zhan silently as she flashed her eyes, and said softly: "Then, Rouge and I...can you tell the difference?"

There was a trace of sadness in Xuan Zhan's eyes, he lightly lifted a strand of hair, looked at his silver hair and said bitterly: "Sometimes, I can't tell whether it is rouge or coldness that is standing in front of me... ..."

There was a playful smile on the corner of Leng Mei's mouth, and then it disappeared...

"But... But Yan Zhi's status is unmatched!" Xuan Zhan looked at the sky and said slowly, "The moment Yan Zhi died, my heart... died with her!"

At this moment, Tianxiong on the arena suddenly shouted: "**** Tianjue!"

"Boom!" After Tianxiong roared, the bodies of the six erupted with a huge force...

Tianxiong frowned, and the formula suddenly surged wildly, and he said lightly: "Momentum, cultivation, filling in the gaps, must be averaged!"

Old Demon snorted coldly and said, "Three juniors, it's because you three have too low a cultivation base, and I'm so pissed off, why do you want to be the master controller!"

Tianxiong smiled wryly, Old Demon was indeed right, the cultivation of the three of them was too high!If you want to average the aura of the three people on the six people, the mental strength and time it takes can definitely not be made up in a short time...

Di Hui said coldly: "The three of you are too murderous, I can't let you take control!"

"Huh!" Di Nu and Di Shu snorted coldly, what Di Hui said was true, if the three of them were allowed to take control, the murderous aura of this formation would definitely scare some animals to death!

"Shut up!" Tianxiong looked at the three Old Demon brothers coldly, "Do as I say, fill up the breath!"


The cold face suddenly turned slightly cold because of Xuan Zhan's words, but Xuan Zhan continued: "But when I knew that you and Yan Zhi are the incarnation of the same person, my heart was disturbed..."

"Chaos?" Leng Mei savored the word carefully...

"Who are you, who is Rouge..." Xuan Zhan asked in a deep voice, "Leng Mei, tell me, who are you...?" In his voice, there was a trace of unforgettable pain... …

Leng Mei smiled wryly at the corner of her mouth, looked at the low-pitched Xuan Zhan and said softly: "I... can't say it!"

Xuan Zhan took a breath, looked at the sky expressionlessly, and said with a wry smile: "Originally... I didn't expect you to say it!"

"What about the future? How do you go in the future?" Xuan Zhan asked suddenly.

Leng Mei looked at the scene in the field, but said silently in a trance: "I have cultivated to the stage of immortality... within a hundred years, I will leave!" For her, a hundred years is just a quick glance!

"Leave?" Xuan Zhan asked in confusion, suddenly his heart tightened, and he immediately said: "Fit with this deity?"

Leng Mei smiled slightly, nodded slowly and said: "This is my mission!"

"Mission..." Xuan Zhan muttered to himself bewilderedly, "Is it your cold and charming mission to be a dowry for others?"

"Yes, this is my mission. My mission is to merge with my master and increase her cultivation!" The cold eyes dimmed slightly, and she said lightly, "I said before, each of us... ...all involuntary!"

Xuan Zhan stared at Leng Mei with gloomy eyes. At this moment, he seemed to be experiencing Leng Mei's mood, that kind of helpless, silent, pale mood that wanted to resist but was unable to resist!

Looking at Xuan Zhan staring at him with cold and dim eyes, a slight blush appeared on his cheeks, and he said softly: "Actually, I am very envious of Rouge..."


"Not enough!" Tianxiong yelled, his face dripping with sweat because he needed to control the transitions of six people at the same time, "It's not even enough, Old Demon, output!"

"Hmph!" Old Demon snorted coldly, his body shook, and his breath immediately rushed towards Dihui and Dikuang...

"Earth slave!" Tianxiong roared!

"Stable connection!" The ground slave screamed, and the aura of the late stage of the whirl wheel suddenly poured into Tianxiong's body through the connection between the mind and the mind, and then turned to the other two!

"Pfft..." Tianxiong suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and the mind-mind connection disappeared instantly...

"Damn it, you did it on purpose!" Seeing that Tianxiong was injured, Earth Maniac shouted angrily at Earth Slave.

The land slave smiled, and the old god looked at the earth maniac and said indifferently: "Stinky boy, dare to yell in front of your grandpa's house, you must be impatient, yes, grandpa, I did it on purpose!"

When Di Hui heard it, his hands moved suddenly, and a series of icy breaths emanated from his body in an instant!

"Stop!" Tianxiong suddenly shouted, wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked coldly at the three old demon brothers!

Bi Ling rushed out from the crowd watching the battle in an instant, and quickly came to Tianxiong's side to support him, and asked anxiously, "Brother Tianxiong, are you...are you alright?"

Tianxiong looked at Biling with a slight smile, patted her nervous little hand, gave her a reassuring look, then looked at the three Old Demon brothers and said coldly: "You all just want to take this opportunity to vent your anger, but... Let me tell you, you have now become guest servants of the Pride Sect!"

The three old demon brothers lazily looked at the roaring Tianxiong, and the eldest old demon dug his ears and muttered, "It's really noisy!"

The land slave looked at Tianxiong gloomyly and said: "Tianxiong, grandpa is not afraid to tell you three juniors, I am a person of the devil way, and I believe in power first. If you are stronger than any of our three brothers, our three brothers will listen to you." If so, so what!"

"Good! Good!" Tianxiong stared at the three of them. He is in the middle stage of the whirlwind right now, and there is still a long way to go to the late stage. It is even a question whether he can enter the late stage within a hundred years!He is not as talented as Xuan Zhan...

Tianxiong gave the three of them a hard look, turned around and left in an instant, and said coldly: "One day, I want the three of you to submit to me, Tianxiong!"


Xuan Zhan's heart trembled, he silently looked at Leng Mei and smiled wryly: "If possible, I would rather look at her like I see you now..."

Her cold and charming eyes trembled slightly, and a hint of eagerness slowly appeared in her full eyes. She said softly, "Declaration...Although Rouge and I are clones, we are on the same planet. The distance is so close that even we Feeling each other's hearts, her avatar hadn't opened her spiritual consciousness back then, she was reduced to the common world, but...but I can clearly feel her love for you!"

Xuan Zhan nodded slightly, and said confusedly: "You can feel it, but you haven't experienced it still don't understand!"

Looking at his bewitching and handsome face, Leng Mei gradually became obsessed, and said to herself: "If, if... I am Rouge..."

"What?" Xuan Zhan said suddenly.

"Declaration of war..." Leng Mei suddenly looked at him deeply, and said word by word, "Can you...can you love me once, just like you love Rouge..."

Leng Mei's words immediately made the declaration of war feel like five thunderbolts... I was stunned in place!

"Let me love her like I love Rouge..." Xuan Zhan said these words repeatedly in his heart...

Leng Mei bit her teeth lightly, and the light veil on her face was lightly removed, and her beautiful face suddenly appeared in front of Xuan Zhan. On the face that made the world eclipse, there was a trace of blush like a daughter's home , a face as smooth as jade fat, flashed layers of halo that dazzled the declaration of war...

Looking away coldly and shyly, she said dimly: "I... don't know when I will leave, but I have never felt any feelings. After seeing you, I carefully appreciate Rouge's feelings for you. This feeling is very painful... very painful..."

Xuan Zhan suddenly looks at Leng Mei at this moment like a dream, the former iceberg-like Princess Leng of Ming Xin Han Qi has completely disappeared!Presented in front of him was a house he had never seen before, like a young daughter's house in love, shy, nervous, anxious...but also sweet...

Xuan Zhan suddenly came to her senses, Leng Mei...Although she is an immature woman at the moment, she is as clean as a blank sheet of paper in terms of feelings!

"Could it be...the only wish I had before I left...can't you help me realize it?" Leng Mei looked at Xuan Zhan, saw that he was speechless for a long time, felt anxious, and suddenly said with a pale face. The Bingshan Xuelian who looked up to her was usually treated low and low by others, but... at this moment, she looked so downcast...

"I..." Xuan Zhan wanted to speak, but he couldn't, he didn't know how to say it, could he deceive himself to deceive Leng Mei, and accept her against his will?Although sometimes he mistakenly thinks that Leng Mei is Rouge, but...his heart has already died with Rouge on the day Rouge died!

Not agreeing to Leng Mei, but it hurt her heart...

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